***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Now that I know Coal Gang's European Leader is good, you libs are OVA. We got new avys, new attitudes and we are all practicing #SMASHMOUTHSOCIALDISTANCING. If a lib gets near us, we are hitting them with da left hook to da jaw. You know why? Because we can. We have the moral high ground here. Rosa Parks is #4COALSMEN, MLK is #4COALSMEN, DLK is #4COALSMEN and the greatest civil rights leader of all time jrose5 jrose5 is #4COALSMEN.

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Now that I know Coal Gang's European Leader is good, you libs are OVA. We got new avys, new attitudes and we are all practicing #SMASHMOUTHSOCIALDISTANCING. If a lib gets near us, we are hitting them with da left hook to da jaw. You know why? Because we can. We have the moral high ground here. Rosa Parks is #4COALSMEN, MLK is #4COALSMEN, DLK is #4COALSMEN and the greatest civil rights leader of all time jrose5 jrose5 is #4COALSMEN.

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I only have one things to say to the libbies:

No I’m saying these fools want to protest and stuff let them have big Trump rallies with the Trump there, petition him on Facebook,Twitter, Instagram wherever he posts his nonsense. I bet he’d be down for it.

I'm down to watch 14-day Trumpalooza rallies in all the empty stadiums.
One way in.
ESPN can broadcast as Las Vegas bets on who drops dead and who comes out alive at the end of those two weeks.

Let's see who among them is ready to die for the economy.
It's crazy that Michigan has a quarter of the population of California and more deaths than us. Meanwhile there are idiots protesting against preventing the spread of the virus.
Trump again falsely claims China is paying US tariffs, billions of direct payments to the Treasury.
Trump again falsely claims China is paying the 25% US tariffs on imported goods from China. At this point I'm not even sure if he's just lying over and over again or if this moron just can't grasp how tariffs work.
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