***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Simply put, there is no mechanism at the federal level to remove politicians who have failed the public from their role (I've seen attempts at recall elections in WI a few years ago - Scott Walker) We have a primitive democracy that doesn't allow the general public to express their disapproval and demand change in between elections. There are no referendums outside of election season and no vote of non confidence in the middle of a Congressional session.

That's why the idea that the Founding Father's created the perfect democracy always makes me chuckle. My view, in light of how easy it has been to break the US political system, is that they democratized aristocracy and by giving the leaders of this country the option to take back or bypass the power of the people to govern.

Totally agree. There is nothing tangible in place that puts a real threat to politicians in situations where they make unforgivable mistakes that allow the public to remove them if they fail at their duties. If you suck at 99% of jobs you're gone but you can be Mitch McConnell and suck for decades and keep your job because votes>performance.

To me, a major issue in American politics is extreme loyalty. People will vote someone in because of what they promise to do, they get elected and do a trash job and instead of being honest and criticizing that politician, they instead choose to defend every action they take. That doesn't help anyone
Elections matter

Notice that all the "liberal" organizations like the NBA, MTV, Nike, etc are all saying "Go out and vote!" And none of the "conservative" Organizations are pushing their people to vote. Because they know they'll be able to vote with no issue and the non-republican areas need to put in actual effort to be able to

that and republicans don’t want people to vote their base doesn’t need reminding. I live in a upper middle class area and it still sucks. Overall the lack of funding the government on both sides put into voting is sad. Yet we can pay for a damn fly over at a football game.
There is a reason why policies in this country are disproportionately pointed towards those 65 and older

that and the electoral college will always mean that policy will straw toward middle American white older demographic.

honestly the electoral college is the problem. A system designed to appease slave states has not purpose in this world. It doesn’t represent the will of the people. Just the will of smaller more polarized hot spots.

also the idea the senate is under the same rule of thumb when it comes to power is trash as well. The house should confirm judges and such not the senate. They have more power than the president at this point.
To me, a major issue in American politics is extreme loyalty. People will vote someone in because of what they promise to do, they get elected and do a trash job and instead of being honest and criticizing that politician, they instead choose to defend every action they take. That doesn't help

It comes down to the two party structure of the system which gives literally no alternative to voters who don't agree with the entirety of a party's platform.
Real electoral reform begins there: open up the legislative process to more parties by doing away with FPTP voting, and you entirely negate the voter suppression tactics and negative campaigning because it becomes harder to seek votes just by painting 2/3/4 parties as the worst ever.
To me, a major issue in American politics is extreme loyalty. People will vote someone in because of what they promise to do, they get elected and do a trash job and instead of being honest and criticizing that politician, they instead choose to defend every action they take. That doesn't help anyone

Remember how the framing of support for Trump was them saying they were “holding their nose to vote” and “give him a chance” for Trump voters. They framed it as both Hilary and him were so bad....that they had no choice but to elect a celebrity to office. And they’d see how he did once in office. What actually happened is.....

They have doubled down in resentment and become defensive, that they don’t recognize the bull**** rationale they had in 2016. They’ve ignored him messing up from day 1...played victim and hugged him closer. As he continually drives this country into a ditch, and literal people into mass graves.

It’s also a full blown cult. I been saying this from Day 1....but Trump has been using authoritarian cult tactics. He’s smarter in those senses, than people realize. That’s where his studies have been. In cult tactics, evading the law, mob tactics, disinformation etc.
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It comes down to the two party structure of the system which gives literally no alternative to voters who don't agree with the entirety of a party's platform.
Real electoral reform begins there: open up the legislative process to more parties by doing away with FPTP voting, and you entirely negate the voter suppression tactics and negative campaigning because it becomes harder to seek votes just by painting 2/3/4 parties as the worst ever.
I kinda disagree with this.

You need way more reforms than rank choice voting. Like an entire rework of the political, electoral, and bureaucratic system.

Even the dude Klein interviewed theorizes that Americans had a multiparty system in practice. Conservatives effectively were able to attack progressive Dems, centrist Dems, and centrist Republicans. And even when we had this system, it was held together by an implicit agreement to enforce white supremacy.
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