***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Lucky for you champ.Them young dudes at Freedom Plaza on Saturday had every MAGA supporter shook as they left the White House and went across the street. They definitely would have ran YOU dwalk31 dwalk31 up off the block.......just ask Candace Owens and her crew.

Sometimes it takes righteous right hooks to the jaw to make one question their life choices
Win: Stuff can be done to mitigate the damage. No more damage will be done

Lose: Way more damage will be done
Yes this is true but we’ve seen how they expedite processes to bleed things out as long as they can. Barret is getting in for example. Nothing short of an assassination is stopping that. They’ll block adding more judges while they undo civil liberties for generations to come.

It’s just sad
Can we please acknowledge this reality? All the finger pointing is useless at this point.

Where’s the finger pointing? The reality is the GOP is a fascist, racist, authoritarian, oligarch serving party....that aims for a white apartheid govt in an increasingly diverse America.

Not examining how we got here is a huge fault. We have to be real with everything. We cannot, NOT acknowledge 40 years of “both side-ism” and the country being sleep.

You can trace and draw a straight line from Brown v Board to today. And before that Plessy v Ferguson, 3/5 compromise, Roe v Wade. Citizens United etc etc.
Yes this is true but we’ve seen how they expedite processes to bleed things out as long as they can. Barret is getting in for example. Nothing short of an assassination is stopping that. They’ll block adding more judges while they undo civil liberties for generations to come.

It’s just sad
Republicans are ****, and will continue to be ****

We all know they want to turn this country into an even bigger oppressive ****hole for marginalized groups, that doesn't mean people should fight them for every inch.

Power begets power. The reason the GOP has so much power is because Democratic-leaning voters thought midterms didn't matter, and conservatives knew they did.

The fight that lasted 1980-2020, conservatives won, it ******* sucks. But folk gotta get focused on fighting for the next 40 years. If they don't, it will be way worse than folk imagine now.
Where’s the finger pointing? The reality is the GOP is a fascist, racist, authoritarian, oligarch serving party....that aims for a white apartheid govt in an increasingly diverse America.

Not examining how we got here is a huge fault. We have to be real with everything. We cannot, NOT acknowledge 40 years of “both side-ism” and the country being sleep.

You can trace and draw a straight line from Brown v Board to today. And before that Plessy v Ferguson, 3/5 compromise, Roe v Wade. Citizens United etc etc.
Finger pointing amongst the citizens. We've seen it time after time. These politicians will systematically point fingers at each other for decades and accomplish nothing but stuffing their own pockets and the special interest they are beholden to. It's a stalemate that a few benefit from and the majority suffer. These people don't do anything we want and it sucks having to be told wait another decade for change. Sometimes people get fed up with broken promises.

The two party system seems like one party passing power front the right the left and accomplishing broad sweeping reforms each time the political pendulum appears to swing. Makes no sense to hold people to rules they have the power to keep changing in their favor.

No clearer sign of both parties being the same than all the Lincoln Project talk. These politicians just need to be honest. They're in the Power Party. They have no other ideologies.
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So black citizens should point fingers at rural white Republican voters that routinely vote for racist Republicans, that undermine their own economic standing, just they like to see Republicans lash out at minorities?

No matter how much you try to bend it this way or that way, the both sides argument doesn't hold.
I don’t know about “finger pointing” but I do think the trump smear tactics have proven useless. The media needs to give that angle a rest because it hasn’t worked and it won’t. They need to slam the GOP more than they talk about how stupid he is.
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