***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Establishment Democrats don't wanna think clearly about Bidens electability problems and it's scary.

1. He's clearly washed up.
2. Young black turn out and turnout from young people in general is a big part of why Hillary lost. They will be pissed.
3. there's a chance that never suburban Republicans are full of **** and with a good economy, will vote for trump once they get in that booth.
4. Getting drawn into campaign against trump centred on how much of a "bad man" Trump and his bad tweets and how unpresidential he is a suckers game.

relying on youth turnout to carry a presidential election is the real suckers game

I don't count on the never-Trump Republicans to vote for Biden. not for a second. but the small amount (6-8%?) of voters who are truly independent will I suspect

to your last point - hopefully that's where Goonberg comes into play. he can dump his money into a SuperPAC to handle the negative ads against Trump which allows Joe to keep his message positive
If the establishment is coalescing around Biden he'll need a more progressive VP. My ideal VP would be Stacy Abrams. She's a true progressive, smart and has a big following...plus she'd be a good president if/when Biden dies or gets advanced dementia

I Was With You Up Until That Part, You Gotta Relax lol
Not much ground for Bern in FL/Georgia, needs to keep the margins close and hope his base comes out with a sense of urgency
Establishment Democrats don't wanna think clearly about Bidens electability problems and it's scary.

1. He's clearly washed up.
2. Young black turn out and turnout from young people in general is a big part of why Hillary lost. They will be pissed.
3. there's a chance that never suburban Republicans are full of **** and with a good economy, will vote for trump once they get in that booth.
4. Getting drawn into campaign against trump centred on how much of a "bad man" Trump and his bad tweets and how unpresidential he is a suckers game.
I kinda think they have considered it. Hillary consolidated support much earlier than Joe. It seems like all those flirtations with Beto, Pete, and Kamala were more about not wanting Joe to be the nominee, and less about stopping Bernie.

Every candidate has risk, and Bernie's electability pitch was that he would bring in all these new voters. They didn't show up, so out of a trash field Biden probably looks like the least trash now to some people partly because no one else as able to deliver.
unfortunately, Its a real possibility. Despite being in good health, Joe will be 78 by the time he's inaugurated (assuming he wins). Have we ever had a president in office in their 80s?

Completely Understand And That Is Realistic. Personally Just Believe Life Is Of The Tongue And Tend Not To Speak On Anyone's Mortality.

Every time I hear someone say "Bloomberg is blowing all his money" Im reminded of that MLK quote:

"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."

I mean people have calculators on their phones but they'd rather use them to display their true ignorance.

To folks that rich, we are like ants...

Human: Drops a piece of candy.

Ants: What a FOOL!!! All this food and they just drop it and keep walking???


The fact that the Trump's and Bloomberg's of the world put it right in our faces is what makes it so hilarious.

Work hard they say, go to school they say, get a "good job" they say...:lol: :lol: :lol:

Both these guys are morons.

But tell me more about the dangers of Socialism.
I kinda think they have considered it. Hillary consolidated support much earlier than Joe. It seems like all those flirtations with Beto, Pete, and Kamala were more about not wanting Joe to be the nominee, and less about stopping Bernie.

Every candidate has risk, and Bernie's electability pitch was that he would bring in all these new voters. They didn't show up, so out of a trash field Biden probably looks like the least trash now to some people partly because no one else as able to deliver.

maybe but
I really don't think they have. the media just keeps telling everyone that Joe Biden is more electable than Bernie and I don't think that's right.

and given that most voters take their cues from media and party elite,

i think they just assume the media is right about this.
Warren should take one for the team and get behind Bernie just like Mayor Pete and Goonberg did for their teams. I mean, by even the most optimistic predictions she has 0% chance.
maybe but
I really don't think they have. the media just keeps telling everyone that Joe Biden is more electable than Bernie and I don't think that's right.

and given that most voters take their cues from media and party elite,

i think they just assume the media is right about this.
I agree the media has been doing a terrible job on educating people about candidates downsides. Just saying party elites were keeping the door open for someone to emerge as an alternative to Biden. They would not pushback against the media narrative around Biden until someone showed they could get it done.
It's clear Bloomberg's only intention was to muddy up the waters enough to give Joe Biden a shot at the nomination.
I think he saw what everyone else saw, a washed Joe Biden, and thought he could finesse the whole system. Biden waxed his ***, so he knows he has no path. The choices now being Bernie or Biden, he obviously picks Biden to endorse.
Why aren't you a fan of Stacey?

I love Stacey as the future of the party she has a JD/MPA after all and is doing the work that needs to be done for the future. She is setup to do great things in a decade or so and is the future of the party.

However at 78 years old I want Biden to pick someone who is the now of the party cause he is old. I rather he went with someone like Kamala or Booker or Duckworth who has accomplished more. Hell of the 3 future stars (Beto, Gillum, and Stacey) she’s done the least. I think her heart is set for governor of Georgia and that is next stop.

I do want him to pick a progressive too but that is more personal choice than what he needs to do.
biden and bloomberg the perfect team


But if that's what it takes to beat the orangutan, then...

I'm still hoping that Warren drops out before the next round of voting and see a final, proper Biden vs Bernie showdown.
Warren needs to stay in through at least a couple more states and one more debate. With a mass exodus in the last 3 days it would be foolish for her to simply pack it in. Her path may not be any easier, but now she positions herself as the alternate to "same old" Joe, or "scary loud socialist" Bernie.

But again, she got washed in Mass., so that's the biggest nail in the coffin so far.
Warren needs to stay in through at least a couple more states and one more debate. With a mass exodus in the last 3 days it would be foolish for her to simply pack it in. Her path may not be any easier, but now she positions herself as the alternate to "same old" Joe, or "scary loud socialist" Bernie.

But again, she got washed in Mass., so that's the biggest nail in the coffin so far.

Warren currently has less delegates than Pete
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