***Official Political Discussion Thread***

imagine these folks thinking their race is superior

Imagine black folks actually backing people like them
Voting for me is basically choosing the power company that lets me put a little 100 on the bill to keep the power on for the month because I don't have the full amount vs the company that will cut it off immediately. I'm not singing the praises of the power company for lettting me rock.
Both parties are obviously flawed but one is CLEARLY more flawed
We have nearly the entire wealth of human knowledge at our fingertips to show us this
You choose the better option instead of letting someone else choose for you
Of course there will be people who believe this. But I assure you....the majority of black folks do not think the Democratic Party is a savior to their problems 🤦🏾‍♂️🙄

And, just to be clear, I (and I imagine the majority of black conservatives) do not think the Republican Party is a savior to problems facing the black community.
I have never come across this on here, or in my 30 years of being black :lol:. You selling black folks really short man.

Of course there will be people who believe this. But I assure you....the majority of black folks do not think the Democratic Party is a savior to their problems 🤦🏾‍♂️🙄
Please tell me where I said this.
And, just to be clear, I (and I imagine the majority of black conservatives) do not think the Republican Party is a savior to problems facing the black community.

You also profess Roy Moore's innocence with Bass in your voice so we know where you stand.
Please tell me where I said this.

Right here. You said this:

This. NT seems to believe in the political ideals of one party just because they've given them some scraps as if both of them aren't children of systematic racism and have both given black people the middle finger.

“NT seems to believe”

One would deduce this statement refers to a majority of NT, political thread. No? :lol:. Or a prevailing belief amongst posters on NT...or black people (which was the topic) at the time.
And, just to be clear, I (and I imagine the majority of black conservatives) do not think the Republican Party is a savior to problems facing the black community.

I imagine the majority of black conservatives don't care about problems facing the black community as long as it personally benefits the individual. tbh, that seems to be the case for most conservatives I can think of.
Right here. You said this:

“NT seems to believe”

One would deduce this statement refers to a majority of NT, political thread. No? :lol:. Or a prevailing belief amongst posters on NT...or black people (which was the topic) at the time.
This is a bad reach and you clearly weren't paying attention. The topic at the time(or at least what I replied to) was in regard to khufu defending dwalk31 dwalk31 right to believe what he wants. I agreed with KHUFU KHUFU and stated that there are people in here who think the other party is on their side just as much as dwalk31 dwalk31 thinks the republican party gives a damn about him. Try again guy :lol: . Don't try to misconstrue my words because I spoke against the political party you subscribe to.
but do you think trump is a racist?

I don’t know whether Trump is a racist or not. I’ve said that plenty of times.

With that said, based on words and actions, I think one can make a valid argument that both Trump and Biden are racists.
I don’t know whether Trump is a racist or not. I’ve said that plenty of times.

With that said, based on words and actions, I think one can make a valid argument that both Trump and Biden are racists.
What do you mean, I dont know. It sounds like the racist on both sides argument.
I have never come across this on here, or in my 30 years of being black :lol:. You selling black folks really short man.

Of course there will be people who believe this. But I assure you....the majority of black folks do not think the Democratic Party is a savior to their problems 🤦🏾‍♂️🙄
At one point in my life on was on that "both sides" steez, and besides getting more into politics and economics helping me snap out of it, it was actually a conservative that help me snap out of that lazy way of thinking.

Dude was a lifelong Republican until the Iraq War. He was a moderate, he didn't like Reagan, but thought the party would go back to being a moderate party after him. he said Bush was the final nail in the coffin for him. He said he committed to supporting the Democratic Party from now on, no matter if he disagreed with them. He said the only way to save America is for decades of Democratic Rule, basically beat them so bad, make neoconservatism completely fail, and that way the GOP will reboot as a pre-Reagan moderate party. I talked to dude last year, and mans was a Bernie supporter, but still loyal Dem voter. And thought his strategy was more important than ever.

We all know the Democratic Party is far from perfect: economic, socially, diplomatically, legislatively, administratively. No one I have seen, especially on NT, denies this. However, they are better than the GOP in nearly every category. But not only are they just better than the GOP, they are better than them by a good margin. Also, the gulf is increasing because as the Dems slowly getting better, the GOP is increasingly getting worse.

Putting aside policy, if someone wants to pursue change through grassroots activism, then it would serve them to have a) a elected officials that are responsive to citizens b) Respect democracy c) respects institutions d) won't actively try to undo whatever gains are made. In everyone of those categories, while again being far from perfect, the Dems perform way better than the GOP.

Politically just supporting the party is not enough. Vote Dems in, demand they drop the filibuster and pass as progressive policy as possible, reform the electoral system, primary the half steppers smartly, push more progressives in the party, then demand more progressive policy. Do this over and over and you will force a political realignment. The Democratic Party will have to become more progressive with constant pressure from the left. The GOP will have to drop the white grievance politics at some point, centrist will migrate back over there. So hopefully after a while you are left with a Progressive Democratic party instead of a centrist left one. And you get a Centrist Right Republican Party instead of Reactionary Right one

Hell the parties might realign in different ways. Where there is a bigger ideological mix like there was prior to this era or hyper partisanship. Or as some conservatives wanted, there is agreement on the economic or social side. However the only way this realignment could happen is from Dems dominating for the foreseeable future. Specially since if Trump wins, the Supreme Court will probably be 7-2 conservative for the next couple deacdes. And the swing vote in it will be someone who is a reactionary conservative.

The only party where pro-democracy policy is popular is the Democratic Party. The only place more progressive pro-democracy policy is even somewhat popular is on the left. We can't even get the GOP to some suppressing votes, sabotaging the Postal service, purging voter rolls, and welcoming foreign interference. This is what is wild, Democratic rule would not be so important right now, if the GOP wasn't going completely nuts to the point there are a danger to damn near all mankind, and so hostile to everyone that is not white, affluent, christian and white.

At best, we should not think of the of the Democratic Party not as a panacea for all the country's ills. That is a ridiculous thing to think, and like you said, I have not run into people that think that way. Democratic rule for now is part of a treatment plan, It is only a part, not the cure. Most understand this. And hopefully people can push for much better than what the current Democratic Party offers.

At worse, we could think of America as a house. The Trump and GOP is the fire, and Biden the Dems are firefighters. Firefighters and their water won't help you fix everything in the house, but right now, you need your damn house to stop burning.

At the end of the day there are two options, one is clearly the better option. So people want the better option to be in power. While hoping and pushing for even better in the future.
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This is a bad reach and you clearly weren't paying attention. The topic at the time(or at least what I replied to) was in regard to khufu defending dwalk31 dwalk31 right to believe what he wants. I agreed with KHUFU KHUFU and stated that there are people in here who think the other party is on their side just as much as dwalk31 dwalk31 thinks the republican party gives a damn about him. Try again guy :lol: . Don't try to misconstrue my words because I spoke against the political party you subscribe to.
No THIS is a bad reach. Like all "both sides" strawmen are.
This is a bad reach and you clearly weren't paying attention. The topic at the time(or at least what I replied to) was in regard to khufu defending dwalk31 dwalk31 right to believe what he wants. I agreed with KHUFU KHUFU and stated that there are people in here who think the other party is on their side just as much as dwalk31 dwalk31 thinks the republican party gives a damn about him. Try again guy :lol: . Don't try to misconstrue my words because I spoke against the political party you subscribe to.

Clearly, you weren’t paying attention lol

And You just assumed blindly, that I subscribe to a political party :lol:. I don’t. The irony. You’re doing exactly what I said. What are you doing here man? :smh:
Clearly, you weren’t paying attention lol

And You just assumed blindly, that I subscribe to a political party :lol:. I don’t. The irony. You’re doing exactly what I said. What are you doing here man? :smh:
By the way you post one could deduce that you subscribe to a specific political party. After all, whenever the topic comes up of people who don't necessarily agree with your politics to the T you claim they are "asleep".
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At worse, we could think of America as a house. The Trump and GOP is the fire, and Biden the Dems are firefighters. Firefighters and their water won't help you fix everything in the house, but right now, you need your damn house to stop burning.

Since Biden has been a elected official for over 4 decades, and wrote the crime bill, wouldn’t he be one of the arsonists as well?
I don’t know whether Trump is a racist or not. I’ve said that plenty of times.

With that said, based on words and actions, I think one can make a valid argument that both Trump and Biden are racists.
That's cool that you feel one could make that solid argument, however, what would it take for you to state that Trump is indeed a racist?
Since Biden has been a elected official for over 4 decades, and wrote the crime bill, wouldn’t he be one of the arsonists as well?
Biden did help cause parts of the problem. Trump has done tons of damage himself.

During his time in office, Biden has also pushed for positive things too. Something you ignore, but will bring up Kushner convincing him to sign the First Step Act over and over.

Biden is running on dozens progressive policies from economics to criminal justice. He is running with a water hose

Your boy Trump is running on tons of regressive policies from economic to criminal justice. He is running with a match in his hand

So I am not voting for Biden because of his innocence., or because he is perfect. I am voting for him because he is clearly the better choice. On everything from foreign policy, to economics, to justice.

Biden is not running to undo much of the damage he had a hand in. Trump is running to doing more of the damage he has done.

There is a difference Delk.
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