***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Let me try to drive the point home another way. Of course, I am not saying this is true of each and every voter. However, I feel some leftists need to realize how much they sabotage themselves when it comes to obtaining the support of many reachable voters.

Through life experiences, living in these communities, talking to family members, friends, and other voters, I realize that for many black voters, concerns about electability are very serious. Not because they are in love with moderation, incremental change, or flippant about other people's suffering. It is because these primary voters, either directly or indirectly tell me that they know the black vote, even acting in coordination, doesn't have the sufficient power to swing the general election easily. So they have to take the consideration of centrist whites on the margin. They have to consider who can win by gaining enough support from Midwestern, suburban, and other marginal white voters.

Even when Barack Obama came along, one of the keys of him capturing so much of the black vote, especially with older folk, was to show he would win over centrist whites.

This is heartbreaking to me. That you have people that have face systemic oppression, all their damn lives now have to take into consideration the preferences of people that will sell them out in an instant if the GOP finds the right social issue to prime their white identity. It is heartbreaking to me because it should not be that way. Our entire electoral system is rigged to weaken the black vote. Restricting early voting, closing polling places, closing DMVs, voter ID laws, gerrymandering through redistricting, gerrymandering through mass incarceration, voter roll purges all weaken the black vote, make voting populations way more conservative. In return, people have to make calculations in primaries as to who will perform best in these conservative-leaning races.

That is why when Bernie suggested the lack of Democratic wins in the deep south was because of the party righting off white voters was so damn offensive to me. Like really famb, the issue is not going after the voters that for generations actively supported disenfranchising your most loyal voting block. Furthermore, I saw some Sanders supporters being mad at Jim Clayburn playing kingmaker and swinging SC to a landslide to Biden, and in turn, started things going downhill for Bernie. Besides Sanders's lack of outreach to local figures, and not realizing his anti-Democratic message might rub people the wrong way, think about why there is not a cohort of black progressives in the deep south to counter people like Clayburn's endorsement. This distorted system, most prevalent in the deep south, and severely hurt black progressive the most. They run city races, municipal races, mayoral races, state-level races, for races in the justice system and flame out. Not only because of the systemic swinging of the voting populace to more white/conservative because other black voters think "welp white folk not gonna vote this him/her, and if a Dem/liberal doesn't win, things will get even worst." So the black community is cheated out how political power and the little they get liberals beat out leftist for it. And naturally, in turn, liberal and centrist tend to cosign other liberals and centrist.

No, instead of being furious at the system weakening black political power to the point black progressive get squeezed out, the mostly white Marxist/socialist/leftist American movement turns their frustrations primarily toward the black voters themselves. They say they are doped by scheming affluent liberals, that they don't understand their oppression, they are low information, flippant about many of their concerns. Worst, they are ignorantly complicit in their own oppression. That is the line rexanglorum rexanglorum crossed, and that is why I have such and strong reaction to it. Of all the ways forward for the leftist movement, many of them chose to indulge in think that is at best counterproductive and at worst vile. Like I try my best to convince people always to go the most progressive option, but when I see a leftist undercutting that causes, and their cause, I really get frustrated. I want progressives to control every level of government, so I sit back and watch the leftist petulance like...

I know old habits die hard, but why not see how the current strategy is not working.

Beyond that, the class first messaging is not working. The intersectionality message usually comes out whenever needed, but it comes off an insincere or convenient a lot of the time. I don't know why many view it as compromising to their principles or distracting if you talk about economic equality and racism as parallel struggles. Bernie himself tried to transition his messaging to fit this strategy. I still think he came up short.

And why I get so heated rexanglorum rexanglorum is that he takes the behavior, ideology, and destructive acts of the worst actors in the Democratic coalition, and that to attack black voters, just because they voted for the same guy in the primary. Even worst, after the 2016 defeat, the Bernie faction demanded understanding for the people who condemned every one of us to Trump. At a minimum, even if you felt black voters were doing something destructive, why not give them the same consideration you requested for many midwestern whites.

In the end, if you want more black support, make empowering them at the ballot a bigger priority. Free these voters from having to consider feelings of bad actors their coalition. Help give them the power to be able to take more risks at the ballot. Otherwise, stop ******* throwing tantrums when these voters don't do exactly what you want.
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Alright, guys. I was way to hasty and your kind words and the sharp but thoughtful criticism underscored that.

I’ve been reading the last few pages worth of replies and yes, it’s unfair to criticize voters, especially black voters on this country. Rusty’s most recent reply was particularly illuminating. Yes, if you have a group of voters that share your goals and values and they vote differently l, figure out why and adjust messaging and in the case with southern black voters, change the material conditions which force those voters to feel that they have to decide between degrees of harm in every election. That sounds like an awful way to have to live and to have to engage with politics. Those of us with more resources and political breathing room need to ensure that those, who are far more materially and legally and politically constrained, can become less constrained and can push away the barbarism, currently menacing them, and build something better in in its place.

“Not me, us” is Bernie Sanders’ 2020 slogan but it is more than that, it’s words to live by in politics, in general, left politics in particular. It’s bad strategy to close one’s self off. Expansion, inclusion and mutual aid is the way to go. Many of my comrades are good at that already but me and some of my fellow leftists need to be vigilant about not letting our work just devolve into being tiny, Marxist debating societies or a left wing version of the Elks Club.

I’ve been feeling pretty hopeless. I don’t think that Bernie alone is a savior and movements are more important than individuals but movements need people to carry that movement into elected office. Bernie is a unique figure and with him off the chess board, it’s unclear now who can play that role. Then there’s climate change which really squeezes things in terms of the time frame. Then we have capital consolidating and this plague looks poised to accurate that process. We just saw Michael Bloomberg flex his plutocratic and oligarchic power. And Amazon has set up heat maps to go minority report on potential Union organizing.

It’s not on black voters to get us all out of this pretty dire situation, and they are some of the keenest to change this state of affairs. So I guess it’s about pushing forward and maybe some modest electoral win and modest wins through direct action can cascade into bigger wins and more marginalized voters feel safer in demanding more and we ride a virtuous cycle and we seal the deal with political figures who will emerge. It’ll be tough be it’s doable if there’s broad reaching solidarity.

And if all else fails, we got beautiful, clean coal!
Also, if the 1st amendment were to be changed to apply to private companies like Twitter, I’m not really sure how you restrict that to only some private entities and not others.

Edit: In a hypothetical, what would happen in the case of 1st amendment lawsuits against other private entities?

I mean this is a great question, essentially "where do we draw the line?"

I doubt there would be any bright-line rule. But I think that being publicly traded might be a factor, even if it isn't dispositive.
the part of me that finds his super limited word choice hilarious is the same part that so often got me in trouble as a kid because I ¨thought everything was so damn funny hee hee hell¨ and I kinda hate it sometimes.

beautiful test, brilliant germ, tremendous light interesting very very powerful

I´m literally laughing typing this.

but then it´s like this is the goddamn President of the United States, HIS TWEETS WILL BE IN HISTORY BOOKS

...so what happens if Twitter just suspends this dude? inciting riots has to violate TOS.

**** is so dangerous, we are a single Cheddar Bob incident away from a gunfight in a state capitol building.

please don’t ever leave this site

rexanglorum rexanglorum you either. The absurdity of a vocal ex conservative morphing into the perfect picture of the white liberal I am so wary of has been a sight to see, plus I appreciate the perspective you give
Imagine not understanding that the sooner things go back to normal, the more likely it is that you won’t be able to utilize your “freedom” to go get haircuts and such b/c more people will likely be infected, causing another wave of shutdowns.

Unreal. :smh: :smh: :smh:
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