***Official Political Discussion Thread***

i’m not optimistic. hawaii is a super blue state but the number of vocal trump 2020s that have been popping up here is crazy. i pray that i’m wrong though.
As far as polling goes, Biden is up. He’s up nationally over the margin of error, he’s up in the must-win States, there is no potential Comey letter situation in the cards. This won’t be like 2016.

The source of worry is how many more tricks does the GOP have to invalidate mail-in ballots? Related to that question, how do we respond if the GOP alleges fraud in every swing State that they lose? How do we respond if the GOP state legislature, in a State that goes blue, tries to compel some of its electors to vote for Trump?

We have to be ready to hit the streets and strike and make the cost of stealing this election so high that the institutions, that could be used to steal it, hesitate and accede to the will of voters.
Wanna guess which party this bish is a part of?

Nigerian-Americans are the most educated demographic in this country, if we go by the proportion of degrees held and the level of education they reach.

Immigrants of all statuses commit way less crimes than native-born Americans because of the ever present threat of deportation (not prison).

The truth is, they know it and they're mad that:
- the obstacles that this society puts in front of immigrants/minorities do not deter them
- their whiteness is no longer enough to guarantee job security.

So, these are fighting words.

As we are getting close to the election, tell your people to be careful out there.



So the chick who tweeted (a Republican candidate, mind you) was addicted to drugs and became a mule for Mexican cartels. Now, ALL immigrants are drug dealers to her. SMH...
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