***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Biden seems to be surging, so he will not do as good as he hoped. However Pete and Amy dropping out might help him become viable in some areas.

I think he might drop out after tonight's results

Bro.......if he drops out did just waste $500+MM and two months just for the hell of it? :sick::sick::smh:
I don’t want Biden bruuhss


if Biden gets a plurality of delegates entering the convention do you think Bernie will stick to his suggestion that whoever enters the convention with the most delegates should win the nom?
if Biden gets a plurality of delegates entering the convention do you think Bernie will stick to his suggestion that whoever enters the convention with the most delegates should win the nom?
Knowing him, it could go either way.

He flipped-floppe once on the issue, so I can she him doing it again.
Most of the south votes today, outside of Florida and Georgia I don't see how Biden would catch up with Bernie if he's not tied after today's states.

And I highly doubt Bloomberg is going anywhere. Egotistical billionaires don't just drop out.

Despite what she's saying, Warren is quitting after Mass. She's not even expected to win any other states so it would be no point, especially when the money dries up.

While I'm not defending the statements thrown together in those tweets, both because I don't agree with many of them and because many are obviously asinine parodies, the same type of thing could be cobbled together for centrist liberals bashing Bernie and his supporters...
  • Bernie is fundamentally unelectable
  • We must do everything we can do to stop him from being nominated since he's looking to clean up in the primary elections
  • Biden is the truly electable candidate
  • Thankfully Biden just won his first ever state primary over the span of three different presidential runs!
  • Also we may need the party superdelegates to subvert the popular will of Democratic voters to hand the nomination to the super-electable Biden
  • We all need to unify as Democrats
  • **** Bernie and his supporters!
  • Bernie is running on a dangerously radical campaign platform
  • Bernie's platform really isn't that different from any of the other Democratic candidates, so why support him, specifically?
  • **** Bernie for trying to reach out to Trump voters, who are all deplorables
  • We need to run to the middle so that moderate voters won't vote for Trump!
  • The GOP has enabled and emboldened a dangerous authoritarian who poses an existential threat to our institutions
  • We need to work closely with our GOP colleagues to restore bipartisanship!
I could keep going all day. It's not hard :lol:
Most of the south votes today, outside of Florida and Georgia I don't see how Biden would catch up with Bernie if he's not tied after today's states.

And I highly doubt Bloomberg is going anywhere. Egotistical billionaires don't just drop out.

Despite what she's saying, Warren is quitting after Mass. She's not even expected to win any other states so it would be no point, especially when the money dries up.

That's why I'm not too worried. Favorable map after today for Bernie. The remaining States do not heavily favor Bernie but he will have a much easier path than Biden. The funny thing is that the Dems designed super Tuesday to be a knockout blow for Bernie and coronation for Kamala Harris or another anti Bernie candidate. That was a year or two ago and now we're talking about Bernie's margin of victory here on the day of super Tuesday.

More importantly, is that while delegates can be easily transferred, your own supporters will not neatly consolidate and transfer to other campaigns. Buttigieg and Klobuchar can try but a big chunk of their supporters will back Bernie (and a lot will back Biden) so it is not the case that the "moderate" vote can just be neatly stacked on top of each other as moderates drop out.. Also, Liz Warren can stay in the race but most of her supporters will start leaking over to Bernie as it becomes clear that this is a two person race.

Jill Stein and Ralph Nader got to play spoiler got to play spoiler because the Presidential election happens all in one go. Meanwhile, the primaries play out over several weeks and progressive voters in up coming States can see what Warren is doing (or is perceived to be doing) and many of them will switch from Sanders to Warren because they wan ta progressive even if its not their first choice.
While I'm not defending the statements thrown together in those tweets, both because I don't agree with many of them and because many are obviously asinine parodies, the same type of thing could be cobbled together for centrist liberals bashing Bernie and his supporters...
  • Bernie is fundamentally unelectable
  • We must do everything we can do to stop him from being nominated since he's looking to clean up in the primary elections
  • Biden is the truly electable candidate
  • Thankfully Biden just won his first ever state primary over the span of three different presidential runs!
  • Also we may need the party superdelegates to subvert the popular will of Democratic voters to hand the nomination to the super-electable Biden
  • We all need to unify as Democrats
  • **** Bernie and his supporters!
  • Bernie is running on a dangerously radical campaign platform
  • Bernie's platform really isn't that different from any of the other Democratic candidates, so why support him, specifically?
  • **** Bernie for trying to reach out to Trump voters, who are all deplorables
  • We need to run to the middle so that moderate voters won't vote for Trump!
  • The GOP has enabled and emboldened a dangerous authoritarian who poses an existential threat to our institutions
  • We need to work closely with our GOP colleagues to restore bipartisanship!
I could keep going all day. It's not hard :lol:
Not denying any of that of course :lol:

Just think it's funny that the a vote for Warren is now a vote for Biden when I thought we we're unifying to vote blue regardless.

Ppl shouldn't be shunned for voting for their preferred candidate today
Not denying any of that of course :lol:

Just think it's funny that the a vote for Warren is now a vote for Biden when I thought we we're unifying to vote blue regardless.

Ppl shouldn't be shunned for voting for their preferred candidate today
I agree with you. It's a primary, and that is exactly what primaries are designed for.

As you could see, I wasn't in here yesterday calling for Warren to drop out and endorse Bernie (though I would have loved if she had :lol:). She's gonna run her campaign as she sees fit, and people are gonna vote for the candidate they like the most. That is democracy, and I'm all for it.

What's wilder is that, after taking half a semester of an Economics class, I was sure that that model was unsustainable...and I'm a first year grad student. ****** really thought they were gonna ride a fake wave for the rest of time. That market has to correct eventually. :lol::smh::sick:
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