***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Easy way for anyone to understand.

Using a regular criminal case as a reference, think impeachment=indictment.

So the House acts like a Grand Jury.

The trial will be in the Senate and the Senators are like an actual jury what hands down a conviction or acquittal.

And, one of only two presidents in US history to be impeached lives at the Clinton residence that you just provided a live look at.
Sneaking suspicion this whistleblower stuff won’t amount to anything

And Fox News / conservative outlets are about to tear Joe Biden a new *******.

He’s been in politics for 40 years, there’s bound to be something there that they frame negatively.

May not be le illegal but if Biden gets the nod, it’s going to be 2016 all over again.

:smh: :smh:
So according to the orange bigot, a whistleblower exposing a president abusing his power for personal again is like treason.


WASHINGTON — President Trump on Thursday morning told a crowd of staff from the United States Mission to the United Nations that he wants to know who provided information to a whistle-blower about his phone call with the president of Ukraine, saying that whoever did so was “close to a spy” and that “in the old days,” spies were dealt with differently.

The remark stunned people in the audience, according to a person briefed on what took place, who had notes of what the president said. Mr. Trump made the statement about several minutes into his remarks before the group of about 50 people at the event intended to honor the United States Mission. At the outset, he condemned the former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s role in Ukraine at a time when his son Hunter Biden was on the board of a Ukrainian energy company.

Mr. Trump repeatedly referred to the whistle-blower and condemned the news media reporting on the complaint as “crooked.” He then said the whistle-blower never heard the call in question.

“I want to know who’s the person who gave the whistle-blower the information because that’s close to a spy,” Mr. Trump said. “You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart with spies and treason, right? We used to handle it a little differently than we do now.”

And casually implies they should be executed.

Stable genius
Trump Attacks Whistle-Blower’s Sources and Alludes to Punishment for Spies
President Trump on Thursday morning told a crowd of staff from the United States Mission to the United Nations that he wants to know who provided information to a whistle-blower about his phone call with the president of Ukraine, saying that whoever did so was “close to a spy” and that “in the old days,” spies were dealt with differently.
And, one of only two presidents in US history to be impeached lives at the Clinton residence that you just provided a live look at.
Honestly what point are you trying to prove? I don’t see anyone in here saying Clinton wasn’t impeached we all know he was
Honestly what point are you trying to prove? I don’t see anyone in here saying Clinton wasn’t impeached we all know he was

to antagonize (others) online by deliberately posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content
this dude dwalk31 dwalk31 is the semantics champ. he should have represented this guy i worked with who got time for putting a note in a federal judge’s mailbox that said “i know where you live”.
How is knowing someone's address a crime? I know my sister lives two houses down from me on Old Sea Lion Rd. Does that mean I am threatening her?
this dude dwalk31 dwalk31 is the semantics champ. he should have represented this guy i worked with who got time for putting a note in a federal judge’s mailbox that said “i know where you live”.
Due process must prevail until we know without a doubt what was in this kind gentleman's heart. Simply informing the judge that he knew where he lived, as do many others, is an exercise in letter-writing and sharing information.

NYT better be careful
Honestly what point are you trying to prove? I don’t see anyone in here saying Clinton wasn’t impeached we all know he was

It was in response to a gif of Hillary Clinton laughing ostensibly to the impeachment inquiry around trump.

Then, earlier, someone posted a diagram of the impeachment process so I brought it up. It is not uncommon to discuss presidents who were impeached during discussions about impeachment.
to antagonize (others) online by deliberately posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content

You view this thread and come to the conclusion that MY posts do that?

I’m assuming everyone else is not trolling by your definition.

Gotta love the echo chamber...
It was in response to a gif of Hillary Clinton laughing ostensibly to the impeachment inquiry around trump.

Then, earlier, someone posted a diagram of the impeachment process so I brought it up. It is not uncommon to discuss presidents who were impeached during discussions about impeachment.

What does a gif of Hilary laughing have to do with Bill being impeached? And yes its not uncommon but you keep bringing it up like someone was denying it and no one was
What does a gif of Hilary laughing have to do with Bill being impeached? And yes its not uncommon but you keep bringing it up like someone was denying it and no one was

I don’t think anyone was denying it. He mentioned the Clinton residence and I posted it. Earlier it was a post related to the impeachment diagram. The reason it continued being discussed is because—as now with you—others continue to talk about it.
So dude got so upset someone used a Hillary gifs that he brought up the fact her husband, not her herself, was also impeached.

And let us remember that the biggest victim of the entire Bill Clinton situation was Hillary. Her husband cheated on her and the GOP made it a point to make sure she was publicly embarrassed.

Yet DWalk think bringing that up is a appropriate comeback to seeing a Hillary gif. Remind the thread her husband famously cheated on her.

Also it is crazy sexist that a woman has to answer for all the bad behavior of her husband. Like she was complicit in Bill's infidelity and lies

Damn, DWalk is a even bigger scumbag than I thought.
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