***Official Political Discussion Thread***

That’s their motivation to get out the trade war..... though I really want to take a second to emphasize Trump might have started a billion dollar trade war with China to force them to give him (likely false) evidence of his political opponents (false) wrong doing..............

This hadn’t occurred to me and is a wild concept
The DC Circuit Court issued a decision on net neutrality that partly favored the FCC's effort to abolish net neutrality, but also supported state legislation. Matt Wood of Free Press analyzes what the decision means.

This right here proves my point
-He details his policy plans on his website and wrote the bills that Warren and Kamala signed on to.
-Standing up for something since the 1970s is now worse than being a republican in the 1970s

"Details" is a stretch. His policies can be summed up as missing the trees for the forest.

His energy "plan" - 100% fossil free transport and all-renewable (no nuclear) electricity by 2030, which is unrealistic to the point of absurdity. It's Mexico is paying for my wall or I will bring back coal jobs absurd. It was drafted by 20-something staffers who understand next to nothing about the energy sector. If he was a dictator he wouldn’t enact his own energy plan once he understood what it would do.

Unrealistic plans were Bernie's undoing in 2016. Do you believe that when other candidates propose less ambitious, more realistic plans, that is a signal that those candidates care less about solving the problem? I do not.

Anyone can articulate bold goals. It's achieving them that's difficult and that's somewhere I think Warren would be so much better than Sanders.
I'm laughing but I wouldn't discount these fools. There are many who would not hesitate to kill for Trump (see all the right-wing terror attacks of the last couple of years).

For sure. There's a not-insignificant number of people who truly believe Dems are their enemy that will take action if/when Trump loses.

Meanwhile Trump's DOJ stifles a report on the rise of domestic right-wing terror. Too focused on the dangers of "Antifa"
Sondland was the one person in the released Ukraine texts who tried to push back against the suggestion of a quid pro quo and urged others to avoid making such claims in writing.
Now Sen. Johnson (R) admits that Sondland told him that the status of aid was in fact tied to the investigation requests.
In writing, Sondland denied a quid pro quo. In a private conversation, Sondland suggests there was a quid pro quo.

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Y’all know nothing is gonna happen right. Republicans will defend him by saying “I’m glad he wanted dirt on Biden. Better to drain the swamp of corruption” y’all spinning your wheels

We just need every eligible minority to vote. That’s the only thing that will end this
WITCH HUNT is all I have to say. Our PRESIDENT ELECT currently denies these allegations and we MUST take him at his word and only his word. Everything else is just noise.

So disappointed in you man.

I went to the “cop kills black man in his own apartment” thread and saw you broke character multiple times. What kind of method actor are you
So disappointed in you man.

I went to the “cop kills black man in his own apartment” thread and saw you broke character multiple times. What kind of method actor are you

I used to support law enforcement until Comet LIED on our PRESIDENT ELECT and now Dims are trying to lock him up. I am more sympathetic to victims of police violence, lib conjecture and innuendo and FAKE FBI investigations.
I used to support law enforcement until Comet LIED on our PRESIDENT ELECT and now Dims are trying to lock him up. I am more sympathetic to victims of police violence, lib conjecture and innuendo and FAKE FBI investigations.
Wow. That’s like 2nd 3rd level method acting. Wow. Bravo
Y’all know nothing is gonna happen right. Republicans will defend him by saying “I’m glad he wanted dirt on Biden. Better to drain the swamp of corruption” y’all spinning your wheels

We just need every eligible minority to vote. That’s the only thing that will end this
given gerrymandering and voter suppression and the general apathy of Americans in general due to indoctrination, its unrealistic to put all of this on so called minorities to fix a problem that none of us have created.
given gerrymandering and voter suppression and the general apathy of Americans in general due to indoctrination, its unrealistic to put all of this on so called minorities to fix a problem that none of us have created.
I agree about gerrymandering but the number of minorities (I’m one of them) who didn’t vote “bc who cares. They are all corrupt anyways. They haven’t done a thing for us anyways” was staggering and many states lost by less then 20,000 votes had hundreds of thousands of minorities who didn’t bother voting
Instead of celebs bashing trump on social media and tv, they should be spreading message to their fans to make sure to take day off to vote. Etc.

We can complain about something that won’t change or we can go out to vote him out of office ourselves
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