***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Obama didn't run as a centrist in 2008.

Sure Obama 2008 looks like a centrist but today's standards but by 2008 standards he was considered a liberal progressive. Hillary was considered a firm liberal too. Obama just attacked all the bad moves by the Clinton's in the past. Which there were many.

Biden was considered the centrist in 2008.

What people are calling a centrist in 2020 race, is well left of what a centrist was in 2008. The Democratic Party has moved to the left a lot.
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"Da establishment" outchea right now like...

-Word is Lord Zedd is a Bernie Bro too.



(off topic, but yeah, when da Titanus Hemi was called up, ya done know **** bout to go down!)
Obama ran as an African American husband, father, Christian and a friend
He had Oprah and 90% of the black church supporting him
He had his footprints all over the South side of Chicago
He was cool and calculating

There was no one that could touch him when it came to motivating people to take action
I miss the live phone calls he would hold for his campaign workers during his time in office :smokin
🖕🏾 Trump
I was focusing on policy. Obama's platform in '08 called for incremental/phased in changes regarding policy

he ran on a thoroughly conventional Democratic platform aimed at the very sort of economic recovery, wall street regulation, and health plan that we ended up with

but I digress. y'all are focusing on campaign style and rhetoric which is what wins elections. Obama did run as an inspirational progressive figure in that regard - BUT he also ran as a uniter and not a divider

I guess my point is, an Obama-esque candidate isn't walking through the door anytime soon. Probably time for a different plan
This is the behind the scenes politics I kept saying Bernie sucked at..... smh. If anyone thinks these haven’t been in the works for weeks and timed for now after his firewall kicked in I got a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.

it’s hard to backdoor Agains the establishment though. They wouldn’t want to side for him anyways cause “the powers at be” don’t get to keep their positions.

joe was business as usual so all the snakes are coming out to solidify their positions in the future.

In burns world they can’t profit as much less in it in for them.

They just showing when it gets real centrist are going to rally on each other to consolidate power and money in the name of themselves not the party.
I’m amazed this guy King still has an audience after he’s repeatedly been exposed as a grifter. The finesse he has pulled off is impressive though—I’ll give him that.

Guy always rubbed me the wrong way. Can you link me to the times he was exposed? Gotta start my day off right
The party is unifying, just not for Bernie.

For months many Sanders supporters purity tested other candidates and claim that they are mostly all alike and wouldn't represent real change, but Bernie being uniquely good.

Now folk upset that the people they bunched all together, are bunching together officially.

The theory was always a politicial revolution was gonna carry Bernie to victory. Not doing things the same old way. Well then let us see it.

Just win this thing just like you all claimed you were gonna win it. Bring in New voters and overwhelm the system.
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The party is unifying, just not for Bernie.

For months many Sanders supporters purity tested other candidates and claim that they are mostly all alike but Bernie being uniquely good.

Now folk upset that the people they bunched all together, are bunching together officially.

The theory was always a politicial revolution was gonna carry Bernie to victory. Not doing things the same old way. Well then let us see it.

Just win this thing just you all claimed you were gonna win it. Bring in New voters and overwhelm the system.

Well said, sir. It boggles my mind how any Berner is surprised that the “establishment” candidates consolidated around the “establishment” guy. It’s not a conspiracy—it’s politics.

You can’t sow division and then expect folks to unify around you. That just isn’t how it works in any facet of life. Nothing wrong with differentiating yourself from the other candidates, but there’s a way to do it without painting everyone else as the enemy of progress.

“Warren is a snake, Republican, fake progressive!”

“Warren needs to drop out and endorse Bernie immediately!”

Is it oochie wally or one mic??
will any of these endorsements matter?

if anything it might galvanize Bernie supporters to vote for him.

the only endorsements I see making a big impact are Obama and the hip hop intellegensia.

Do bases really need galvanizing at this point? If you weren’t going to vote already, you probably still won’t.
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