***Official Political Discussion Thread***

iT CaN aLsO mAkE YoU WaLk LiKe ThIs....

Facts, I picked up aepps20 aepps20 from CVS after getting his flu shot and mans came out the building like...

We just don't know what they put in those things.
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speaking of rednecks... saw a guy driving a ford suv today, identical to the one the police use, even down to the extra set of side mirrors.

i only knew it wasn't a cop because he had a "don't tread on me" sticker on his rear windshield.

that was enough for me to know everything about this guy.

so I chased him down and bought him a beer for being a true American!
speaking of rednecks... saw a guy driving a ford suv today, identical to the one the police use, even down to the extra set of side mirrors.

i only knew it wasn't a cop because he had a "don't tread on me" sticker on his rear windshield.

that was enough for me to know everything about this guy.

so I chased him down and bought him a beer for being a true American!
I saw a similar patriot today drive by my office in a ford truck with a huge American flag hanging off the back. Brought a tear to my eye
not sure if this is the right thread for this but who are yall favorite intellectuals? i want new materials to watch or read.
However, let us act like he is sincere. Tucker Carlson as openly stated he is open to left wing populist economic plans. However, he wants the system of white supremacy to be intact with it. In fact, he wants to make it more cruel and destructive than it is.
Let's all remember that the extreme right is only pro-social programs in exchange for hurting the undesirables. Of course, when they are gone, policies revert to wholesale plunder of society masquerading as austerity for the poor and subsidies for the richEST (emphasis mine; just having beaucoup money under right-wing authoritarian governments isn't a guarantee that you are out of the reach of the people in the inner circle of power. Influence matters more than money, although the latter usually comes with the former).

Zuck and FB is really a piece of ****.

Yeah, so about that unwavering commitment to "free speech"...

Zuckerberg's attitude on "neutrality" mirrors Trump's contempt for the 1619 project.
History must not regard institutions that were "neutral" to slaveholders and eugenicists as "fair." They were complicit.

Yes re: educating white conservatives on issues of race.

I also do so for my white liberal colleagues. As they are often more vocal.
Must be a quick lesson, considering the only thing that would meet your unique burden of proof for racism is incontrovertible evidence of racial slur usage - unless, that is, you hold Trump to a different standard.

The RNC was awash with that particular type of "education." It was a stage show to assuage White guilt.

His face looks like a neon ski suit from the 80s :lol:

Must be a quick lesson, considering the only thing that would meet your unique burden of proof for racism is incontrovertible evidence of racial slur usage - unless, that is, you hold Trump to a different standard.

You are conflating my standard for racism with that of me calling someone a racist.

Racism is a very broad term.

Calling someone a racist and discussing racism broadly is very different.
You are conflating my standard for racism with that of me calling someone a racist.

Racism is a very broad term.

Calling someone a racist and discussing racism broadly is very different.
What, then, is your definition of a "racist", if it is so narrow and "racism" so broad?
$135k/year in Trump's pockets for an office Qatar doesn't use, just at a time when Qatar sought favorable treatment from Trump in the Saudi-Qatar conflict. Given that Qatar is paying all that money to Trump for something they clearly have zero interest in using, it's pretty obvious Qatar's goal was for this payment to act as a bribe.
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