***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Ya know, I've never really thought about the effect of Trump's campaign on down-ballot races for Republicans besides the big name guys like McCain and Ryan.  Some of those lesser known cats have to be LIVID. 
If democrats can somehow get the majority 60% in the house and senate along with the presidency because of trump it would be hilarious. The ultimate troll job.
 This dude Sean Hannity said that if the Republicans lose the election, he'll be pointing fingers at people like Paul Ryan. Um, how about pointing them at the main culprit - Drumpf.
While most of Fox has slowed down the Trump bandwagon,that dude has acted shamelessly like his own personal lapdog :lol :x

Sort of like Joe Scarborough before the Primaries ended but more blatant,Joe's taken up the company stance since the nominations were confirmed :lol
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look at these damn liberals attacking trump. da liberal media spin, quoting Republicans word for word.

“I’d rather take our chances with nearly anyone else than continue with this certain loser who will likely cost the Senate and much more,” said a New Hampshire Republican.

“The effect Trump is having on down-ballot races has the potential to be devastating in November,” added a Florida Republican. “His negative image among Hispanics, women and independents is something that could be devastating to Republicans. Trump’s divisive rhetoric to the Hispanic community at large has the potential to be devastating for years to come.”

“He’s not going anywhere. His ego wouldn’t allow it,” a Virginia Republican added. “He'll dominate the news for the next three months, each day more painful than the last, finally lose, say it was rigged and get a new [television] show.”

“I want Trump to feel the blame for this loss,” added an Iowa Republican, “not put it on the doorstep of ‘the Establishment.’”

Da establishment b.
You linked the wrong vid. Let me help you out.

You really think these people would welcome you with open arms

i don't see any ninjahoods out there 

lmao ninjahood please go pro yourself at these rallies while they are yelling these racial slurs 
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most of statistical models have 70-80% Clinton.

Trump and Putin still have a 30% shot at the presidency.

If Diet Coke gave you a 30% chance of getting cancer you would never drink Coke again. :lol
Interested in seeing which major Republicans are gonna unendorse the man first. I feel like there could be a snowball effect after that cayse you've gotta believe that the closer November gets, the more pressure they'll have to abandon ship for the sake of their own careers :lol. Especially if the polls keep painting a bleak picture after the debates
it would honestly be better for them to be first to unendorse trump...

that's a real leader that the party needs

What happened to Pres. Obama's proposed crack down on militarizing police? 


You notice that part where the graph trends down sharply

That's it.

Word is he reneged on that. We'll see where 2016 comes in... Either way, look at the increase in police militarization under his presidency. It's astonishing. 

He is considering allowing them to buy protective equipment he had previously banned.

And I could a long diatribe about this but I will spare you that. But I will say the "look what has happened under Obama" argument does mask the more nuance discussion about why we are in this situation.
"Reality has a well known liberal bias."

until he talks about radicalized islam...then Liberals turns to cannibals :lol

It's a Colbert quote.

Also, many liberals have stopped watching Bill Maher all together (I'm one of them) due to how he talks about Islam.

Unlike conservatives, when a guy is a complete *** clown about something, we don't do gymnastics to defend them. We also leave the room he's in because we don't want that company.

But yeah, you'd rather have us defend everything that a person says because it would make you feel better about yourself because that's what you do.
Maher's tolerable in small doses. Any time I watch his show it's because I'm interested in his guests. But every week it seems like he's on the same ****.
Maher's tolerable in small doses. Any time I watch his show it's because I'm interested in his guests. But every week it seems like he's on the same ****.
i can't stand maher anymore...i think he's annoying af. 
Trump announced his economic policy team. There is one actual economist on it, who is an "expert" in trade with China. It is mainly rich Wall Street sympathizing conservative finance wonks.

But he ain't establishment doe :lol

And people still gonna think these rich white old billionaires gonna put America's interest above lining their own pockets......

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Police likely the same under Obama as it has been under previous presidents. Main difference is just the rise of documentation of police brutality via cell phone footage.
He is considering allowing them to buy protective equipment he had previously banned.

And I could a long diatribe about this but I will spare you that. But I will say the "look what has happened under Obama" argument does mask the more nuance discussion about why we are in this situation.
Do you think it's primarily driven by the build up of the equipment due to these Wars, and needing an outlet for the equipment? I have to assume that plays a large role in it. Terrible all around nonetheless. 
I used to ride heavy with Maher, but I'm at the point where I really can't stand his personality. Dude whines like no other. 

His show can still be good but it's usually not because of him. 
He is considering allowing them to buy protective equipment he had previously banned.

And I could a long diatribe about this but I will spare you that. But I will say the "look what has happened under Obama" argument does mask the more nuance discussion about why we are in this situation.

Do you think it's primarily driven by the build up of the equipment due to these Wars, and needing an outlet for the equipment? I have to assume that plays a large role in it. Terrible all around nonetheless. 

That's how it started to build up. These programs that really started the militarization of the police were because of the War on Terror and the need for police forces to have anti-terrorism procedures.

But you have these clowns so eager to use their news toys, that they go overboard.

It is such a complex problem at this joint, it is hard to point the finger at anyone. Even the dumbest of cop.
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