***Official Political Discussion Thread***

So black citizens should point fingers at rural white Republican voters that routinely vote for racist Republicans, that undermine their own economic standing, just they like to see Republicans lash out at minorities?

No matter how much you try to bend it this way or that way, the both sides argument doesn't hold.
Power begets power. Blaming powerless people for their decisions is dangerous and will lead to violence. Power preserves itself in calcified institutions. Pointing fingers only is a distraction and dangerous. People need to discuss issues, not no partisan personalities.
Crazy how the party that created the Tea Party movement to discredit Obama at every step now has now become too extreme and "lost its way".
Power begets power. Blaming powerless people for their decisions is dangerous and will lead to violence. Power preserves itself in calcified institutions. Pointing fingers only is a distraction and dangerous. People need to discuss issues, not no partisan personalities.

What powerless people are being blamed? The biggest threat to society is white supremacy and greed. It’s always been there. Everytime we chip away with it (and it’s been black people leading the chip), the white suoremacist power structure of the time sets up back.

There is power in NAMING the issues. Identifying the causes is a good thing. Identifying that the “both sides” framing has been costly is also good. Realizing what the actual fight is, and mobilizing and collectively understanding how to push for different mechanisms and undoing that structure for a different future is how we make progress.

Im not sure what or who you mean by “stop blaming”. People are already dying because of nonsense. 210K, in 10 months and counting currently, because of a certain group of people.
The Dapper Don has caught Obama and Biden in yet another stunning crime. What crime you may ask? The very reliable source lays it all out below.

Power begets power. Blaming powerless people for their decisions is dangerous and will lead to violence. Power preserves itself in calcified institutions. Pointing fingers only is a distraction and dangerous. People need to discuss issues, not no partisan personalities.
So racist white people are completely off the hook for their political decisions even though they use the ballot as a means to fight their racial grievances? Just to keep the supposed peace.

Like voting to keep others in poverty is not an act of violence

Like voting to have kids kept in cages, separated from their parents, and all sorts of wickedness done to them is not an act of violence

Like voting to have police torment minority communities is not an act of violence

Like voting to have people's health insurance is not an act of violence

The fact of the matter is that many people's views on the issues are shaped by stuff like racism, sexism, nationalism, etc. And violence is already taking place.

Seems like you are interested in having a negative peace which is there is an absence of tension, over a fight for positive peace which will involve challenging our fellow citizens who aim to do the vulnerable harm. Just to circle back to a "both sides" argument.
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So white people are completely off the hook for their political decisions even though they use the ballot as a means to fight their racial grievances? Just to keep the supposed peace.

Like voting to keep others in poverty is not an act of violence

Like voting to have kids kept in cages, separated from their parents, and all sorts of wickedness is not an act of violence

Like voting to have police torment minority communities is not an act of violence

Like voting to have people's health insurance is not an act of violence

The fact of the matter is that many people's views on the issues are shaped by stuff like racism, sexism, nationalism, etc. And violence is already taking place.

Seems like you are interested in having a negative peace which is there is an absence of tension, over a fight for positive peace which will involve challenging our fellow citizens who aim to do the vulnerable harm. Just to circle back to a "both sides" argument.
What it seems like to you is not what it is for everyone else.
What it seems like to you is not what it is for everyone else.
I know my views are not the consensus

No one's is

And I am fully aware that racist feel justified in their cruelty

But coddling the views of racism, bigots, low information folk, and both siders helps no one that wants a just world.

All I want to do is defeat bad ideas at the ballot box, and get good policy passed. My lack of codling bad ideas is not a roadblock to that goal.

There is no real reconciliation without truth.
I know my views are not the consensus

No one's is

And I am fully aware that racist feel justified in their cruelty

But coddling the views of racism, bigots, low information folk, and both siders helps no one that wants a just world.

All I want to do is defeat bad ideas at the ballot box, and get good policy passed. My lack of codling bad ideas is not a roadblock to that goal.

There is no real reconciliation without truth.

My views are. BOOOM
BTW, even if I take issue with the motivations of Republican voters, that doesn't manifest itself into support for a political agenda aimed to payback those voters. To impose the same level of cruelty they gleefully wish on me.

The Democratic Party, and their voters, are not outchea trying to suppress the voters of Republican voters. They are not trying to defund red areas.

In fact, if we took a look at economic policy. Some of the biggest beneficiaries of a progressive economic agenda will deep-red areas.
But we have to be aware of the nuance of language being co opted and being adopted to confuse. Just because the maga crowd is using that as a talking point does not mean there is no truth to it. Recent politics has branded political corruption as a talking point (both side cake) of one group and muddying the water for anyone trying to actually discuss political corruption. Branding ideas exclusively to certain groups has its ups and downsides. I feel like ascribing the both sides argument to the maga crown is harmful in this instance. The Lincoln project is a clear example to me of the parties shifting to align with power and to hell with "party ideals" and both parties being more of the same.

I understand in the heat of the moment of this current election it can be used as fuel to help the other side. But blaming them for what seems to you as inaction and what appears to themselves as frustration from being ignored and systematically down troden won't get that politically apathetic person to go and vote.

What I want to say is that there is a better way to engage the people who feel like the system failed them. Forcing them to just shut up and vote in the heat of the moment is the type of energy that drove those people from politics in the first place.
But we have to be aware of the nuance of language being co opted and being adopted to confuse. Just because the maga crowd is using that as a talking point does not mean there is no truth to it. Recent politics has branded political corruption as a talking point (both side cake) of one group and muddying the water for anyone trying to actually discuss political corruption. Branding ideas exclusively to certain groups has its ups and downsides. I feel like ascribing the both sides argument to the maga crown is harmful in this instance. The Lincoln project is a clear example to me of the parties shifting to align with power and to hell with "party ideals" and both parties being more of the same.

I understand in the heat of the moment of this current election it can be used as fuel to help the other side. But blaming them for what seems to you as inaction and what appears to themselves as frustration from being ignored and systematically down troden won't get that politically apathetic person to go and vote.

What I want to say is that there is a better way to engage the people who feel like the system failed them. Forcing them to just shut up and vote in the heat of the moment bus the type of energy that drove those people from politics in the first place.
This is a horrible political take, mainly because I can't follow your argument.

So now you are are talking about non-voters?
Seems like an odd decision for a supposedly independent DOJ. The WH tried to assert this position, to no avail, when Omarosa released her book. DOJ's current legal argument has never made it to the Supreme Court but at the Court of Appeals level, the courts held the polar opposite view of what DOJ is arguing here. A bit strange to launch a lawsuit that relies on an argument with a historic success rate of 0%. Must be a coincidence that the target is a political opponent of Trump and a cooperating witness in the criminal investigation of the Trump Inaugural Committee.


That's your personal opinion.
I am aware

But your post just seems like you are complaining about some perceived treatment "some people" are getting, but then who those people seems to have changed.

So now the sides shifted from liberal and conservative, to voters and nonvoters?

Because before you were warning about rhetoric leading to violence. So what threat of violence is there to people because they chose not to vote?
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It’s pretty ****ing simple:

**** Donald Trump. **** his repulsive supporters and the GOP.

We may have varying degrees of opinions and differences in here but to STILL justify Donald ****ing Trump to be re-elected, then IDK what else to say about people’s choices and their LACK OF CONSCIOUSNESS/JUDGEMENT.

THERE IS NO COMMON GROUND WITH TRUMP and we can’t let him destroy more of this country.
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