***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Mike Pence endorses Paul Ryan, a day after Donald Trump declined to


So you just refuse to read up and learn more about the subject in the information I provided?

when your first link is da Huffington post, you can pretty much confirm da slant.

like i said, post 100 links, da conclusion will always be a difference in going forward, one side wants handouts & reparations and policies that pay for things based on identification politics, da other side wants to champion equal education by favoring choice and nurture meritocracy.

Bamma, he posed like 25 links...you don't like Huff Post, fine....read the other 24. :lol: :smh:

NPR, Washington post, etc.

start to see da pattern? yea...but let's go personal to emphasize your point :rolleyes

You're not going to see Red State or National Review in those links if they refuse to examine the question of equality of access. It's easier to pretend the world is one way than to test your views and live with the - positive or negative - results. Ever wonder why facts tend to have a liberal bias? Because liberals tend to apply the scientific method in their reasoning.

da whole point is all those aggregated links represent only 1 side of da argument, i posted a example of it being a partisan issue with BOTH sides represented as ab example.

da link i posted got Dyson sayin da same things ya say...AND its got Jason Riley saying things that represents HIS side of da issue.

framing "system racism" as some settled issue that only has 1 method remedy of delivery from one side is disingenuous.

Systemic racism isn't a settled issue. The right consistently denies it exists though, so isn't it logical to not examine something that isn't there? And where would you go for potential solutions if you recognized the problem? Certainly not to the side that hasn't done any work to solve a problem they don't think exist.

That attitude of playing ignorant is a direct contributor to the unwillingness to compromise Republican legislators display and plays into the kind of discussion we keep having in the public sphere about our problems, where the Reps continuously deny issues raised by the Dems, while the latter keep trying to prove that these issues exist (on the other hand, Dems have been receptive to many of the right's grievances).

As long as it is politically convenient for the right to ignore a segment of the constituency, the only sources examining the American experience of minorities in general and Blacks in particular will come from the left.
Systemic racism is a myth. Where are we to go from there? What type of dialogue does that promote if any? It's really like talking to a brick wall, and I'm not just referring to ninjahood.

That attitude of playing ignorant is a direct contributor to the unwillingness to compromise Republican legislators display and plays into the kind of discussion we keep having in the public sphere about our problems, where the Reps continuously deny issues raised by the Dems, while the latter keep trying to prove that these issues exist (on the other hand, Dems have been receptive to many of the right's grievances

There really might be something to this as much as I try to avoid treating or labeling one party different than the other.
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Dude living in a roach infested rent controlled apartment talking about systematic racism doesn't exist hahahahah.
Dude living in a roach infested rent controlled apartment talking about systematic racism doesn't exist hahahahah.

The irony in him basically being a 21st century slave, mentally bludgeoned into a condition of self-hate and complete denial of his African roots is almost too much. It would be funny if it weren't so sad.
da whole point is all those aggregated links represent only 1 side of da argument, i posted a example of it being a partisan issue with BOTH sides represented as ab example.

da link i posted got Dyson sayin da same things ya say...AND its got Jason Riley saying things that represents HIS side of da issue.

framing "system racism" as some settled issue that only has 1 method remedy of delivery from one side is disingenuous.
In da complexity of da English language, this is what we call da straw man argument.

Nobody is arguing about a remedy, we're arguing its existence, which you consistently deny on all fronts.
you seem to think "systemic/structural racism" da theory that is employed by da left to advance their agenda and ACTUAL state sponsored racism that was historic and dealt with

are synonyms of each other.


like my link provided notes, both sides acknowledge historical racist policies, but only 1 side it propagating this sort of grievance industry "systemic/structural" that because you're born a person of color you should automatically feel entitled to some kind of "reparations" or w/e entitlements folks on da far left can conjure up.

da folks on da right disagree with da premise of "systemic/structural racism theory" because they feel enough has been done to level da playing field for all humans of every, color, class, or creed to prosper in da United States in 2016 if you work hard and smart enough.

so what you're doing is in terms of da "complex english language" is what we call

affirming a disjunct...you think because racism happened in 150+ years that somehow in 2016 you can attribute "systemic/structural racism" to da hardships some minorities go thru.
Ninjahood is a nice enough guy, but he represent a prime example of individuals who feel that because Clinton is president, sexism is over, or because Obama got voted in, people on the south side should all register at their local community college on the same day to alleviate the partisan issue of systematic racism they receive" Mind you, this is the same individual who will cape like superman for soldiers and cops. Lost me with that noise.
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da whole point is all those aggregated links represent only 1 side of da argument, i posted a example of it being a partisan issue with BOTH sides represented as ab example.

da link i posted got Dyson sayin da same things ya say...AND its got Jason Riley saying things that represents HIS side of da issue.

framing "system racism" as some settled issue that only has 1 method remedy of delivery from one side is disingenuous.
In da complexity of da English language, this is what we call da straw man argument.

Nobody is arguing about a remedy, we're arguing its existence, which you consistently deny on all fronts.
so what you're doing is in terms of da "complex english language" is what we call

affirming a disjunct...you think because racism happened in 150+ years that somehow in 2016 you can attribute "systemic/structural racism" to da hardships some minorities go thru.
The Civil Rights act was signed in 1964...thats 52 years ago...we aren't even a generation removed from legalized racism and you think everything is good now in that short of time???? You really think there are no lasting affects from something we are not even a generation removed from?
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you seem to think "systemic/structural racism" da theory that is employed by da left to advance their agenda and ACTUAL state sponsored racism that was historic and dealt with
are synonyms of each other.


like my link provided notes, both sides acknowledge historical racist policies, but only 1 side it propagating this sort of grievance industry "systemic/structural" that because you're born a person of color you should automatically feel entitled to some kind of "reparations" or w/e entitlements folks on da far left can conjure up.

da folks on da right disagree with da premise of "systemic/structural racism theory" because they feel enough has been done to level da playing field for all humans of every, color, class, or creed to prosper in da United States in 2016 if you work hard and smart enough.

so what you're doing is in terms of da "complex english language" is what we call
affirming a disjunct...you think because racism happened in 150+ years that somehow in 2016 you can attribute "systemic/structural racism" to da hardships some minorities go thru.
Great way to generalize blacks as government dependent leaches of government. The biggest welfare slaves are corporations. But you call yourself an idepwndent. You should learn the history of this country before you label anyone. Who are you?
The Civil Rights act was signed in 1964...thats 52 years ago...we aren't even a generation removed from legalized racism and you think everything is good now in that short of time???? You really think there are no lasting affects from something we are not even a generation removed from?
He's gonna tell you that blacks aren't 3/5ts of a man next. Dude hates blacks and sees us as lazy leaches.
And as i've attempted to explain to you many times that it is a partisan issue because one side believe it doesn't exist
wrong, its a partisan issue because one side thinks more government handouts & "reparations" and exercising identification politics is da solution while da other believes in 2016 there is no barriers any one person needs to worry about if everyone is given da same chances in regards to choice in education & opportunities to succeed on their own meritocracy.
Says the man who brags about being on welfare, but will tell the next man to pick himself up by his bootstraps.
you know what? since u wanna just flat out lie about me imma be petty & hit that button on that earlier jab.

u got millionaires in NYC who are n possession of rent controlled APTS...

keep misrepresenting me, i aint playin wit none of ya no more. i'll gladly be da Villan of NT.
Rent control is a form of welfare. It is a government regulation that distort the market in favor of a few people.
a tax break (where people who actually work) and keep more of their own money is NOT a form of welfare.

if that was da case:

-anyone who ever claimed a Home Owner's tax credit is on welfare

-anyone who ever claimed a 421a tax credit to build luxury condos in Manhattan"s billionaire's row is on welfare.

-anyone who ever claimed a child tax credit is on welfare

-people who ever bought a EV vehicle with government subsidies baked in to make it more affordable

-anyone who ever claimed a tax credit on anything, including incentives on obamacare, or going to college is on welfare.

no sir, keeping more of your money or benefiting from policies where you get to keep MORE of your money at da end of da year is NOT welfare.

welfare is means tested programs that are given ostensibly to da unfortunate and impoverished, since you wanted to act cute, imma borrow a liberal term.

you were "code switching" and by describing im on "welfare" you painted me like im some sort of leech, like i dont earn my joint...please, spare me.
so what you're doing is in terms of da "complex english language" is what we call
affirming a disjunct...you think because racism happened in 150+ years that somehow in 2016 you can attribute "systemic/structural racism" to da hardships some minorities go thru.

And what you're doing is what we call "cherry-picking"
The Civil Rights act was signed in 1964...thats 52 years ago...we aren't even a generation removed from legalized racism and you think everything is good now in that short of time???? You really think there are no lasting affects from something we are not even a generation removed from?
He's gonna tell you that blacks aren't 3/5ts of a man next. Dude hates blacks and sees us as lazy leaches.

I wasn't joking when I said ninjahood ninjahood has the mind of a 21st century slave. His type existed throughout the period of slavery.

Diminish and distance oneself from other blacks, to appease a white master. All because in his raped and abused mind, it makes him legitimately feel like he's different and "one of the good ones."

It's frightening and sad.
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you seem to think "systemic/structural racism" da theory that is employed by da left to advance their agenda and ACTUAL state sponsored racism that was historic and dealt with

are synonyms of each other.


like my link provided notes, both sides acknowledge historical racist policies, but only 1 side it propagating this sort of grievance industry "systemic/structural" that because you're born a person of color you should automatically feel entitled to some kind of "reparations" or w/e entitlements folks on da far left can conjure up.

da folks on da right disagree with da premise of "systemic/structural racism theory" because they feel enough has been done to level da playing field for all humans of every, color, class, or creed to prosper in da United States in 2016 if you work hard and smart enough.

so what you're doing is in terms of da "complex english language" is what we call

affirming a disjunct...you think because racism happened in 150+ years that somehow in 2016 you can attribute "systemic/structural racism" to da hardships some minorities go thru.
And who are these politicians on the left pushing for reparations? Can you name some of them? There must be a lot the way you make it sound so surely you can conjure up some names for me.

Reparations have nothing to do with acknowledging and discussing the existence of systemic racism. Reparations is a whole other discussion.

Not enough work has been done to level the playing field for people of color and the statistics clearly illustrate that fact.

You too are affected by systemic racism, though you obviously don't realize it or don't have to deal with it much based on your situation.

As a afro-latino, you are more likely to be stopped and frisked, generally harassed by police in other ways, ...

In the job market, you do not have the equal opportunities of a white man with the exact same qualifications. You having a good job and/or not having to fight for one does not negate the existence and effects of systemic racism. Anecdotal evidence is irrelevant in verifying and quantifying the effects of a nation-wide systemic issue.

There are literally hundreds if not thousands of studies showing people of color don't get the same opportunities in the job market as white people. Tested by methods such as sending in identical resumes with a white and black name or picture and compare the callbacks. The white people always score significantly higher.

That is a systematic issue that affects every person of color, whether they realize it or not.

Then there's the criminal justice system. As a latino, if you happen to get caught with a relatively minor charge like marijuana possession, statistics show that for the exact same crime, you are not only more likely to be convicted for that crime than a white person but also more likely to receive a significantly longer sentence or harsher punishment.

That's 2 major ways in which systemic racism affects you as an afro-latino. But it doesn't stop there.

And before you call out my location again; men lie, women lie, numbers don't.

The statistics are there, the evidence is there. Anyone with the slightest bit of intelligence can come to the same conclusion, whether they live in the US, Belgium or da moon.

Bringing up the continuous denial of a particular issue such as systemic racism by the right as a means to disprove its existence is irrelevant because the numbers and facts are all there, they just choose to ignore them.
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ninja in this thread

a tax break (where people who actually work) and keep more of their own money is NOT a form of welfare.

if that was da case:

-anyone who ever claimed a Home Owner's tax credit is on welfare

-anyone who ever claimed a 421a tax credit to build luxury condos in Manhattan"s billionaire's row is on welfare.

-anyone who ever claimed a child tax credit is on welfare

-people who ever bought a EV vehicle with government subsidies baked in to make it more affordable

-anyone who ever claimed a tax credit on anything, including incentives on obamacare, or going to college is on welfare.

no sir, keeping more of your money or benefiting from policies where you get to keep MORE of your money at da end of da year is NOT welfare.

welfare is means tested programs that are given ostensibly to da unfortunate and impoverished, since you wanted to act cute, imma borrow a liberal term.

you were "code switching" and by describing im on "welfare" you painted me like im some sort of leech, like i dont earn my joint...please, spare me.
The dodging is unparalleled. Neo himself would be proud.

Welfare is a form of regulation (as elaborated by Rusty) which is designed to control the housing market. It works against free market in the sense that if it were not in place the market for the same apartment would become unattainable to certain incomes. Which in turn is directed towards lower income (a lot of welfare recipients) So while it may be unfair to coin it as welfare, it is undeniably a regulation directed towards welfare recipients.
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And who are these politicians on the left pushing for reparations? Can you name some of them? There must be a lot the way you make it sound so surely you can conjure up some names for me.
Reparations have nothing to do with acknowledging and discussing the existence of systemic racism. Reparations is a whole other discussion.
Not enough work has been done to level the playing field for people of color and the statistics clearly illustrate that fact.

You too are affected by systemic racism, though you obviously don't realize it or don't have to deal with it much based on your situation.
As a afro-latino, you are more likely to be stopped and frisked, generally harassed by police in other ways, ...
In the job market, you do not have the equal opportunities of a white man with the exact same qualifications. You having a good job and/or not having to fight for one does not negate the existence and effects of systemic racism. Anecdotal evidence is irrelevant in verifying and quantifying the effects of a nation-wide systemic issue.
There are literally hundreds if not thousands of studies showing people of color don't get the same opportunities in the job market as white people. Tested by methods such as sending in identical resumes with a white and black name or picture and compare the callbacks. The white people always score significantly higher.
That is a systematic issue that affects every person of color, whether they realize it or not.

Then there's the criminal justice system. As a latino, if you happen to get caught with a relatively minor charge like marijuana possession, statistics show that for the exact same crime, you are not only more likely to be convicted for that crime than a white person but also more likely to receive a significantly longer sentence or harsher punishment.

That's 2 major ways in which systemic racism affects you as an afro-latino. But it doesn't stop there.
And before you call out my location again; men lie, women lie, numbers don't.
The statistics are there, the evidence is there. Anyone with the slightest bit of intelligence can come to the same conclusion, whether they live in the US, Belgium or da moon.
Bringing up the continuous denial of a particular issue such as systemic racism by the right as a means to disprove its existence is irrelevant because the numbers and facts are all there, they just choose to ignore them.
Post of the Year [emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128576[/emoji][emoji]128576[/emoji][emoji]128576[/emoji][emoji]128563[/emoji][emoji]128565[/emoji][emoji]128565[/emoji][emoji]128565[/emoji]
I still cant get over dude saying frot. Heights spelling skills.
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This thread is lit, although I cringe at the troll feeding it's still entertaining at the end of the day

On a side note, Trump really going kamikaze the GOP as a whole?? :nerd:
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you seem to think "systemic/structural racism" da theory that is employed by da left to advance their agenda and ACTUAL state sponsored racism that was historic and dealt with
are synonyms of each other.


like my link provided notes, both sides acknowledge historical racist policies, but only 1 side it propagating this sort of grievance industry "systemic/structural" that because you're born a person of color you should automatically feel entitled to some kind of "reparations" or w/e entitlements folks on da far left can conjure up.

da folks on da right disagree with da premise of "systemic/structural racism theory" because they feel enough has been done to level da playing field for all humans of every, color, class, or creed to prosper in da United States in 2016 if you work hard and smart enough.

so what you're doing is in terms of da "complex english language" is what we call
affirming a disjunct...you think because racism happened in 150+ years that somehow in 2016 you can attribute "systemic/structural racism" to da hardships some minorities go thru.
Great way to generalize blacks as government dependent leaches of government. The biggest welfare slaves are corporations.

because every slave ever in da world was exclusive to Black :lol: :smh:

go sit down.

a tax break (where people who actually work) and keep more of their own money is NOT a form of welfare.

if that was da case:

-anyone who ever claimed a Home Owner's tax credit is on welfare

-anyone who ever claimed a 421a tax credit to build luxury condos in Manhattan"s billionaire's row is on welfare.

-anyone who ever claimed a child tax credit is on welfare

-people who ever bought a EV vehicle with government subsidies baked in to make it more affordable

-anyone who ever claimed a tax credit on anything, including incentives on obamacare, or going to college is on welfare.

no sir, keeping more of your money or benefiting from policies where you get to keep MORE of your money at da end of da year is NOT welfare.

welfare is means tested programs that are given ostensibly to da unfortunate and impoverished, since you wanted to act cute, imma borrow a liberal term.

you were "code switching" and by describing im on "welfare" you painted me like im some sort of leech, like i dont earn my joint...please, spare me.

The dodging is unparalleled. Neo himself would be proud.

Welfare is a form of regulation (as elaborated by Rusty) which is designed to control the housing market. It works against free market in the sense that if it were not in place the market for the same apartment would become unattainable to certain incomes. Which in turn is directed towards lower income (a lot of welfare recipients) So while it may be unfair to coin it as welfare, it is undeniably a regulation directed towards welfare recipients.

wrong, especially since my apt was gotten during da years when NO ONE wanted to live in NYC and people were actively leaving to da suburbs.

using today's NYC and applying rent control, a expired program with grandfathered people from yesteryear and putting some sort of "welfare" frame is disingenuous.

god knows da amount of rich hipster liberals who were savvy enough to occupy those massive rent controlled lofts in SoHo when that whole area was a festering ***** zone and those upper east & Westsiders who were smart enough not to move outta their places when all their friends picked up and moved to long Island & Connecticut.
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Rent control is a form of welfare. It is a government regulation that distort the market in favor of a few people.
a tax break (where people who actually work) and keep more of their own money is NOT a form of welfare.

if that was da case:

-anyone who ever claimed a Home Owner's tax credit is on welfare

-anyone who ever claimed a 421a tax credit to build luxury condos in Manhattan"s billionaire's row is on welfare.

-anyone who ever claimed a child tax credit is on welfare

-people who ever bought a EV vehicle with government subsidies baked in to make it more affordable

-anyone who ever claimed a tax credit on anything, including incentives on obamacare, or going to college is on welfare.

no sir, keeping more of your money or benefiting from policies where you get to keep MORE of your money at da end of da year is NOT welfare.

welfare is means tested programs that are given ostensibly to da unfortunate and impoverished, since you wanted to act cute, imma borrow a liberal term.

you were "code switching" and by describing im on "welfare" you painted me like im some sort of leech, like i don't earn my joint...please, spare me.

The government is mandating a market distorting agreements, and in return they give you landlord tax breaks. You not outchea earning your way in the free market. Hell given you pass statements, I hardly think you know what a free market is.
Yes, a lot of things (especially tax credits) are forms of welfare, and that's one of the problems with America. Nearly everyone benefits from our welfare state, the rich more than anyone else, but we give welfare a bad name because we thingf of it as something only poor people use.

Medicare, Social Security, Child Credits, all part of our welfare state too. Hell there is hardly anyone in America that doesn't participate in the welfare state. Their are wealth transfers flying all over the place......Regulations and programs that give them some social or economic benefit. That is all welfare it. It is not just free stuff for poor people. Get that out your mind, and your level of rustle will clam down.

-Is public housing Welfare? Most people would say yes if we're talking about projects in the hood, but campus dorms that rich kids live in aren't welfare (that's public housing too)

-We would consider TANF welfare. But corn subsidies to rich farmers are not.

-What about corporate tax breaks? Probably not welfare. But housing vouchers are.

The poor are leeches, but the rich need to keep their hard earn money. This is nonsense so many people are tricked into believing.

------You're not a leech because you're on welfare, i would never call someone that just for being on welfare. You're leeching because you brag about not needing your housing subsidized, that you have all this disposable cash, yet you still choose to live in your rent control apartment. The policy goal was not to help people like you, that is why you're leeching.

You didn't work hard and earn your rent control. That is mandated from the government, you brag so much, move out of the apartment and go to the free market and get a place.

Rent control policy goal was not to allow dudes that claim they could make 100k easily, be able own "Porsche money in shoes, that they able to spend his money on Pelle Pelle's every winter. People like you an all those millionaires give rent control a bad name.

You're not depending on your hard work to make rent, you depend on a government regulation and the next man subsidizing your landlord.

Go take a Urban Economics class and your professor will tell you as much.

----------All these tax breaks that disproportionately help the rich, through their money and influence, the have set up a welfare state built on tax breaks/credits for them. To make matter worst, we indulge large corporation in their rent seeking behavior all the damb time.Yes many middle class people benefit from some, but our welfare state disproportionately help the rich. All these tax breaks are part of the welfare state, and they cost (not just accounting cost) the government a whole lot more that foodstamps and TANF.

But as a progressive you will never see me calling someone a leech for getting government assistance. Hell I want much more of that: Single payer (or a public option), a jobs program, subsidized college, quality public housing, universal Pre-K, food security programs, a truly progressive tax code, etc.

Ain't nothing Spinning Rusty love more than a robust welfare state that disproportionately helps the bottom classes, but everyone can participate in; or as some others would call it, social democracy.

Maybe you should reduce your rustle and join da wave :smokin
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