***Official Political Discussion Thread***

She battled this for so long may she rest in peace

As if it hasn't been said a million times, this underscores that this election is the most important one any of us have seen in our lifetimes. I dont believe that's hyperbole. If Trump and the GOP keep power, we will see Roe v Wade reversed, gay marriage outlawed, protections of all sorts for minorities disbanded and eliminated, citizen privacy scoffed at, and countless other threats to personal freedoms ratified by the extremists on the right.

We've all seen the damage that's being done as things are, with the Supreme Court barely hanging onto rational secular thought, but if Mitch and Co can elect another extremist to the court, America will become a ghost of itself and descend into a religious and paternalistic oligarchy where true freedom of speech and democratic practices are criminalized. We're two steps from being Russia.

Please, everyone, vote this November like your life depends on it.
A key target for the GOP has always been affirmitive action.
With a Trump nominee, that's one major ruling that would be a guaranteed 6-3 vote against affirmitive action.
I think deeming someone a racist has more to do with that individual’s intent than a broad discussion of racism in America.

I can understand an argument that Joe Biden, for instance, is a racist, but I wouldn’t deem him one without more information.
A racist is someone who feels that their race is superior to that of others. Or someone who discriminates against others because of the color of their skin.

That personal feeling is what separates deeming someone a racist from a general discussion of racism, in my opinion.
:lol: Racists and racism aren't mutually exclusive. Have you experienced racism?
For anyone curious, I posed the question two months ago and Rex shed some light on what we’re dealing with:

If God forbid something were to happen to RBG between now and let’s say the end of August, would Trump have time to place her with a conservative nominee prior to the 2020 election?

I’m just trying to understand the timing and length of the process.
Trump can replace RBG anytime before January 20th 2021. McConnell’s top priority is confirming rightwing judges so he’d call a special session of the GOP controlled Senate to do so.
Man.....what can even be done now? If the election goes to the Supreme Court to be decided, that's pretty much a wrap right? 2020, man.
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