***Official Political Discussion Thread***



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He should ask California and New York

I mean, let´s even skip the fact that New York alone probably subsidizes a couple of other states.

...I the citizen am to understand that all of Europe is collaborating on modern solutions to this modern problem, and Dr. President wants Twitter to justify federal assistance for their home states in a pandemic?

The videos have been released before but they were leaked. The Pentagon confirmed their authenticity but has now formally released them after a classification review.
One is from 2004, two others are from January 2015.

I am not even This Guy, but I feel like this is an intentional distraction...the timing is super double extra weird.

This is extremely short sighted on behalf of republicans and from an economics standpoint is tantamount to cutting off your nose to spite your face. For instance, 615,000 people are currently receiving payments from the california pension system today. That number is far and away larger than any other state in the country, but it gives you an idea of the magnitude of people receiving public pensions. The California system is about 10 times larger than most states who have public pension systems so if you extrapolate that out, you get about 3-5M people currently receiving public pension benefits.

If you take just the 50+ demographic in the US out of our system and put them in their own system, they would represent the third largest GDP in the world. That demographic makes up about 100M people. Substantially cutting incomes of up to 5% of that demographic while we are sitting at a 20% unemployment rate would result in catastrophic ripple effects throughout the economy. Most of these pension funds invest heavily into equities. What the hell do these guy think is going to happen when 5M people have less to spend and trillions of dollars get taken out of the equity market?

Letting them just fail would be dumb considering the historic level of asset purchases currently being undertaken by the fed. Not to mention this isnt just going to affect blue states. Florida and Texas both have one of the largest public pension programs in the US and both are largely underfunded. The idea that this is only a blue issue is pretty stupid and irresponsible.
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So I’m getting some lib osha certificate and this comes up. :lol: That’s when I realized Trump took osha out back and shot it. Too much safety in the coal mines and not enough WORK!


I literally just spent an hour of my day listening on how to avoid getting poisoned or blown up.
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