***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I believe the rationale is things will get so ****ty in the next 4 years that America will be forced to make a change. Its a bunch of people who come from a position of privilege who are willing and able to sit back and watch things get worse because it doesn't necessarily affect them.
Global pandemic and economic depression and forfeiture of all the civil rights gains of the past 50 years is not enough. We need a nuclear holocaust before we'll learn our lesson, and then we'll make Bernie the nominee for president and everyone will be so happy and like, "yeah, that was TOTALLY worth it."
I believe the rationale is things will get so ****ty in the next 4 years that America will be forced to make a change. Its a bunch of people who come from a position of privilege who are willing and able to sit back and watch things get worse because it doesn't necessarily affect them.
Did not even think about this. Thanks for pointing that out.
Please, elaborate

But what's confusing is that these people are on the same page in wanting to get Trump out of office. But would prefer to squander their vote to give Trump a higher percentage of being re-elected.

I just find their views sort of contradictory.

Not really. When you think about it, Biden (if elected) would most likely prop up the status quo. For a number of reasons that might be outside of his control.

Bernie, on the other hand, represented radical change.

Stomaching 4 more years of Trump would force the DNC to really back a more radical candidate next cycle.

At least that is the rationale.
Not really. When you think about it, Biden (if elected) would most likely prop up the status quo. For a number of reasons that might be outside of his control.

Bernie, on the other hand, represented radical change.

Stomaching 4 more years of Trump would force the DNC to really back a more radical candidate next cycle.

At least that is the rationale.
Hopefully you realize I was responding to a poster that tagged me. I see you didn't mention that poster.
I was responding to the content of you post. So that is why I didn't mention anyone else

This place is an echo chamber even when people are arguing with one another, just because of agreement on one issue.

So you will keep calling this place an echo chamber as a bad faith troll. Which is something Meth specially pointed out was a nonsense argument.

So since it seems you are not taking his warnings seriously, I hope he finally bans you the next time you get outta pocket. No more chances
I was responding to the content of you post. So that is why I didn't mention anyone else

This place is an echo chamber even when people are arguing with one another, just because of agreement on one issue.

So you will keep calling this place an echo chamber as a bad faith troll. Which is something Meth specially pointed out was a nonsense argument.

So since it seems you are not taking his warnings seriously, I hope he finally bans you the next time you get outta pocket. No more chances

Someone else mentioned echo chamber (not me) and tagged me. I responded.
Global pandemic and economic depression and forfeiture of all the civil rights gains of the past 50 years is not enough. We need a nuclear holocaust before we'll learn our lesson, and then we'll make Bernie the nominee for president and everyone will be so happy and like, "yeah, that was TOTALLY worth it."

At the end of the day it just makes things worse. All it does is incentive people to not vote until they get their preferred candidate so in the next election cycle, when people do finally get their candidate and a bunch of people don't, then the group that didn't get their candidate can wash, rinse, and repeat the same behavior and continue splitting votes. Meanwhile, the republicans continue winning elections with 40% of the vote because they have sufficiently gerrymandered districts and suppressed enough voters that we end up with a government that only represents those who are aged 55 and older.

Then 16-20 years from now when we finally pull our heads out of our asses, we can all be in the age 55 group and finally vote for republicans to represent our interests. And instead of getting incremental changes for 16-20 years, we get no change at all and the next generation is still in the same position. Then all our kids can resent us the same way we do with boomers for not making things better for them.
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We were actually told last Friday that FEMA was going to seize a lot of our PPE supplies which caused panic in our supply chain management team.
Good to point out that most Bernie supporters did vote for Clinton. I guess we are focusing on a small subset. A loud annoying subset on twitter though :lol:


MIght need to retract my prior statement with the info heelsandeers heelsandeers posted though :lol:

Does that make me a flip flopper? :blush:

In 2016, 83% of Bernie’s primary voters voted for Clinton in the general. The number will be similar in 2020. Now you probably think that number should be 100% but that’s not realistic. For context, only 75% of 2008 Clinton primary voters voted for Barack Obama in the general election.

If Biden loses because he gets “only” 80% of Sanders primary supporters to vote for him, then he’s a pretty weak candidate.
The Trump administration was aware of the Wuhan outbreak as far back as November via US intelligence reports. Defense Secretary Esper issued a non-denial denial when asked about the intelligence report from National Center for Medical Intelligence, which part of the Defense Intelligence Agency. Secretary Esper said he couldn't recall the report. That intelligence was reviewed and eventually made it into Trump's Presidential Daily Brief in early January. It's possible the briefers tried to brief him as a somewhat functioning adult rather than a toddler so perhaps they simply failed to get through to Trump.

Breaking with tradition, Trump skips president’s written intelligence report and relies on oral briefings
For much of the past year, President Trump has declined to participate in a practice followed by the past seven of his predecessors: He rarely if ever reads the President’s Daily Brief, a document that lays out the most pressing information collected by U.S. intelligence agencies from hot spots around the world.
Trump has opted to rely on an oral briefing of select intelligence issues in the Oval Office rather than getting the full written document delivered to review separately each day, according to three people familiar with his briefings.

Soon after Trump took office, analysts sought to tailor their intelligence sessions for a president with a famously short attention span, who is known for taking in much of his information from conservative Fox News Channel hosts. The oral briefings were augmented with photos, videos and graphics.


'Willful Ignorance.' Inside President Trump's Troubled Intelligence Briefings
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Someone else mentioned echo chamber (not me) and tagged me. I responded.
Your response, as is typical, did not address the post but rather pivoted to move the talking point. Instead of taking note that there's dissent among the ranks, you move to point out that the one unifying factor for most in here (anyone but Trump) somehow proves your theory that this thread is a "liberal echo chamber." Unfortunately the fact that there's a wide breadth of discussion and arguments belies your notion of this being a circlejerk. The fact that rexanglorum rexanglorum and RustyShackleford RustyShackleford are going to fistfight in Temecula over Bernie criticisms belies your assertion that this is a circlejerk.

Or is this a liberal echo chamber only because nobody in here, in their right minds, sees a benefit to the world with Trump in charge? What exactly would be your standard to eliminate this "echo chamber" tag you've assigned?
Or is this a liberal echo chamber only because nobody in here, in their right minds, sees a benefit to the world with Trump in charge? What exactly would be your standard to eliminate this "echo chamber" tag you've assigned?

Correction, 15% of Bernie supporters think the world is better off with another 4 years of Trump.
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