***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I stand corrected.... let’s go Joe! That’s exactly the stuff he needs to get out there

:lol: I was going to say man. If that wasn't good enough there was no winning over any Bernie supporters.

I'll be the first to say I caucused for Warren and Joe was probably my fourth choice, but when you compare his policies now, they are light years better than where they were and what Trump is offering. I think his team just needs to do a better job of getting those policies out there because I don't think most people would know it without reading his plans.

Hell, I didn't even know he was calling for a $5T investment into green energy until a read high climate change plan in depth today.

He is much further left than what people online are saying.
I am very frustrated with Warren, she did a lot of stupid things that hurt her. I have said so in here.

My personal interpretation are not **** I pull out the air. Bernie's plan was to win with numbers in the 30s, he did make excuses for ****ty white people, he didn't work for endorsements from high profile Dems like Biden, him not expanding his base with black Southern voters did a lot of sink him. Of course there are other valid takes on the Sanders campaign besides mine, but any take that ignores these facts doesn't seem very valid to me.
The overwhelming tone in here from you and the many other Warren supporters has been that people were simply too dumb to see she that was the best candidate. You have criticized her for her claims to Native American ancestry and her handling of that "controversy," her attempt to promote a tax raise–free M4A proposal, and maybe for a couple of other things related to her campaign that I'm forgetting. But where was your big call for a come-to-Jesus reflection from Warren and all of her supporters when she was getting trounced? About how "someone like her" could properly take the loss on the chin and change a whole bunch of things to maybe win the Democratic nomination? Maybe I missed it.

Just because you think it was Bernie's plan to win with numbers in the 30s doesn't make it so. Just because you think he "made excuses for ****** white people" and you took issue with that doesn't make it so. Just because you think that his failure to expand his support among Southern black voters was somehow directly in his control doesn't make it so. Just because you think he should have pursued endorsements from prominent Democratic figures doesn't mean he didn't have his own valid reasons for not doing so.
elections are decided my tiny margins tho.

Idiots like Marc Lamont Hill voting Jill Stein in 2016 cost Hilary helped put the final nail in her coffin.

I had to look at this earlier and Hillary literally lost in Michigan and Wisconsin by less votes than Jill Stein received. Its unreal how razor thins the margins were.
So back to the “there’s basically no difference between Bernie and any other Democratic candidate” narrative again, huh?

At this point I do not think there is much of a difference between what Biden is proposing and what Bernie would have actually passed in the Senate with 60 votes.

I have yet to hear a legitimate argument how Bernie gets a M4A gets passed in the Senate without either substantially reducing costs in his plan or substantially increasing taxes on the middle class. Everyone talks about how great Bernies plans are, but at the end of the day they were half baked ideas with no real way how to pay for them other than scream that we are going to tax the rich and wave a magic brush across that issue and say dont worry about the details.

I hate to break it to you, but Bernie wasn't getting a $35T M4A plan passed, a $17T new green deal passed, and a multi-trillion dollar expansion to Social Security passed. I'd love to hear a detailed proposal about how he is going to do it, but based on the 15 debates we already had he is just going to pivot to a new subject that he likes to casually do.
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:lol: I was going to say man. If that wasn't good enough there was no winning over any Bernie supporters.

I'll be the first to say I caucused for Warren and Joe was probably my fourth choice, but when you compare his policies now, they are light years better than where they were and what Trump is offering. I think his team just needs to do a better job of getting those policies out there because I don't think most people would know it without reading his plans.

Hell, I didn't even know he was calling for a $5T investment into green energy until a read high climate change plan in depth today.

He is much further left than what people online are saying.

I’m not a Bernie person though. With her out I became sort of a democratic independent voter. I am a big Warren fan. I donated at least $500 to her. With that said I like good policy.

I do think Biden going left with get Bernie to support him enthusiastically which will trickle down to his supporters.
My gut instinct tells me the GOP actively suppressed voters in WI because they can’t win without that state. Trump will lose Michigan because of his squabble with Whitmer, and he’ll lose PA because of its Biden’s home state. Going off the 2016 election Trump got 306 to Hillary’s 232. If you subtract Michigan and PA that puts Trump at exactly 270 and Biden at 268. If Trump loses any other state, literally any other state, he will not be re-elected.

I’m surprised people aren’t going ape **** livid over Wisconsin.

This is a preview of November, and the Coronavirus is not going away anytime soon. In fact that plays into their plans to suppress voter turnout and wither the working class and minorities.
A reporter is seriously asking about Joe Exotic in this corona briefing. :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface:
Don Jr suggested he would advocate for pardoning him; the reporter asked Trump if he had seen Tiger King and if a pardon was under consideration.
I’m surprised people aren’t going ape **** livid over Wisconsin.

This is a preview of November, and the Coronavirus is not going away anytime soon. In fact that plays into their plans to suppress voter turnout and wither the working class and minorities.
Dems really should be. Historically they cite blue but flipped in 2016. GOP is doing everything they can to make sure it doesn’t flip back.
Trump again claims that until now, he never saw Peter Navarro's late January memos warning about the coronavirus. The memos were addressed to the president and circulated throughout the WH and National Security Council.
He claims he doesn't recall being briefed.
I’m surprised people aren’t going ape **** livid over Wisconsin.

This is a preview of November, and the Coronavirus is not going away anytime soon. In fact that plays into their plans to suppress voter turnout and wither the working class and minorities.
Trump says Republicans would ‘never’ be elected again if it was easier to vote
President dismissed Democratic-led push for voter reforms amid coronavirus pandemic during Fox & Friends appearance
"It certainly hasn't [worked out for Republicans]", Trump says about vote-by-mail in the current briefing.
"I won't stand for it", he adds, aside from exceptions for the elderly. He then advocates for voter ID laws in every state.
"He knows something [about Biden] that you don't know", Trump says about Obama. Obama has pledged to not get involved before a nominee was chosen but Trump claims Obama hasn't spoken out yet because "something is wrong."

The overwhelming tone in here from you and the many other Warren supporters has been that people were simply too dumb to see she that was the best candidate. You have criticized her for her claims to Native American ancestry and her handling of that "controversy," her attempt to promote a tax raise–free M4A proposal, and maybe for a couple of other things related to her campaign that I'm forgetting. But where was your big call for a come-to-Jesus reflection from Warren and all of her supporters when she was getting trounced? About how "someone like her" could properly take the loss on the chin and change a whole bunch of things to maybe win the Democratic nomination? Maybe I missed it.

Just because you think it was Bernie's plan to win with numbers in the 30s doesn't make it so. Just because you think he "made excuses for ****ty white people" and you took issue with that doesn't make it so. Just because you think that his failure to expand his support among Southern black voters was somehow directly in his control doesn't make it so. Just because you think he should have pursued endorsements from prominent Democratic figures doesn't mean he didn't have his own valid reasons for not doing so.
:lol: :lol:
So your issue with me is that my tone? Is this the supposed hypocrisy you want to call out now?

First, off I am not answering for anyone else, you often tell me that **** Rex and other Bernie supporter say are their views and theirs only, so quote whoever you want but don't expect me to answer for others. If you are trying to tie me to this "that people were simply too dumb to see she that was the best candidate" argument, then it is a strawman, period.

Now regarding my comments. So you concede that I have been critical of Warren, besides what you listed, I did complain at length about her use of nostalgia politics often back when she was joining Bernie of his white working-class tour of the Midwest. I said that she is wrong for insinuating that everyone but her on the debate stages is genuine about helping people. I took other issues with some of her stances. In passing, I believe I said the future of the progressive movement is a better form of Warrenism. I think that is along the same lines as saying someone to learn from her mistakes. Also I have spoken about how sexism hurt all the women candidates. So that hardly amount to anything close to my putting it all on people's stupidity.

But I must point out since it is established I have criticized Warren, that my critic:

-Did Warren run for president twice?
-Was Warren ever the front runner?
-Does Warren have a faction of the progressive media that act as a de facto part of her campaign, that peppered other Dems with bad faith attacks?
-Is Warren supported by a political organization the size of the DSA?
-Do Warren's online supporters do all kinds of ******* day and night in online spaces at the same level as Sanders?
-Did Warren's supporters display the same level of salt at others over their candidates loss?
-Do Warren supporters make claims about the DNC screwing her over at the same level as Sanders supporters.
-In my state, Sanders supporters have instigated physical fights with folk, went to people's homes in the middle of the night to harass them, and bum-rushed county and state conventions in hopes of stealing delegates for Sanders. Where is the similar behavior from Warren supporters?
-Now speaking generally about this thread, the level of buffoonery in the name of directly supporting Sanders far outweighs anything done in Warrens' name.

I am not listing these things to make you answer for them; I am just building the argument that maybe my tone was partly dictated by how many people I believe need to hear the message of reflection.

Even if Bernie had his valid reason for doing so they still turned out to be mistakes, in the end, it cost him. I play golf; every time I hit it in the water, I have had a valid reason for using the club I used and trying to play the shot I did. And when those mistakes cause me to come out of my pockets at the end of the round, I am open to someone telling me, "dude, play it differently next time." And that is all I am mostly doing in regards to Bernie.

His *** got destroyed again. All I am saying is that his supporters might want to reflect on those things because they sure do look like mistakes in hindsight. So that the next person like him could learn for it, this is not a major rebuke of his whole campaign strategy. In fact, I think it lets Bernie off pretty light.

But for some reason, you have a major issue with this. If this is your stance, you are going to apply the same logic to Hillary's mistakes with campaigning in the 2016 general election. Maybe he lack of campaign events was for a valid reason, right?

But ok famb, When Warren dropped out, I didn't make a post exactly like the one I did when Sanders did. If that is your issue, congrats...
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