***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I will repeat the same take I have been making since this primary started.

This whole process would have been way more productive, and we would have actually gotten a better candidate, if Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders were not in the race.

They pretty much just sucked all the air out the room. Instead now this race comes down to two old dudes, neither especially politicially strong. Both polarizing figures in the party.

The race is still a toss-up, because of the GOP blatant racist cheating (that dwalk31 dwalk31 proudly cosigns), it is clearly once again going to come down to the same regressive white people in the Midwest. :smh:
At the end of this if Bernie isn't the guy again, please don't be brats about it.

And this is how we ended up with Trump.

At least with Biden we will have a President with a likely democratic house and senate working to implement things like insurance and education costs. While there may be disagreements on how to do it, they all recognize the problem and are going to at least attempt to fix the problem instead of just kicking the can down the road like republicans and do absolutely nothing to fix those issues
I think many people are not seeing the very clear issues with a possible Joe Biden candidacy. While I'll save a broader discussion of those issues for a later date that hopefully never comes, I will touch on probably the most obvious and dangerous of these issues for anyone concerned with getting Trump out of the White House: Biden is completely washed.

Let's be honest, all politics aside, Biden can hardly string together two coherent sentences. He is very clearly losing his mental faculties. How on earth is he going to survive the next eight months? How is he going to give compelling, high-stakes campaign speeches when the lights are brightest and he's at his most exhausted? How is he going to function on a debate stage against one of the best off-the-cuff ****-talking presidents we've ever seen? (One that will also effectively, if disingenuously, attack him from both the left and the right—though that's another discussion.) He's not only going to look un-presidential, he's going to look like he belongs in a ****ing nursing home.

I hope things break differently in this primary and my predictions are irrelevant. If Biden ends up securing the nomination, I hope my predictions are wrong. But with all of this talk about "electability," people seem to be ignoring the very basic reality that Biden appears to be descending rapidly into senility right before our eyes, and it's only going to get worse.
I'm not arguing for Biden at all, but these are all the same things we said and continue to say about Trump. We were legitimately concerned (some maybe hopeful) he would not live out his first term. Conventional wisdom on this stuff is largely gone.

That said, running a 77 year old candidate DNC? My goodness. *Ignores that Bernie Sanders is 78*
I must say watching Nathan Robinson of Current Affairs throw a tantrum is warming my heart. :lol: :lol:

Play clown games, win clown prizes. :lol:
I'm not talking about age. I'm talking about his capacities. Have you watched the debates? Have you seen videos of his rallies and events?

I would think it would go without saying that age ≠ capacity. I'm about the same age as LeBron, but that's meaningless when it comes to our respective capacities on a basketball court.

And Bernie has just as much a chance of dying from another heart attack on a debate stage while yelling about the crooked democrats and republicans.

plus who gives a **** if Biden can’t finish out his term as long as he picks a solid VP. Realistically we would all probably be more excited about his VP than him as a president.

It’s pretty hard to win a race when your hardcore base on unreliable and you make an enemy out of everyone else. You can’t alienate 60-70% of the Democratic Party and expect to get elected
I'm not arguing for Biden at all, but these are all the same things we said and continue to say about Trump. We were legitimately concerned (some maybe hopeful) he would not live out his first term. Conventional wisdom on this stuff is largely gone.

That said, running a 77 year old candidate DNC? My goodness. *Ignores that Bernie Sanders is 78*
Trump has always been an imbecile. And he's obviously in poor physical health. But he can deliver an effective speech. He can rally his troops. He can talk **** with the best of them. Those are integral campaign activities, and he can carry out all of them effectively. I have serious doubts that Biden will be able to do any of those things on an even functional level.
Let's be honest, all politics aside, Biden can hardly string together two coherent sentences

He is very clearly losing his mental faculties.

the same things can be said about Trump - he's incoherent any time he has to talk about anything substantive (partially because he's old - partially because he doesn't know ****)

yes - Joe's washedness is concerning, I'm not denying that. but are gaffes really a big deal when he's running against Trump?
And Bernie has just as much a chance of dying from another heart attack on a debate stage while yelling about the crooked democrats and republicans.

plus who gives a **** if Biden can’t finish out his term as long as he picks a solid VP. Realistically we would all probably be more excited about his VP than him as a president.

It’s pretty hard to win a race when your hardcore base on unreliable and you make an enemy out of everyone else. You can’t alienate 60-70% of the Democratic Party and expect to get elected
Bull****. And you're not even addressing my points. I'm not questioning whether Biden can finish out his term effectively. I'm questioning whether he can finish out his campaign effectively.

But go ahead and stick your head in the sand if you want to.
Bull****. And you're not even addressing my points. I'm not questioning whether Biden can finish out his term effectively. I'm questioning whether he can finish out his campaign effectively.

But go ahead and stick your head in the sand if you want to.

Im not the one here arguing that Trump is out here giving completely coherent speeches and acting at his best capacity. It’s hard to level set with someone who thinks Trump is operating with all his chickens.

Has Biden slowed down a little bit? Sure. But blaming it all on a mental decline is a bit disingenuous since he has a legitimate speech disability and stutter which is why some of this **** doesn’t come out right.

I’d argue that it’s more concerning that Biden isn’t even running on a political platform right now.
the same things can be said about Trump - he's incoherent any time he has to talk about anything substantive (partially because he's old - partially because he doesn't know ****)

yes - Joe's washedness is concerning, I'm not denying that. but are gaffes really a big deal when he's running against Trump?
Yes, they are, because Trump is typically very effective at campaigning and debating (I'm not talking about political content here, obviously). Trump is going to run circles around Biden on the debate stage. Hell, Biden can't even stop himself from interrupting his own monologues on the debate stage now. Biden is going to show up to his rallies and look lost and confused and be unable to articulate a clear message.

Again, I hope I'm wrong on a number of levels here, but I don't see how we can take stock of what we've seen from Biden to this point and think anything differently at this point. And, again, it's only going to get worse as the spotlight intensifies and Biden gets more and more worn down with a long and grueling campaign.
Yeah Joey slowing down. Not even saying that to slander him, but dude used to be real sharp (a bit gaffe prone though).

If 2012 Joe Biden was running, I would feel more comfortable with him being able to put in the work needed to lock up a victory.
But even younger 2008 Joe Biden got mauled in a debate by ****ing Sarah Palin :lol:
Yes, they are, because Trump is typically very effective at campaigning and debating (I'm not talking about political content here, obviously). Trump is going to run circles around Biden on the debate stage. Hell, Biden can't even stop himself from interrupting his own monologues on the debate stage now. Biden is going to show up to his rallies and look lost and confused and be unable to articulate a clear message.

Again, I hope I'm wrong on a number of levels here, but I don't see how we can take stock of what we've seen from Biden to this point and think anything differently at this point. And, again, it's only going to get worse as the spotlight intensifies and Biden gets more and more worn down with a long and grueling campaign.


Be positive. Joe's got this :lol:
Im not the one here arguing that Trump is out here giving completely coherent speeches and acting at his best capacity.

Has Biden slowed down a little bit? Sure. But blaming it all on a mental decline is a bit disingenuous since he has a legitimate speech disability and stutter which is why some of this **** doesn’t come out right.

I’d argue that it’s more concerning that Biden isn’t even running on a political platform right now.
Bruh, politics aside, if you don't think Trump is an effective communicator when he's coming off the cuff, I'm not sure what to say. He ain't Abraham Lincoln delivering the Gettysburg Address, but he can talk **** and motivate people with the best of them (unfortunately).

And I'm blaming it on age because Biden didn't look like this 10 years ago.

And obviously the lack of political platform is extremely concerning, but that is another discussion entirely :lol:
Bruh, politics aside, if you don't think Trump is an effective communicator when he's coming off the cuff, I'm not sure what to say. He ain't Abraham Lincoln delivering the Gettysburg Address, but he can talk **** and motivate people with the best of them (unfortunately).

And I'm blaming it on age because Biden didn't look like this 10 years ago.

And obviously the lack of political platform is extremely concerning, but that is another discussion entirely :lol:
I mean, what are you talking about? Rubber bumpers belong on cars too! I mean, people say that they are not effective, but I am hearing that they are! Look, we have some fantastic people looking into this, high quality, really solid people, and we are doing some really special things that haven't been seen before. The guys behind those rubber bumpers? They are better looking than Tom Cruise, I'll tell you that much! But we'll see! Maybe they wont be as good as steel, I don't know, but it is great to have such a good economy, the best we've ever seen in the history of the United States...
Donald Trump
Bruh, politics aside, if you don't think Trump is an effective communicator when he's coming off the cuff, I'm not sure what to say. He ain't Abraham Lincoln delivering the Gettysburg Address, but he can talk **** and motivate people with the best of them (unfortunately).

And I'm blaming it on age because Biden didn't look like this 10 years ago.

And obviously the lack of political platform is extremely concerning, but that is another discussion entirely :lol:

I honestly don’t think Trump is an effective communicator. A dog running on a racist platform drumming up hate for Mexicans would garner the same level of support and enthusiasm out of the racists that follow him. ****, we are talking about the guy who won’t run White House press conferences anymore because he can’t get a message out there without starting a ****show. **** last week he thought he could just use the flu shot to treat corona.

At the end of the day the hardcore republicans and alt-right will always vote republican. That’s a given, but I think there is a large contingent of people out there looking for someone to vote for other than Trump and I don’t think Bernie is going to appeal to those people.

One thing that has become increasingly clear is people in this country have no god damn clue about what the difference is between socialism and communism. A debate between Trump and Bernie isn’t going to be a debate between the two, candidates, it’s going to be a debate between capitalism and socialism/communism and I don’t think Bernie is going to win that debate either.
this is just great. the GOP responses are already locked and loaded.
choose between venezuelan socialism or crooked hunter's father.
let's hope some miracle can bring the dems together.
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