***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Warren needs to stay in through at least a couple more states and one more debate. With a mass exodus in the last 3 days it would be foolish for her to simply pack it in. Her path may not be any easier, but now she positions herself as the alternate to "same old" Joe, or "scary loud socialist" Bernie.

But again, she got washed in Mass., so that's the biggest nail in the coffin so far.

You kind of said it yourself she got killed in her own state. At a certain point if she continues she’ll probably lose her senate seat there as well.

She has three real options

1) endorse Bernie, eat a **** sandwich and become his most vocal supporter

2) endorse Biden, eat a **** sandwich and become his most progressive supporter

3) endorse no one until the nominee is decided and throw them both the middle finger
Warren needs to stay in through at least a couple more states and one more debate. With a mass exodus in the last 3 days it would be foolish for her to simply pack it in. Her path may not be any easier, but now she positions herself as the alternate to "same old" Joe, or "scary loud socialist" Bernie.

But again, she got washed in Mass., so that's the biggest nail in the coffin so far.

She has no chance, aside from a second Bernie heart attack. Mayor Pete had a WAY bigger shot of becoming the candidate the day he pulled out than Warren does as of today.
Rant incoming....

I feel like I’ve been living in the ******* Twilight Zone lately. With Biden’s wins in South Carolina, all other moderate Democrats in the race dropped out. This was solely for the purpose of standing behind Biden as the Moderate Democrat to vote for. Biden was counting on that for Super Tuesday and it clearly paid off big time for them and Democratic Establishment.

But how do they not remember 2016? It’s like it was completely erased from people’s minds altogether. Donald Trump literally won the election because he appealed to blue and white collar workers who did not trust the political establishment. He was the anti establishment candidate. Rural populations in particular, who are comprised almost entirely of blue and white collar workers, came out in big numbers to vote for the anti establishment candidate. They feel like they’ve been completely left out by Washington (rightfully so), and this was there chance to change that. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve spoken to who have said they voted for Trump in 2016 because he wasn’t a career politician.
Do we really think a poster child for the political establishment, like Biden, could gain the votes of these middle class Americans? There’s not a chance in hell. They would rather vote for Trump for another term than to vote for the political establishment.

We didn’t lose in 2016 because progressives didn’t vote for Hilary. Hell she won the popular vote, so clearly Democrats came out to support her. We lost because Hilary, an establishment candidate, didn’t appeal to rural states. And Trump did. So he won the electoral votes for those states, and ended up winning the election because of it.

You want to defeat Trump? Rally behind the only Dem that can at this point: Bernie Sanders. Because only Bernie can appeal to these same working class Americans that have felt left out and unheard for decades. He’s been fighting for the working class and defying political party norms for his whole life (he’s ran as an independent for most of his political career). This is how Trump won over so many voters, by pretending that he cared about these issues. And that’s how Bernie will win, because he actually does care, and actually will fight for these people.

Trump can be his own downfall in November. He’s been digging his own political grave for years, by breaking the promises he made to the working class over and over again. But that’s only if the Democratic Party can capitalize on the opportunity and nominate someone that can appeal to these voters.
but either way we're ****** we got two old *** dude running for president that can barely remember anything the next day or eat their pudding cups correctly smh
Rant incoming....

I feel like I’ve been living in the ****ing Twilight Zone lately. With Biden’s wins in South Carolina, all other moderate Democrats in the race dropped out. This was solely for the purpose of standing behind Biden as the Moderate Democrat to vote for. Biden was counting on that for Super Tuesday and it clearly paid off big time for them and Democratic Establishment.

But how do they not remember 2016? It’s like it was completely erased from people’s minds altogether. Donald Trump literally won the election because he appealed to blue and white collar workers who did not trust the political establishment. He was the anti establishment candidate. Rural populations in particular, who are comprised almost entirely of blue and white collar workers, came out in big numbers to vote for the anti establishment candidate. They feel like they’ve been completely left out by Washington (rightfully so), and this was there chance to change that. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve spoken to who have said they voted for Trump in 2016 because he wasn’t a career politician.
Do we really think a poster child for the political establishment, like Biden, could gain the votes of these middle class Americans? There’s not a chance in hell. They would rather vote for Trump for another term than to vote for the political establishment.

We didn’t lose in 2016 because progressives didn’t vote for Hilary. Hell she won the popular vote, so clearly Democrats came out to support her. We lost because Hilary, an establishment candidate, didn’t appeal to rural states. And Trump did. So he won the electoral votes for those states, and ended up winning the election because of it.

You want to defeat Trump? Rally behind the only Dem that can at this point: Bernie Sanders. Because only Bernie can appeal to these same working class Americans that have felt left out and unheard for decades. He’s been fighting for the working class and defying political party norms for his whole life (he’s ran as an independent for most of his political career). This is how Trump won over so many voters, by pretending that he cared about these issues. And that’s how Bernie will win, because he actually does care, and actually will fight for these people.

Trump can be his own downfall in November. He’s been digging his own political grave for years, by breaking the promises he made to the working class over and over again. But that’s only if the Democratic Party can capitalize on the opportunity and nominate someone that can appeal to these voters.
Trump didn't win over these voters because he tapped into their so called "economic anxiety". He won them because he tapped into their xenophobia.
Rant incoming....

I feel like I’ve been living in the ****ing Twilight Zone lately. With Biden’s wins in South Carolina, all other moderate Democrats in the race dropped out. This was solely for the purpose of standing behind Biden as the Moderate Democrat to vote for. Biden was counting on that for Super Tuesday and it clearly paid off big time for them and Democratic Establishment.

But how do they not remember 2016? It’s like it was completely erased from people’s minds altogether. Donald Trump literally won the election because he appealed to blue and white collar workers who did not trust the political establishment. He was the anti establishment candidate. Rural populations in particular, who are comprised almost entirely of blue and white collar workers, came out in big numbers to vote for the anti establishment candidate. They feel like they’ve been completely left out by Washington (rightfully so), and this was there chance to change that. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve spoken to who have said they voted for Trump in 2016 because he wasn’t a career politician.
Do we really think a poster child for the political establishment, like Biden, could gain the votes of these middle class Americans? There’s not a chance in hell. They would rather vote for Trump for another term than to vote for the political establishment.

We didn’t lose in 2016 because progressives didn’t vote for Hilary. Hell she won the popular vote, so clearly Democrats came out to support her. We lost because Hilary, an establishment candidate, didn’t appeal to rural states. And Trump did. So he won the electoral votes for those states, and ended up winning the election because of it.

You want to defeat Trump? Rally behind the only Dem that can at this point: Bernie Sanders. Because only Bernie can appeal to these same working class Americans that have felt left out and unheard for decades. He’s been fighting for the working class and defying political party norms for his whole life (he’s ran as an independent for most of his political career). This is how Trump won over so many voters, by pretending that he cared about these issues. And that’s how Bernie will win, because he actually does care, and actually will fight for these people.

Trump can be his own downfall in November. He’s been digging his own political grave for years, by breaking the promises he made to the working class over and over again. But that’s only if the Democratic Party can capitalize on the opportunity and nominate someone that can appeal to these voters.
All of this is moot when your own base doesn't show up. Millennials are the largest voting block number-wise, but they stayed home.


There is no democracy without people.

The South Carolina primaries were a Saturday, and the youth stayed home.

Nobody is going to defend you if you don't act like you give a ****. You can't beg people whose interests are not aligned with yours to vote your way.

The young folks of this country have to get real.
Trump didn't win over these voters because he tapped into their so called "economic anxiety". He won them because he tapped into their xenophobia.

but have you actually spoken with people that voted for him in 2016?

I live in the Chicago suburbs but work in a rural area of Illinois. And I work with a lot of people that voted for him. They all say the same thing. They voted for him because t hey don’t trust regular politicians.

No doubt a big part of his base supporters are xenophobic and racist. But I would whole heartedly disagree thats why many voted for him 4 years ago.
Bernie can't seem to win a Dem primary because he alienates so many voters (and the youth don't turn out) and yet people still feel he's more electable than Biden? I don't get it
That's one of the biggest reasons people like dwalk31 dwalk31 want him nominated. Let me say it louder for the Bros in the back.

All of this is moot when your own base doesn't show up. Millennials are the largest voting block number-wise, but they stayed home.


There is no democracy without people.

The South Carolina primaries were a Saturday, and the youth stayed home.

Nobody is going to defend you if you don't act like you give a ****. You can't beg people whose interests are not aligned with yours to vote your way.

The young folks of this country have to get real.
Stayed home? Hilary won the popular vote my guy. Millennials didn’t stay home. Stop blaming it on us.

Red states didn’t want to vote for the political establishment and thats why HRC lost in the electoral college.
Stayed home? Hilary won the popular vote my guy. Millennials didn’t stay home. Stop blaming it on us.

Red states didn’t want to vote for the political establishment and thats why HRC lost in the electoral college.

18-29 year old voter turnout only increased 1.1% in 2016 compared to 2012. Even then, millennials failed to show up again compared to the older age groups per the census bureau.

All of this is moot when your own base doesn't show up. Millennials are the largest voting block number-wise, but they stayed home.


There is no democracy without people.

The South Carolina primaries were a Saturday, and the youth stayed home.

Nobody is going to defend you if you don't act like you give a ****. You can't beg people whose interests are not aligned with yours to vote your way.

The young folks of this country have to get real.
What is the reason we collectively suck at showing up when it matters?
Man......what a night, what a night.........WHAT A NIGHT!! I had a ball last night, mainly at the expense of Bernie Sanders and more importantly his supporters. Let this be a lesson for any and all out there.....be confident in yourself and when you know what you are talking about you don’t have ANYTHING to worry about.

That’s why I broke the game down for keko jones keko jones the way I did, and taught him about EXCUSES. Today Bernie Sanders and the vast majority of his supporters are coming up with a bunch of excuses for their losses and shortcomings last night. At the end of the day Bernie Sanders and his supporters have to look in the mirror and do some deep soul searching.

I suggest they start by reciting the poem INVICTUS.......”Out of the night that covers me, black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be, for my UNCONQUERABLE soul..........it matters not how strait the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate: I AM THE CAPTAIN OF MY SOUL!! Life lessons for everyone to apply and live by.

As the results from last night were coming in I started to reminisce about Obama in ‘08 given the demographic numbers for Biden. I’m sure my boy RustyShackleford RustyShackleford can relate to this one right here.

As the numbers kept coming in........I was starting to feel 🔥 fired up........I started to feel like I was ready to go. FIRED UP.....FIRED UP.....READY TO GO....READY TO GO.....FIRED UP......FIRED UP....READY TO GO.....READY TO GO......FIRED UP........FIRED UP.....READY TO GO.....READY TO GO!!
If Bernie's base cant bother showing up for the primaries, they're not the folks we're gonna need to turn the senate blue in November.
But who said his base didn't come out? He may not have been able to win over enough folks outside of his base to swing some of the elections yesterday in his direction, but that doesn't mean his people didn't come out.

No one is going to win anything with only their contingent of hardcore supporters.

EDIT: The argument about his failure to substantially increase turnout as he has argued needs to happen may have more merit, though we should also remember that this is still the primaries.
That's one of the biggest reasons people like dwalk31 dwalk31 want him nominated. Let me say it louder for the Bros in the back.


Trump was at his rally in South Carolina telling people to go vote for Bernie in the Dem primary

they very obviously want to run against him - as do Repubs in all house districts they lost in 2018 - as do all Republican senators in purple states up for re-election

I'm not saying Trump/GOP's political instincts are always right - but when it comes to winning elections I tend to trust them
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