***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Same guy



Imagine throwing your life and dignity away after going through journalism school just to work at Fox...

except for Hannity... idk what ****ing ****hole he came from to be given an opportunity to be like Alex Jones on national TV.
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And the flip side of this is the much, much larger "vote blue no matter who" contingent who have been peddling that nonsense for decades despite little to nothing to show for it in terms of addressing inequality, poverty, worker precarity, etc.. In fact, the folks these people have championed have more often than not worked to intensify those issues.

So yeah, there's that, too.
NAFTA gets blamed for so much but truth be told it just didn't have that much of an effect on the US economy

the worst you can say is it created winners and losers (like all trade) and the US hasn't done enough to help the losers
I wanted someone else to be the Dem nominee

But now the decision is between Biden and Trump.

It is clear to me who is the better option

It is that simple

I wanted a Warren presidency. She dropped out before primary voting happened in my state.

I then voted for Bernie (like I did in '16). Biden won Missouri.

Bernie dropped out. In Novemeber I will be voting for Biden. We cannot let 4 more years of the orange clown happen.
I wanted a Warren presidency. She dropped out before primary voting happened in my state.

I then voted for Bernie (like I did in '16). Biden won Missouri.

Bernie dropped out. In Novemeber I will be voting for Biden. We cannot let 4 more years of the orange clown happen.

Since my petty party is continuing, I decided to text this to all my Sanders friends still complaining to me...
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And what point might that be?

Im guessing he's referring to the fact that Bernie Sander super fans are a group of congenitally incapable of taking a swift and righteous L.

I hate it so much, you lost, TAKE THE L, i don't want to hear excuses.

It's the lack of introspection and the inability to HUMBLY ACCEPT a FAIR L from, Hillary Clinton

that helped bring about the L they refuse to accept from Joe Biden.

I remember seeing this Ava Duvernay tweet and wincing a bit for Bernie pre South Carolina.

Bernie fans responded to Ava with death threats and "lol omg but what about Harvey Weinstein" that they missed what this tweet represented.


This whole, "yo the democratic party needs to be destroyed vote for Bernie you losers!" works with college students, works with younger people,

but someone like Ava Duverney; older black democrat women, the kind person you need to convince if you want to win in a non divided field

....that **** does not work and ended coming back to bite Bernie something serious.
Im guessing he's referring to the fact that Bernie Sander super fans are a group of congenitally incapable of taking a swift and righteous L.

I hate it so much, you lost, TAKE THE L, i don't want to hear excuses.

It's the lack of introspection and the inability to HUMBLY ACCEPT a FAIR L from, Hillary Clinton

that helped bring about the L they refuse to accept from Joe Biden.
That's the one.

I remember seeing this Ava Duvernay tweet and wincing a bit for Bernie pre South Carolina.

Bernie fans responded to Ava with death threats and "lol omg but what about Harvey Weinstein" that they missed what this tweet represented.


This whole, "yo the democratic party needs to be destroyed vote for Bernie you losers!" works with college students, works with younger people,

but someone like Ava Duverney; older black democrat women, the kind person you need to convince if you want to win in a non divided field

....that **** does not work and ended coming back to bite Bernie something serious.

Other Bernie supporters in the media (Yglesias and Levitz) tried to point out this dynamic and they got mocked my the Chapo/Jacobin/Young Turks loving crowd.

Bernie, the bernie supporting online media, and a ton of his fans, take the worst factions of the Democratic Party and try to broadly apply it to all members of the "establishment" or liberals in general.

Problem is in many areas, especially in the deep South, the Democratic Party is one of the few institutions that have people's back. Coates pointed out that the anti-establishment messaging runs into issues because Bernie doesn't really understand how he is coming off in some areas, to some people. You got a white dude from Vermont (who's record is not perfect) that has never been around, telling people to trust him over the party. However, the Democratic Party they think of is not really think of party elites in bed with Wall St., but the local black Democrats in their state that people generally view as good actors. So when those good actors say they rocking with Hillary or Joe over Bernie, it means a lot.

And then when people don't get buy in right away, many Sanders supporters get perplexed as to why that it, then comes the hot takes from his surrogates and media outlines that don't help.

People in the Bernie supporting media, want to harp on party elites not wanting Bernie to win. But gave little thought about how constantly ****ting on the Democratic Party constantly would play with the parties most loyal voters (Southern black voters, especially women), voters you need to win.

Welp, now you know. Hopefully the next person tries a different technique.
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DOJ's Inspector General disagrees with Barr and in fact accused DOJ of threatening the whistleblower system as a whole if they did not revoke the OLC memo that overruled the ICIG Inspector General, which was not based on law according to DOJ IG Horowitz and around 70 other signatories in the Council of Inspectors General.
Bernie, the bernie supporting online media, and a ton of his fans, take the worst factions of the Democratic Party and try to broadly apply it to all members of the "establishment" or liberals in general.

for some progressives feeding their outrage and sense of moral superiority is the overriding imperative

this idea that Dem “moderates” or the "Dem establishment" as a group is some sort of obstacle to progress is nonsense. unless you want to ascribe the actions of a few strays to the entire party

future progressive leaders need to be smarter
Can’t they just make voting by app or mail and thing for everyone?

it’s 2020 f going in, leaving work early, making black people in Mississippi wait in line for 9 hours etc etc.
A voting app is a bad idea.

We need to greatly increase the density of voting places, expand early voting, making election day a true national holiday, have some 24/7 voting places, and have universal vote by mail rights.

Use apps and websites to track mail in ballots, but don't putting voting online. That just invites China, Putin and MBS to do some tomfoolery.
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