***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I'm sure somebody with time could pull the numerous times you've insinuated this is an "echo chamber." Maybe I tagged you as a way to show that maybe, JUST MAYBE, this thread isnt what you claim it to be. Or, if your baseline requirement for "echo chamber" is what I described previously then maybe we can all acknowledge that you're not here for actual discussion; rather it would seem instigating and playing victim is more your speed.

I understand your purpose. An arguably valid one.

But RustyShackleford RustyShackleford came in and mentioned that I was currently claiming it is an echo chamber/circle jerk despite posts from Meth.

That is, as they say, fake news.

I fully acknowledge that there is dissent amongst posters in this thread. To my knowledge, the active posters in this thread are "anyone but trump" aside from me. Both can be true.
I understand your purpose. An arguably valid one.

But RustyShackleford RustyShackleford came in and mentioned that I was currently claiming it is an echo chamber/circle jerk despite posts from Meth.

That is, as they say, fake news.

I fully acknowledge that there is dissent amongst posters in this thread. To my knowledge, the active posters in this thread are "anyone but trump" aside from me. Both can be true.
So for everyone to hear, are you finally admitting that this thread is not a echo chamber?

Because my point was that even though you clearly have evidence to the contrary again, that when it suits your argument you will label the thread an echo chamber to play victim. Something Meth has called you out for

So you can kill this right here and now. Admit there is no echo chamber. Don't get cute with language. And be consistent in this view.

Anything less than that is a clear sign you will continue with the trolling.
I wanted to wait till I saw Bernie’s farewell speech to really weigh in on the failure of his campaign. Two statements that I keyed in on when he spoke were the phrases.....”The path to victory is virtually IMPOSSIBLE”.....and “A campaign that CAN NOT win”. When Bernie Sanders said both those statements I was a able to witness first hand the look of defeat in his eyes, and see his last signs of political life. Very interesting given how high he and his supporters were after the New Hampshire and Nevada primaries. As the saying goes you’ve never seen a man die till you’ve seen them take their last breath. That’s what it felt like watching Bernie Sanders yesterday.

I couldn’t help but think of all the Bernie supporters and how they might be feeling right now. Since I have some time on my hands I would like this opportunity to point out those Bernie Sanders supporters.....which would include Rootin4EverybodyBlack Rootin4EverybodyBlack Wargames Wargames handullz handullz rolaholic rolaholic rexanglorum rexanglorum ajiiiplatinum ajiiiplatinum ......and of course a Bernie Sanders DEFEAT party wouldn’t be complete without -Red- -Red- !! -Red- -Red- gets a seat at the front of the table.....first class treatment for all his Bernie Sanders support. Still amusing to me that -Red- -Red- attended one of the last rallies Bernie Sanders had even though he was the ONLY black person (rather Person Of Color as rolaholic rolaholic would say) there. That rally was whiter than a get together at dwalk31 dwalk31 place........which is as white as it gets.

As I thought of all these names and their relation to Bernie Sanders I couldn’t help but to think about all the time they wasted, all the yard signs they placed in the ground, all the money they spent, all the times they had the audacity to go up against me (if you can believe that or not), all the online polls they conducted that they thought meant something. All in the name of Bernie Sanders. Not to mention how these same individuals bombarded my boy RustyShackleford RustyShackleford to donate money to Bernie’s campaign and rendered him financially strapped for cash to purchase the Jordan UNC 3’s when they dropped......they didn’t have to do my boy RustyShackleford RustyShackleford like that. Not at all.

Bernie Sanders failed all of these people and many more because he was unable to humble himself from his last presidential run and more importantly didn’t reach out to black people (rather People Of Color as rolaholic rolaholic would say). Bernie Sanders didn’t have a winning strategy in 2016......and damn sure didn’t have one in 2020. He let alot of people down. Trouble don’t last always though, these same individuals can go from down to up again if and when they join the Joe Biden campaign and get things going in the right direction.

No doubt in my mind they are going to do everything necessary to bring things back home for the Democratic Party. If not, I doubt they want to be labeled as frauds, hypocrites, and fair-weathered Democrats if they don’t get in line and do as they are instructed to do. I think in their heart of hearts Bernie supporters knew that Bernie Sanders didn’t stand a chance......if not all they had to do was listen to me and I would been their guiding light. This song goes out to Bernie Sanders and all the Bernie Bros our there as the show truly is over.....let’s take it back on ‘em. The words truly are fitting.

“Only Bernie WE acknowledge.........is Mac!!”
So for everyone to hear, are you finally admitting that this thread is not a echo chamber?

Because my point was that even though you clearly have evidence to the contrary again, that when it suits your argument you will label the thread an echo chamber to play victim. Something Meth has called you out for

So you can kill this right here and now. Admit there is no echo chamber. Don't get cute with language. And be consistent in this view.

Anything less than that is a clear sign you will continue with the trolling.

Consistent with guidance from Meth, I won't refer to it as an echo chamber.

Personally, I don't think that dissent refutes the idea of an echo chamber as it relates to anti-Trump rhetoric. But it isn't worth it to quibble.

The fact remains that (to my knowledge) aside from me, the posters in this thread are "anyone but Trump."
I wanted to wait till I saw Bernie’s farewell speech to really weigh in on the failure of his campaign. Two statements that I keyed in on when he spoke were the phrases.....”The path to victory is virtually IMPOSSIBLE”.....and “A campaign that CAN NOT win”. When Bernie Sanders said both those statements I was a able to witness first hand the look of defeat in his eyes, and see his last signs of political life. Very interesting given how high he and his supporters were after the New Hampshire and Nevada primaries. As the saying goes you’ve never seen a man die till you’ve seen them take their last breath. That’s what it felt like watching Bernie Sanders yesterday.

I couldn’t help but think of all the Bernie supporters and how they might be feeling right now. Since I have some time on my hands I would like this opportunity to point out those Bernie Sanders supporters.....which would include Rootin4EverybodyBlack Rootin4EverybodyBlack Wargames Wargames handullz handullz rolaholic rolaholic rexanglorum rexanglorum ajiiiplatinum ajiiiplatinum ......and of course a Bernie Sanders DEFEAT party wouldn’t be complete without -Red- -Red- !! -Red- -Red- gets a seat at the front of the table.....first class treatment for all his Bernie Sanders support. Still amusing to me that -Red- -Red- attended one of the last rallies Bernie Sanders had even though he was the ONLY black person (rather Person Of Color as rolaholic rolaholic would say) there. That rally was whiter than a get together at dwalk31 dwalk31 place........which is as white as it gets.

As I thought of all these names and their relation to Bernie Sanders I couldn’t help but to think about all the time they wasted, all the yard signs they placed in the ground, all the money they spent, all the times they had the audacity to go up against me (if you can believe that or not), all the online polls they conducted that they thought meant something. All in the name of Bernie Sanders. Not to mention how these same individuals bombarded my boy RustyShackleford RustyShackleford to donate money to Bernie’s campaign and rendered him financially strapped for cash to purchase the Jordan UNC 3’s when they dropped......they didn’t have to do my boy RustyShackleford RustyShackleford like that. Not at all.

Bernie Sanders failed all of these people and many more because he was unable to humble himself from his last presidential run and more importantly didn’t reach out to black people (rather People Of Color as rolaholic rolaholic would say). Bernie Sanders didn’t have a winning strategy in 2016......and damn sure didn’t have one in 2020. He let alot of people down. Trouble don’t last always though, these same individuals can go from down to up again if and when they join the Joe Biden campaign and get things going in the right direction.

No doubt in my mind they are going to do everything necessary to bring things back home for the Democratic Party. If not, I doubt they want to be labeled as frauds, hypocrites, and fair-weathered Democrats if they don’t get in line and do as they are instructed to do. I think in their heart of hearts Bernie supporters knew that Bernie Sanders didn’t stand a chance......if not all they had to do was listen to me and I would been their guiding light. This song goes out to Bernie Sanders and all the Bernie Bros our there as the show truly is over.....let’s take it back on ‘em. The words truly are fitting.

“Only Bernie WE acknowledge.........is Mac!!”

The nonsense about me aside, do you really think this is a good way to get Bernie supporters to back your candidate?
Apparently if you don’t clutch your pearls at a Biden critique you support Bernie. I ain’t gonna genuflect and kiss the ring unless Biden goes and earns my support? Keep in mind I appreciate what he’s gone left on and when he has my support I’ll say it.

Why ya’ll scared of someone saying “earn my vote” months before the election I’ll never get. This is when you need people to call Biden out on his BS so he can tighten his game up for the GE.
Apparently if you don’t clutch your pearls at a Biden critique you support Bernie. I ain’t gonna genuflect and kiss the ring unless Biden goes and earns my support? Keep in mind I appreciate what he’s gone left on and when he has my support I’ll say it.

Why ya’ll scared of someone saying “earn my vote” months before the election I’ll never get. This is when you need people to call Biden out on his BS so he can tighten his game up for the GE.

Out of curiosity, what has Trump done to earn your vote? I'm not trying to attack you or anything, I'm genuinely wondering.

To me ill take the guy offering free college, health care, and a climate change plan over the guy offering none of those things.
I wanted to wait till I saw Bernie’s farewell speech to really weigh in on the failure of his campaign. Two statements that I keyed in on when he spoke were the phrases.....”The path to victory is virtually IMPOSSIBLE”.....and “A campaign that CAN NOT win”. When Bernie Sanders said both those statements I was a able to witness first hand the look of defeat in his eyes, and see his last signs of political life. Very interesting given how high he and his supporters were after the New Hampshire and Nevada primaries. As the saying goes you’ve never seen a man die till you’ve seen them take their last breath. That’s what it felt like watching Bernie Sanders yesterday.

I couldn’t help but think of all the Bernie supporters and how they might be feeling right now. Since I have some time on my hands I would like this opportunity to point out those Bernie Sanders supporters.....which would include Rootin4EverybodyBlack Rootin4EverybodyBlack Wargames Wargames handullz handullz rolaholic rolaholic rexanglorum rexanglorum ajiiiplatinum ajiiiplatinum ......and of course a Bernie Sanders DEFEAT party wouldn’t be complete without -Red- -Red- !! -Red- -Red- gets a seat at the front of the table.....first class treatment for all his Bernie Sanders support. Still amusing to me that -Red- -Red- attended one of the last rallies Bernie Sanders had even though he was the ONLY black person (rather Person Of Color as rolaholic rolaholic would say) there. That rally was whiter than a get together at dwalk31 dwalk31 place........which is as white as it gets.

As I thought of all these names and their relation to Bernie Sanders I couldn’t help but to think about all the time they wasted, all the yard signs they placed in the ground, all the money they spent, all the times they had the audacity to go up against me (if you can believe that or not), all the online polls they conducted that they thought meant something. All in the name of Bernie Sanders. Not to mention how these same individuals bombarded my boy RustyShackleford RustyShackleford to donate money to Bernie’s campaign and rendered him financially strapped for cash to purchase the Jordan UNC 3’s when they dropped......they didn’t have to do my boy RustyShackleford RustyShackleford like that. Not at all.

Bernie Sanders failed all of these people and many more because he was unable to humble himself from his last presidential run and more importantly didn’t reach out to black people (rather People Of Color as rolaholic rolaholic would say). Bernie Sanders didn’t have a winning strategy in 2016......and damn sure didn’t have one in 2020. He let alot of people down. Trouble don’t last always though, these same individuals can go from down to up again if and when they join the Joe Biden campaign and get things going in the right direction.

No doubt in my mind they are going to do everything necessary to bring things back home for the Democratic Party. If not, I doubt they want to be labeled as frauds, hypocrites, and fair-weathered Democrats if they don’t get in line and do as they are instructed to do. I think in their heart of hearts Bernie supporters knew that Bernie Sanders didn’t stand a chance......if not all they had to do was listen to me and I would been their guiding light. This song goes out to Bernie Sanders and all the Bernie Bros our there as the show truly is over.....let’s take it back on ‘em. The words truly are fitting.

“Only Bernie WE acknowledge.........is Mac!!”


As simple an order as Bernie can give. "Remember why we died." For he did not wish tribute or song. No monuments, no poems of war and valour. His wish was simple: "Remember us," he said to me. That was his hope. Should any uninsured, debt strangled, unemployed, and black lung soul come across this page, in all the countless centuries yet to be, tell them that here, by Democrat Party law and consolidation, we lie. So our candidate died, and my brothers died...but not in vain.
Barely a few months ago, I pondered Bernie’s cryptic talk of victory. But time has proven him wise. For from free American to free American, the word was spread that bold Bernie and his progressives, so far from centrism, laid down their lives, not just for Democrats, but for all Americans and the promise this country holds!
The day will come when we rescue this country from oligarchy and tyranny, and usher in a future brighter than anything we could imagine! Give thanks, men! To Bernie, and the brave progressives! To victory!

As simple an order as Bernie can give. "Remember why we died." For he did not wish tribute or song. No monuments, no poems of war and valour. His wish was simple: "Remember us," he said to me. That was his hope. Should any uninsured, debt strangled, unemployed, and black lung soul come across this page, in all the countless centuries yet to be, tell them that here, by Democrat Party law and consolidation, we lie. So our candidate died, and my brothers died...but not in vain.
Barely a few months ago, I pondered Bernie’s cryptic talk of victory. But time has proven him wise. For from free American to free American, the word was spread that bold Bernie and his progressives, so far from centrism, laid down their lives, not just for Democrats, but for all Americans and the promise this country holds!
The day will come when we rescue this country from oligarchy and tyranny, and usher in a future brighter than anything we could imagine! Give thanks, men! To Bernie, and the brave progressives! To victory!


The fact remains that (to my knowledge) aside from me, the posters in this thread are "anyone but Trump."
the fact is that most of the regular posters in here have looked at many of the other possible opponents and have made it clear that of the available options, they would pick any of those options over trump. when you say "anyone", that's just hyperbole.
the fact is that most of the regular posters in here have looked at many of the other possible opponents and have made it clear that of the available options, they would pick any of those options over trump. when you say "anyone", that's just hyperbole.

Someone said they would vote for a literal dog over Trump

The Democrats could nominate Elizabeth warren’s dog bailey AND he would be my candidate
Someone said they would vote for a literal dog over Trump

then maybe the system would work.. instead of the stupidity that happens because trump or his son in law or someone else says something stupid in front of a crowd

Out of curiosity, what has Trump done to earn your vote? I'm not trying to attack you or anything, I'm genuinely wondering.

To me ill take the guy offering free college, health care, and a climate change plan over the guy offering none of those things.

I’m not voting for Trump...... never that.

I recognize Biden can be a better candidate. Hell, I constantly point to the many signs that Biden himself recognizes that as well. Bernie was hella flawed himself and I would have done the same critique for him.

Also I am likely going vote for Biden, but I am not going to say “well fall in line, cause that is what we do”. If I thought like that I would be a Republican like Dwalk. Dems are the big tent party. Biden has to win the crowd.
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