***Official Political Discussion Thread***

"Da establishment" outchea right now like...

-Word is Lord Zedd is a Bernie Bro too.

Where is Alpha 5 to make sense of this???


From the Canadian Onion :lol:

Really took winning a state that hasn't voted Dem in a general since Jimmy Carter for the moderates to unite behind a candidate who had generated little traction or energy until a week ago...

A lot of these mainstream Dems are gonna regret not throwing their weight behind the ideas that energize the base come November and instead running back the playbook on a tried and failed formula just because it's seen as 'safer'.

Only time they won the presidency over the last 20 years was running on a bold and transformative vision and platform
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A lot of these mainstream Dems are gonna regret not throwing their weight behind the ideas that energize the base come November and instead running back the playbook on a tried and failed formula just because it's seen as 'safer'.

Only time they won the presidency over the last 20 years was running on a bold and transformative vision and platform

what about the ideas they ran on in '18? that worked ok

Obama was a centrist and ran as such

outside of the ACA (which was big, don't get me wrong) there was nothing bold/transformative about his platform
what about the ideas they ran on in '18? that worked ok

Obama was a centrist and ran as such

outside of the ACA (which was big, don't get me wrong) there was nothing bold/transformative about his platform
No he did not :lol:, he ran as a progressive firebrand and dropped fire on Hillary and the centrist brand of politics in '08 and followed the same playbook in 2012. That's why he was branded as a' radical' early on and as a 'socialist' by the GOP once the general campaign began

He literally ran on a 'change' platform of bucking the conventional wisdom in the party at the time and offering insightful critiques of it while articulating a bold new vision of the country and as a result, he managed to build the most broadly diverse and energized Dem voter coalition in generations...

How he governed is another story but he did not run as a centrist my dude, that's revisionist history at best.

2018 was full of candidates running as progressive alternatives to GOP incumbents and they brought out a lot of voters who generally wouldn't have voted in midterms before.

I recommend you go rewatch some of those early '08 debates when he started pulling off upsets and gaining traction and come back and tell me he ran as a moderate :lol:>D. He had smoke for days for all the candidates aligned with the mainstream of the party at the time which is how he managed to energize the base so much
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Before the primaries, when Biden was seen as the candidate who had the best chance of beating Trump, and the one who was probably going to go against Trump, there was so much talk of his son and Ukraine. After he started to slip in the polls, and especially after Iowa and Nevada when it looked like he was done, there was no talk of that whatsoever. Now if he wins big on super Tuesday after the endorsements, watch the Ukraine talk start again.
Before the primaries, when Biden was seen as the candidate who had the best chance of beating Trump, and the one who was probably going to go against Trump, there was so much talk of his son and Ukraine. After he started to slip in the polls, and especially after Iowa and Nevada when it looked like he was done, there was no talk of that whatsoever. Now if he wins big on super Tuesday after the endorsements, watch the Ukraine talk start again.

Already started with his SC win

No he did not :lol:, he ran as a progressive firebrand and dropped fire on Hillary and the centrist brand of politics in '08 and followed the same playbook in 2012. That's why he was branded as a' radical' early on and as a 'socialist' by the GOP once the general campaign began

He literally ran on a 'change' platform of bucking the conventional wisdom in the party at the time and offering insightful critiques of it while articulating a bold new vision of the country and as a result, he managed to build the most broadly diverse and energized Dem voter coalition in generations...

How he governed is another story but he did not run as a centrist my dude, that's revisionist history at best.

2018 was full of candidates running as progressive alternatives to GOP incumbents and they brought out a lot of voters who generally wouldn't have voted in midterms before.

I recommend you go rewatch some of those early '08 debates when he started pulling off upsets and gaining traction and come back and tell me he ran as a moderate :lol:>D. He had smoke for days for all the candidates aligned with the mainstream of the party at the time which is how he managed to energize the base so much

he was branded a radical and socialist because that's how the GOP tries to paint anyone they think it can work on. it didn't work clearly and voters saw through it because Obama was none of those things

because Obama may have been left of the party mainstream at the time doesn't mean he wasn't a centrist. if we really want to get down to it, the ACA was THE conservative healthcare plan

Obama was great at talking about change and speaking optimistically. he excited the Democratic base and he brought in additional voters

there isn’t a candidate for the Democratic nomination this time around with Obama’s charisma, appeal, resonance, etc. Bernie excites some of the base. he doesn’t come close to exciting as much of the base as Obama did
2018 was full of candidates running as progressive alternatives to GOP incumbents and they brought out a lot of voters who generally wouldn't have voted in midterms before.

also, I don't think this is the correct take away from '18

Dems flipped a bunch of seats in R leaning districts and not by running away from the center. these same house members are now worried about what a Bernie ticket means for them in '20

the most popular progressive Dem candidates lost their state wide races in '18 (Beto, Abrams (cheated), Gillum) (and I'm not suggesting a moderate Dem would've done better in those races)
No he did not :lol:, he ran as a progressive firebrand and dropped fire on Hillary and the centrist brand of politics in '08 and followed the same playbook in 2012. That's why he was branded as a' radical' early on and as a 'socialist' by the GOP once the general campaign began

He literally ran on a 'change' platform of bucking the conventional wisdom in the party at the time and offering insightful critiques of it while articulating a bold new vision of the country and as a result, he managed to build the most broadly diverse and energized Dem voter coalition in generations...

How he governed is another story but he did not run as a centrist my dude, that's revisionist history at best.

2018 was full of candidates running as progressive alternatives to GOP incumbents and they brought out a lot of voters who generally wouldn't have voted in midterms before.

I recommend you go rewatch some of those early '08 debates when he started pulling off upsets and gaining traction and come back and tell me he ran as a moderate :lol:>D. He had smoke for days for all the candidates aligned with the mainstream of the party at the time which is how he managed to energize the base so much

Another tool he had was he didn’t vote for the war in Iraq. That vote was a bipartisan “moderate” vote. It was the most obvious example of a moderate vote was that he used as a hammer to beat both Hillary and McCain in the head with.
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