***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Delk when he reads about these new crimes...
That's the most powerful expression of disagreement one can make.
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I'm talking about how it is characterized.

Someone could see that post, then later paraphrase based on seeing that, etc.

It is a pattern in here.

For instance there is page after page of an allegation that I support Roy Moore, yet no actual post of me showing support.

Domino effect of slight variations being misinterpreted

The more troubling pattern is your support of pedo republicans and continuous disingenuous posts that attempt to celebrate the GOP‘s watered down legislation that you argue will positively affect black communities, the same communities they routinely oppress.

But let’s talk about quoting your posts and her e-nails!
Delk is a hypocrite because he has quoted people in the past, edited part of their post by deleting part of it, and then misrepresented what the person actually said.

He is a hypocrite

I don't generally add words to a post.

If I did, I would signify the change with a strikethrough or asterisk.

An ellipsis also shows that words have been omitted.
The more troubling pattern is your support of pedo republicans and continuous disingenuous posts that attempt to celebrate the GOP‘s watered down legislation that you argue will positively affect black communities, the same communities they routinely oppress.

But let’s talk about quoting your posts and her e-nails!

I didn't "celebrate" either bill. That's extreme.

But I did say that both the Republican's and the Democrat's bill looked good to me, and there was some overlap.

Not sure what pedo you are talking about or where I mentioned emails
To sum up the latest reporting:

- Trump explicitly asked Chinese president Xi to assist his re-election campaign and told Xi how China's economic influence could be used to boost his re-election in specific states

- Trump said journalists should be jailed so they have to reveal their sources and should also face execution

- Trump twice praised China/Xi for putting Uyghur muslims in concentration camps and encouraged Xi to continue expanding them

- Trump offered to interfere with the Huawei criminal investigation in exchange for more progress from China in their assistance to Trump's re-election

- Trump deliberately caused a political firestorm by defending the murder of Jamal Khashoggi so the controversy would distract from Ivanka's private email controversy

- Trump's intent in 'negotiating' with North Korea was just to get a photo-op and declare victory from the start

- Trump offered to interfere with the Halkbank criminal investigation to favor Erdogan

- Trump said invading Venezuela would be "cool" and argued the country belonged to the US anyway
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I don't feel that way about myself.

But you need to be easy with saying it period. If you are confused.

Not confused one bit. I'll say whatever I want whenever I want and YOU aren't going to do a damn thing about it. You come in here with BS constantly but the second someone says something that you don't like you get butt hurt and act like a victim of some outrageous injustice. If you don't like what I have to say that's a you problem. Miss me with the wanna be tough guy Internet crap.
To sum up the latest reporting:

- Trump explicitly asked Chinese president Xi to assist his re-election campaign and told Xi how China's economic influence could be used to boost his re-election in specific states

- Trump said journalists should be jailed so they have to reveal their sources and should also face execution

- Trump twice praised China/Xi for putting Uyghur muslims in concentration camps and encouraged Xi to continue expanding them

- Trump offered to interfere with the Huawei criminal investigation in exchange for more progress from China in their assistance to Trump's re-election

- Trump deliberately caused a political firestorm by defending the murder of Jamal Khashoggi so the controversy would distract from Ivanka's private email controversy

- Trump's intent in 'negotiating' with North Korea was just to get a photo-op and declare victory from the start

- Trump offered to interfere with the Halkbank criminal investigation to favor Erdogan

Well Trump could certainly do better with his presidentialing, I'll say that much.

But he's only 7/8th of the way through his first term. What did you expect? He's learning on the job. How the hell was he supposed to know that you're not supposed to support genocide by a Communist country in exchange for help with your reelection bid? And when your ***** daughter is in trouble, what father wouldn't go full-clown and defend the chainsaw massacre of an American resident by foreign butchers?

People just need to relax and realize Trump will make a couple mistakes here and there. It's not the end of the world. Well, fine, it might be the end of the world, which is why I sighed. Now let's move on and talk about the crime bill.
Not confused one bit. I'll say whatever I want whenever I want and YOU aren't going to do a damn thing about it. You come in here with BS constantly but the second someone says something that you don't like you get butt hurt and act like a victim of some outrageous injustice. If you don't like what I have to say that's a you problem. Miss me with the wanna be tough guy Internet crap.

Do you
To sum up the latest reporting:

- Trump explicitly asked Chinese president Xi to assist his re-election campaign and told Xi how China's economic influence could be used to boost his re-election in specific states

- Trump said journalists should be jailed so they have to reveal their sources and should also face execution

- Trump twice praised China/Xi for putting Uyghur muslims in concentration camps and encouraged Xi to continue expanding them

- Trump offered to interfere with the Huawei criminal investigation in exchange for more progress from China in their assistance to Trump's re-election

- Trump deliberately caused a political firestorm by defending the murder of Jamal Khashoggi so the controversy would distract from Ivanka's private email controversy

- Trump's intent in 'negotiating' with North Korea was just to get a photo-op and declare victory from the start

- Trump offered to interfere with the Halkbank criminal investigation to favor Erdogan
The worst part is that none of this is surprising. We all knew **** like this was going on behind the scenes.
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