***Official Political Discussion Thread***

[thread="509493"]most important issues to me: [/thread]
[thread="509493"] [/thread]
  1. a decrease in the cost of "living" --- ie: housing, vehicles, food, clothing, entertainment, etc
  2. consistency in the courts ---- person with no money goes to jail for drug possession while a rich kid kills people and gets told he's too rich to understand his actions
  3. citizen & police relations 
  4. gun control 
  5. early education and the cost of college 

I agree with all of this. How would you outline the way youd address these issues, or how youd like policies to address them?
How some people kontinue to deny systemic racism exists is beyond me. Racism is woven into the very fabrik of which america is made of. This kountry is based on racism n violence. To deny it is ignorant n offensive. There is a reason people of kolor start off with a disadvantage, n thats kuz white folks invented the game, kreated the playing board, n even changed the rules as it went on. Does it ever kross your mind why people of kolor face harsher penalties for krimes? The reason america is farther behind in world rankings such as edukation, healthkare, n such now is kuz now everyone, not just white folks, are kounted. Do you not wonder why brown n black neighborhoods got severly worse after the Crack Epidemic? Or is it that you suskribe to them being inherently drawn to violence n poverty? This kountry was stolen from natives, which were raped n murdered in, arguably, the worst kase of genocide in history, only to be worked n maintained by africans stolen from their homeland n forced into bondage, in what is the worst display of inhumane treatment in history. That alone should be evidence enough of how america works.

Are things better now, well in komparison to how i just deskribed how it was, yes. But is everything equal n fair, **** no! N its people like Trump that kontinue to perpetuate the "Great" american mystique of before. Back when the only people that mattered were white. When the only good kolored person was the oppressed one that had no voice n no choice.

While i dont agree with all of what Hillary will do, i certainly dont agree with anything Trump spews out his mouth. He is a bigot, racist, xenophobe, sexist, liar, n cheat. But i guess thats what made america great in the past, but theres a reason we dont live in that past anymore n its kuz people are smart enough to realize, that way just doesnt work.

Clapping gif

Will rep when I re-up. Such a simple concept that some white people Dont want to understand or deny.

Link to that White Fragility thread:

How some people kontinue to deny systemic racism exists is beyond me. Racism is woven into the very fabrik of which america is made of. This kountry is based on racism n violence. To deny it is ignorant n offensive. There is a reason people of kolor start off with a disadvantage, n thats kuz white folks invented the game, kreated the playing board, n even changed the rules as it went on. Does it ever kross your mind why people of kolor face harsher penalties for krimes? The reason america is farther behind in world rankings such as edukation, healthkare, n such now is kuz now everyone, not just white folks, are kounted. Do you not wonder why brown n black neighborhoods got severly worse after the Crack Epidemic? Or is it that you suskribe to them being inherently drawn to violence n poverty? This kountry was stolen from natives, which were raped n murdered in, arguably, the worst kase of genocide in history, only to be worked n maintained by africans stolen from their homeland n forced into bondage, in what is the worst display of inhumane treatment in history. That alone should be evidence enough of how america works.

Are things better now, well in komparison to how i just deskribed how it was, yes. But is everything equal n fair, **** no! N its people like Trump that kontinue to perpetuate the "Great" american mystique of before. Back when the only people that mattered were white. When the only good kolored person was the oppressed one that had no voice n no choice.

While i dont agree with all of what Hillary will do, i certainly dont agree with anything Trump spews out his mouth. He is a bigot, racist, xenophobe, sexist, liar, n cheat. But i guess thats what made america great in the past, but theres a reason we dont live in that past anymore n its kuz people are smart enough to realize, that way just doesnt work.

Take all of my reps
I wonder if Trillary will get the endorsement of respected politician Kevin Johnson
And you know this how??? Why??? Did you read that somewhere in a Liberal magazine??? EXPLAIN
It does not require being some sort of Einstein, or even living in the country, to look at data and statistics and see that systemic racism is a real problem. It is not exclusive to America either. It does not require living in the country to realize the US police system is corrupt (see da blue wall of silence and lack of accountability after fatal excessive force) and drenched in racism. That is clear from the cases of police brutality and harrassment, the police union's response to such incidents and finally the court cases, which usually result in the acquittal of the guilty officers.

Which brings me to my next point, criminal justice system statistics. Many studies have shown that there is a large and clear disparity between the court rulings and sentences of white offenders and black or other minority offenders. Feel free to look at crime statistics yourself.

For the exact same crime, studies show that blacks generally receive significantly longer sentences than whites. Which factor do you think is responsible for that? The statistics and conclusions are clear, whether the person analyzing them lives in the US or on da moon.

There are also countless studies that job concistent discrimination of minorites in the job market.

An example would be studies sending in exactly the same resumes to employers but with a typical white or black name. The resumes with the white name on them always receive significantly more callbacks. Again, this is not a matter of living in the US, it's a matter of intellect.

(Systemic) racism isn't exclusive to the US. To dismiss them as no more than Democrat talking points is both ignorant and offensive to those who are affected by it.
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I was surprised at just how tactically deft the DNC's major speakers were. The DNC knows that it has its core constituency of socially liberal whites and most minorities. What they have to do is to capture one of the three pools of white voters who are undecided. There are the hardcore Bernie supporters, the suburban "soccer moms" and the white working class men out there. Without overt pandering or contradictions, the DNC made real overtures to all three groups.

People are talking about President Obama being a liaison and surrogate within the black community and I am sure he will be. He also can be a good surrogate to the Bernie Sanders holdouts. President Obama was a community organizer, Bernie Sanders is an activist, many of the people who were booing on day one are budding, young activists. I think there can be a real dialogue there.

Meanwhile, you send Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders and Bill Clinton to the rustbelt and she can talk to white, working class people. They can say that they understands their anxiety and frustration and proceed to explain why Trump is not the answer and that a progressive Democratic platform is a better path forward.

Meanwhile, Sec. Clinton, needs to just do what she's been doing. She needs to just keep on acting presidential and hammer away at the fact that Donald Trump is crazy. Upper middle class suburbanites all love to think of themselves as extremely serious, sober and judicious people who are part of the nation's foreign policy establishment so Clinton can just keep playing to that.

Trump just doesn't have surrogates of this quality and if the big name Dems and Bernie Sanders work together, we can squeeze Trump on all fronts, get Hillary elected and hopefully have some major down ballot effects as well.
Ninja is a real one. He stays ethering all da libbies in here with Fax from Da Heightz Tenament B.
[thread="509493"]Official Political Discussion Thread/18540#post_26265924​[/thread]
when it only exists on one side? its a political talking point... especially when its 2 black guys articulating their respective vantage points.
No one claims its not a political talking point we disagree as to why it is. It is one because one side claims it doesn't exist despite the evidence that shows it does, evidence such as what I've linked to below (not to mention the number of books that can be read to educate yourself) on it that shows the aspects in which systematic racism has and continues to affect peoples lives.













How some people kontinue to deny systemic racism exists is beyond me. Racism is woven into the very fabrik of which america is made of. This kountry is based on racism n violence. To deny it is ignorant n offensive. There is a reason people of kolor start off with a disadvantage, n thats kuz white folks invented the game, kreated the playing board, n even changed the rules as it went on. Does it ever kross your mind why people of kolor face harsher penalties for krimes? The reason america is farther behind in world rankings such as edukation, healthkare, n such now is kuz now everyone, not just white folks, are kounted. Do you not wonder why brown n black neighborhoods got severly worse after the Crack Epidemic? Or is it that you suskribe to them being inherently drawn to violence n poverty? This kountry was stolen from natives, which were raped n murdered in, arguably, the worst kase of genocide in history, only to be worked n maintained by africans stolen from their homeland n forced into bondage, in what is the worst display of inhumane treatment in history. That alone should be evidence enough of how america works.

Are things better now, well in komparison to how i just deskribed how it was, yes. But is everything equal n fair, **** no! N its people like Trump that kontinue to perpetuate the "Great" american mystique of before. Back when the only people that mattered were white. When the only good kolored person was the oppressed one that had no voice n no choice.

While i dont agree with all of what Hillary will do, i certainly dont agree with anything Trump spews out his mouth. He is a bigot, racist, xenophobe, sexist, liar, n cheat. But i guess thats what made america great in the past, but theres a reason we dont live in that past anymore n its kuz people are smart enough to realize, that way just doesnt work.
+1 I gotta ask though how come all your words that are supposed to start with C you type with K instead?
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I still remember when ninja said that da sidekick was a better communication device than a blackberry, and this was near the height of BB's fame. Unsurprisingly, he owned a sidekick at the time.

This is the type of cat you're dealing with folks. Always remember that.
jesus god damn christ .....

"they may not be able to read or write (contractors)..... but they're smarter than anyone coming out of Harvard" 

its called articulating street smarts & applied real world experience vs being a bookworm theoretician who's never ran a business...i hope none of ya are ever in Jay-Z/Nas threads talkin bout deciphering lyrics & contexts.. :lol: :smh:

If those illiterate contractors were smart (or wise), they would realize how much information (and opportunities) they're missing by not being able to read and write.

The last great scientific breakthrough of humanity due to "street smarts" was the discovery of the relationship between electricity and magnetism. The dude who found out about it still needed a bookworm mathematician to derive the equations that properly described the phenomenon.

Ignorant people are too arrogant to realize what they don't know while wise people have the humility to recognize that what they know pales in comparison to the amount of info that's out there, and that learning never stops. Guess where Trump and you fit.
I still remember when ninja said that da sidekick was a better communication device than a blackberry, and this was near the height of BB's fame. Unsurprisingly, he owned a sidekick at the time.

This is the type of cat you're dealing with folks. Always remember that.

Some dudes get off on being contrarian...and not fitting into what they think is the "norm". They think they are being independent and critical thinkers by doing that.

Couldn't be more of the opposite.
I still remember when ninja said that da sidekick was a better communication device than a blackberry, and this was near the height of BB's fame. Unsurprisingly, he owned a sidekick at the time.

This is the type of cat you're dealing with folks. Always remember that.

you are aware that da creators of da danger OS ALSO helped create da Android OS right?

:lol: :smh:

its not that one side doesn't acknowledge past discretions..its that today on 2016, if you work smart & hard you're gonna get to where u wanna go in da United States, that lane is irrefutable.
I still remember when ninja said that da sidekick was a better communication device than a blackberry, and this was near the height of BB's fame. Unsurprisingly, he owned a sidekick at the time.

This is the type of cat you're dealing with folks. Always remember that.

you are aware that da creators of da danger OS ALSO helped create da Android OS right?

:lol: :smh:

its not that one side doesn't acknowledge past discretions..its that today on 2016, if you work smart & hard you're gonna get to where u wanna go in da United States, that lane is irrefutable.

So I guess you don't want to go anywhere then.
I still remember when ninja said that da sidekick was a better communication device than a blackberry, and this was near the height of BB's fame. Unsurprisingly, he owned a sidekick at the time.

This is the type of cat you're dealing with folks. Always remember that.
you are aware that da creators of da danger OS ALSO helped create da Android OS right?


its not that one side doesn't acknowledge past discretions..its that today on 2016, if you work smart & hard you're gonna get to where u wanna go in da United States, that lane is irrefutable.
Yes it is please read what I the links I have below many are recent studies that show these trends still exist today they are not just discretions of the past these discretions still exist today.
Originally Posted by ninjahood  
[thread="509493"]Official Political Discussion Thread/18540#post_26265924​[/thread]
when it only exists on one side? its a political talking point... especially when its 2 black guys articulating their respective vantage points.
No one claims its not a political talking point we disagree as to why it is. It is one because one side claims it doesn't exist despite the evidence that shows it does, evidence such as what I've linked to below (not to mention the number of books that can be read to educate yourself) on it that shows the aspects in which systematic racism has and continues to affect peoples lives.













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jesus god damn christ .....

"they may not be able to read or write (contractors)..... but they're smarter than anyone coming out of Harvard" 

its called articulating street smarts & applied real world experience vs being a bookworm theoretician who's never ran a business...i hope none of ya are ever in Jay-Z/Nas threads talkin bout deciphering lyrics & contexts.. :lol: :smh:

If those illiterate contractors were smart (or wise), they would realize how much information (and opportunities) they're missing by not being able to read and write.

The last great scientific breakthrough of humanity due to "street smarts" was the discovery of the relationship between electricity and magnetism.

i guess da college dropout exploits of zuckerberg, bill gates, and others who succeeded in unorthodox manners mean nothing ehh? got it.
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I still remember when ninja said that da sidekick was a better communication device than a blackberry, and this was near the height of BB's fame. Unsurprisingly, he owned a sidekick at the time.

This is the type of cat you're dealing with folks. Always remember that.

you are aware that da creators of da danger OS ALSO helped create da Android OS right?

:lol: :smh:

its not that one side doesn't acknowledge past discretions..its that today on 2016, if you work smart & hard you're gonna get to where u wanna go in da United States, that lane is irrefutable.

But America needs to be made great again

The way your lord and savior trump and fellow trump supporters talk this country is going to hell in a hand basket.

So are your fellow trump supporters not working smart and hard? They definitely aren't where they wanna go in da United States.

They claim the lane is quite refutable.
I still remember when ninja said that da sidekick was a better communication device than a blackberry, and this was near the height of BB's fame. Unsurprisingly, he owned a sidekick at the time.

This is the type of cat you're dealing with folks. Always remember that.

you are aware that da creators of da danger OS ALSO helped create da Android OS right?

:lol: :smh:

I had da kick, g. Saying that Danger's people had a hand in Android doesn't take away from the fact that at the time, it wasn't seeing BB. :lol:
jesus god damn christ .....

"they may not be able to read or write (contractors)..... but they're smarter than anyone coming out of Harvard" 

its called articulating street smarts & applied real world experience vs being a bookworm theoretician who's never ran a business...i hope none of ya are ever in Jay-Z/Nas threads talkin bout deciphering lyrics & contexts.. :lol: :smh:

If those illiterate contractors were smart (or wise), they would realize how much information (and opportunities) they're missing by not being able to read and write.

The last great scientific breakthrough of humanity due to "street smarts" was the discovery of the relationship between electricity and magnetism.

i guess da college dropout exploits of zuckerberg, bill gates, and others who succeeded in unorthodox manners mean nothing ehh? got it.

The're not dummies. They didn't need to go to school because they had already developed, on their own, the capacities needed to succeed in their field. In Zuckeberg's case, Harvard gave him the ability to network with other would be developers. Bill Gates didn't come from nothing since his mother was very well connected and he took advantage of that.

That formal education is not needed is a myth. We're living in the information age, and telling illiterate people that they don't need to learn how to decipher and manipulate info because "they're smarter" is lying to them and condeming them to a future of poverty. They will never be able to compete with automated, physical labor.
its not that one side doesn't acknowledge past discretions..its that today on 2016, if you work smart & hard you're gonna get to where u wanna go in da United States, that lane is irrefutable.

Your second point is correct....to an extent.

The past discretions put a proverbial glass ceilings on where you can go. Additionally...the past discretions (which were VERY RECENT) still trickle down today.

Republicans often look past...or dismiss those last discussions when criticizing the plight many minorities face. Like it's not a real issue that needs to be attacked...and all we have to do is "work hard". Nah, you know it's truly not like that.

Additionally, you're supporting a party who wants to "make America great again. When was America so great for minorities? The 60s during the civil rights era and segregation? The 70s & 80s during the crack era and police brutality? The 90s during mass incarcerations? Present day with a lot of those issues still here?

Please tell me how going back to "making America great again"...is going to help minorities like you and me "work smart and hard"...and go where we want to go.
I still remember when ninja said that da sidekick was a better communication device than a blackberry, and this was near the height of BB's fame. Unsurprisingly, he owned a sidekick at the time.

This is the type of cat you're dealing with folks. Always remember that.

you are aware that da creators of da danger OS ALSO helped create da Android OS right?

:lol: :smh:

its not that one side doesn't acknowledge past discretions..its that today on 2016, if you work smart & hard you're gonna get to where u wanna go in da United States, that lane is irrefutable.

So I guess you don't want to go anywhere then.

yo rusty u sound like u know me or something... :lol: :smh:

i turned down 100k a year OT CDL driving jobs multiple times cuz i rather stay local..im good, da American Dream done paid me well.

you talking to da wrong minority if u looking for sympathy on others. i got mine, time for everyone else to get theirs...we in 2016 "if u cant get paid in a earth this big you worthless kid"
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This guy really going after Bloomberg after being on his strap and praising him for 12 years +

If Bloomberg ran for mayor again he would crush de blasio **** is this guy talmbout he wouldn't even get 10% of the vote and get ran out da city :lol:
lly, you're supporting a party who wants to "make America great again. When was America so great for minorities?

classic bait & switch...da first part of da sentence implies economics, da latter switches & injects social.

why cant American go back economically to da post WWII boom with current civil rights progress in tact?

im not exactly afraid of people having enough money to own a house, car, and support a household with only 1 income.
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