***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I have to verify Suzuki's comments but I read somewhere that he complained that everyone tries to make things politicial. And he was just trying to have some fun.

This dude put on a MAGA hat, which has a damn politicial slogan on it, and is complaining about people viewing things through a politicial lense.
Yikes. What a clown. I hope Howie Kendricks wasn’t up there tap dancing.
Prepare yourselves for the newest Republican talking point: "Even if it was quid pro quo, it wasn't wrong."
Slightly incorrect. It's more like, "yes, there was quid pro quo, Trump was wrong, but it doesn't rise to the level of impeachable offense."

Whatever that means.

Before today's events, the founder of a conservative publication was already saying that on NPR.
Realistic GOPers are just hoping that the process goes fast enough to allow the trial in the Senate to happen before the elections. A government shutdown would even help them justify expediting the trial because nothing, including the budget, can be voted on during the trial, and government is only funded until early next year.
Sondland should still be prosecuted in spite of his amended testimony. Roger Stone tried to amend his testimony as well after media reports disclosed communications he claimed not to have when he was under oath. He was still charged by Mueller for those lies and is currently on trial for 5 counts of false statements, as well as the obstruction and witness tampering charge.

Sondland claims the testimony of others that flatly contradicted his own testimony suddenly "refreshed his recollection", come on now.

When I went to vote today, they had new machines. You vote on one machine and it prints out who/what you voted for and you take it to another machine to cast your ballot. I don’t really follow politics that much, but I’m aware that there’s concern of hacking voting machines so I didn’t really know what to make of it as it being a good or bad thing. Trump and Lindsay Graham are pretty much gonna win this district by a landslide anyway (Spartanburg, SC), so it probably doesn’t matter.
This is the entirety of Sondland's addendum in which he attempts to clarify his previous testimony.
He'll have to provide another one because he still hasn't corrected another blatant false statement he gave under oath.

In this case, there's no "I don't recall" ******** that Sondland can use. He used the words "to put it clearly" and then falsely gave an unequivocal denial.

Sondland false statement: No concerns about the Ukraine matter were ever raised to me

Vindland testimony excerpt: (corroborated by Fiona Hill's sworn testimony)

Sondland testimony excerpt:
"Nothing was ever raised to me about any concerns regarding our Ukraine policy"
"To put it clearly, neither she nor Ambassador Bolton shared any critical comments with me"
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Haven’t been following politics recently. Do you guys see Trump being impeached.
Who the hell knows, right now GOP is fully committed to Trump. He has their most dedicated followers in the palm of this short-fingered hand and the Presidency is the only thing, that offers him some protection from the biblical amount of legal trouble he and his family face. He is loyal to no one but himself and if his neck is on the line, he will attempt to weaponize the base, commit election fraud on an unseen scale or delegitimize a loss, just to stay out of Camp X-ray in Guantanamo Bay. If GOP is still subservient to Trump, 2020 is going to be a la la la la long long li long long year.

If the House impeachment inquiry is pushed forward into the Senate, Mitch McConnell will probably flush it out with the goldfish without even having read it. With a GOP Senate majority, the best bet is probably to use the impeachment inquiry to air all Trump's dirty laundry and hope, that America wont stand for the smell four more years.

Sondland claims the testimony of others that flatly contradicted his own testimony suddenly "refreshed his recollection", come on now.
I'm no Harvard Law scholar, but I'm pretty sure: "I don't recall" means "I prefer not to lie under oath."

And "Refreshed my recollection" probably means "I lied, my bad."
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Brah I hate Graham too but hurling a homophobic slur at him is way overboard.

Forget who it is directed at too, it is plain and simple ****** up to use that word.

I suggest you edit it out
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