***Official Political Discussion Thread***

That now makes 4 criminal referrals, 3 of which were issued to the DOJ and subsequently quashed by Barr’s DOJ without even conducting an investigation.
It is now reported that the CIA’s General Counsel also sent a criminal referral to the DOJ regarding the actions described in the complaint. Acting DNI Maguire likewise sent a criminal referral to the DOJ. The IC Inspector General also sent a criminal referral to the DOJ.
All of them were swiftly quashed without any investigation.
The IC Inspector General separately sent another criminal referral to the FBI, though it is unclear exactly when he did so and what action the FBI took, if anything.

All of the above officials are Trump appointees.
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this may have been posted but I can't see twitter or reddit links anymore on my work comp...so 90% of these posts show up as cannot load:

nevermind. it was a vid of someone holding one of these republican senator's feet to the fire. at least it was on cnn...when I link it its a meteorologist talking about the heatwave, lol.

source (4).gif

I used to work at a hotel that Sondland owns, I interacted with I'm on a daily basis for the better part of two years and he is a terrible human-being. Had a brief conversation with him about Trump using his (Sondland's) name without his permission and Sondland was all fired up about not backing Trump in anyway and the second Trump got elected Sondland donated a million dollars to Trump's pathetic innaguration via 4 shell corporations. Dude is trash. His wife who is actually very nice, looks pretty good for 50-something and filthy rich on her own accord goes by her maiden name because Sondland was apparently cheating on her and got caught.

Gordon also has his address listed as Seattle, Washington even though he lives in Portland full-time so he doesn't have to pay Oregon's state income tax. Overall he's just not a good person so it's no surprise that he's involved in this entire thing and looks to be smack dab in the middle of it.
Haven't posted in a while, but these are scary times. So many heat records down here in Atlanta, it's hard to not resign myself to the destruction of the planet.
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