***Official Political Discussion Thread***

So, when his name popped up while running for President, you never questioned who he was, and then why he was running for office, especially since he has absolutely no experience in being successful at anything, other than pimping out his name?

Yea I watched CNN and stuff. Like I said I knew of the apprentice, never watched it. Knew of the hotels, etc. He ran as an anti-politician for change.
Yea I watched CNN and stuff. Like I said I knew of the apprentice, never watched it. Knew of the hotels, etc. He ran as an anti-politician for change.
So, you did no research on him, to find out what kind of dude he was, before voting for him?
Bound to happen sooner or later with a group of co-conspirators all looking at a decent prison sentence. The other 3, Parnas, Fruman and Kukushkin still maintain their not guilty pleas. NYT reports however that Correia is not expected to cooperate with SDNY's investigation of Rudy Giuliani. I figured Parnas would've been the first one to start singing but after his indictment he did receive a suspicious $1m loan from Dmitry Firtash, a self-admitted associate of notorious Russian mobster Semion Mogilevich. Firtash himself is fighting extradition to the US where he would face Foreign Corrupt Practices Act bribery charges. Firtash has said he tried to leverage his connections in Ukraine to help Giuliani in his quest for dirt on Biden, in exchange for lobbying the DOJ to drop the bribery charges. Barr accepted a meeting to discuss dropping the charges against Firtash but ultimately declined.
Business partner of ex-Giuliani associate expected to enter guilty plea
A business partner of Lev Parnas, the former associate of U.S. President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, is expected to enter a guilty plea on Thursday after being charged with defrauding investors in an insurance startup they founded.

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I didn't take issue with what you said because in my response to you I just reiterated criticism of the meme. You were the one that is taking issue with the content of other people's posts. You are the one that shifted the discussion in that direction.

I get what you are saying about people acting differently depending on the target. I am saying the evidence here you are using to argue your point is weak as ****. Especially if you want to call out my comments. I said what 5 words dismissing it and kept it pushing, and that is somehow it is an emotional response.

That is what I am pointing out is you are just making reaches to argue your point. That you call out some activity that is not actually happening. Your point about people have different behaviors might be valid, but the evidence you point to doesn't really exist.

Now it seems like you are just repeating yourself to act like your point is just going over my head. That I just refuse to see what you are clearly pointing out. I get your point, you still don't have clear examples to support it from in here. You are mostly just exaggerating people's behaviors, and you think me calling that out doesn't take away from your point. And I think it does because that is kind of a strawman

If you want to laugh and dumb stuff, then go ahead and do that. No one is stopping you, no one is dictating your experience on NT. But if that is what you want to do, I dunno why you felt the need to start with this nonsense. Even if people were doing what you were asserting, how does that affect you?

And I swear, this is one of the dumbest **** that goes on NT. That I respect people enough to explain my position in detail and in response I get these comments about "taking **** too seriously". Like would it be better if I was flippant toward you and didn't try to explain my position?

So again, miss me.

man what

I didn’t take issue, I was laughing. I laughed in the initial post. I laughed cuz it’s funny the memes get different responses generally. I didn’t shift anything, I said what I said and you decided to start a conversation about it.

you seem to be taking this wild personally for some reason :lol: if you felt like I was taking a shot at you say that so I can tell you that I wasn’t. all this extra ain’t necessary. like you got a whole scenario in your head that’s not matching what’s going on rn :lol:

So again, miss me.

mf you quoted me, you did this :lol:
Absolutely sickening and insane. I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe we're living through this. President of the US just outright trying to steal the election in front of the US, in front of the world.

Glad Twitter curtails his ability to lie to people at least somewhat.
Twitter finally censoring Trump.

New lows every day from that ****.
Let's be honest: Twitter isn't doing anything to meaningfully impede Trump's rampant abuse of the platform. They're codependent.

What Twitter is achieving with these uniform, easily ignored, selectively-applied labels is about as punitive as:
parental advisory.jpg

If anything warrants the obnoxious reactionary epithet "virtue signaling," it is this.
They're not meaningfully enforcing rules against Trump. They're just reminding people that their rules exist.

Facebook has been even more craven.

There's a highly relevant interview with Ellen Pao in the New York Review of Books this week that's well worth reading:

Good faith discussions don’t begin with false premises.
You may have missed it, but I’ve come in here and said that I may actually support Biden this time around.
If it becomes clear the Senate will flip, I will vote Biden.
I'm rooting for everybody black so it's Kamala right now. Bonus that she's an AKA from an HBCU.

I see, yet Trump has been insulting since the 80's. I know that you are from the south, and those of us from NY have an inside look at The Donald, due to his being from here. The mob never liked him, and he has been a thorn in the side of Black people since he was in his daddy's sack. Did you know who he was before he ran for president? I mean, really knew who he was?
Let's say, for the sake of argument, that he didn't know who Donald "Bring Back Our Death Penalty, Bring Back Our Police" Trump was in November of 2016.

1. He knows who he is now.
2. Despite his reality-defying claims to the contrary, Donald Trump, the police union-endorsed "law and order" candidate, is not now and was not then an ally of criminal justice reform. In 2016, Donald Trump did not run on the First Step Act or "record funding for HBCU's" - those were the result of bipartisan bills Trump merely signed. Trump ran on nationwide stop and frisk.

Trump's appointee to head the DOJ literally wrote "The Case for More Incarceration" in 1992.
His first nominee was a Confederate cartoon character famously opposed by Coretta Scott King herself.
His chief strategist in 2016 oversaw Brietbart at a time when the site had a Black crime section.
His personal attorney so deeply personifies stop and frisk that he apparently has begun applying the tactic in his own pants.

We can go on like this, but, suffice it to say:
He knew who Donald Trump was then. He knows who Donald Trump is now.

There are no excuses.

To enable Donald Trump is to support White Supremacism and anti-Democratic, and particularly anti-Black, voter suppression.

NOTHING is worth that - least of all a tax break.
man what

I didn’t take issue, I was laughing. I laughed in the initial post. I laughed cuz it’s funny the memes get different responses generally. I didn’t shift anything, I said what I said and you decided to start a conversation about it.

you seem to be taking this wild personally for some reason :lol: if you felt like I was taking a shot at you say that so I can tell you that I wasn’t. all this extra ain’t necessary. like you got a whole scenario in your head that’s not matching what’s going on rn :lol:

mf you quoted me, you did this :lol:
:lol: The absolute pointlessness of this back and forth got me dying. Can't tell if RIP trolling or Rusty playing with his stereotype.
Let's say, for the sake of argument, that he didn't know who Donald "Bring Back Our Death Penalty, Bring Back Our Police" Trump was in November of 2016.

Don't give him the benefit of the doubt. He doesn't deserve it. He somehow didn't know about Trump's history prior to running and voted for him anyways, but now he's super informed and shouts "1994 crime bill" from the rooftops every chance he gets.
man what

I didn’t take issue, I was laughing. I laughed in the initial post. I laughed cuz it’s funny the memes get different responses generally. I didn’t shift anything, I said what I said and you decided to start a conversation about it.

you seem to be taking this wild personally for some reason :lol: if you felt like I was taking a shot at you say that so I can tell you that I wasn’t. all this extra ain’t necessary. like you got a whole scenario in your head that’s not matching what’s going on rn :lol:

mf you quoted me, you did this :lol:
Dude, no one is taking it personally. You keep making these assumptions about people's emotions/motivations. It is NT, an internet message board, **** really don't matter in the grand scheme of things.

I don't know how I am taking it personally by pointing out your argument doesn't make sense. When you attempting to do the same thing to me. :lol:

Yeah, I quoted you, and just said something about the meme. I said...

It is a stupid meme though

Not just because of Biden

I didn't really take issue with anything you said. I just repeated an off-handed criticism of the meme.

You are the one that came back with, talking about people supposed emotional reactions....

to be fair majority of memes are stupid. it just seems like there’s an emotional reaction from these obviously dumb jokes every single time :lol:

**** we been laughing at low hanging fruit, fry cook/lawyer jokes and faux MAGA posts for 4 years

My response to this was basically laughingly asking you who was emotional because I felt that characterization was an exaggeration, and then asking if there was a point about the meme I missed. Your response to compare me to Delk's stupid self.

I may have engaged first, but you were the one that dragged this discussion into a rabbit hole we are currently in.

This discussion then devolved from here because to argue your point to rely on exaggerations after exaggeration. Then take issue when I say you are reaching to argue your point, like the only reasonable response to you is me agreeing with everything you say.

So that is why I am telling you to miss me. Not because we are engaging, because you seem to not be able to form a cogent point with it depending on some reach about people's actions.

Edit: You know what famb. Disregard everything I just said. Let me just shut up. Because M Mark Antony is right. We acting like two white old men arguing over grass seed right now. Sounding like we in an HOA meeting.

My bad. Srs
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It’s a very stupid argument to say “politician x had been ‘in government’ for y years and they haven’t already achieved what’s in their platform for president so don’t vote for them.”

I’ve seen this argument used against Hillary Clinton in the 2016 general, against Bernie Sanders in the 2016 and 2020 primaries and now against at Joe Biden in this 2020 general election. While I generally eschew minutia in political discussions, if you do t know how constrained the First Lady of Arkansas, the Mayor of Burlington or even a US Senator or VP is, you need to learn the basics, that or you’re just dealing in bad faith.

If you want to scrutinize a candidate’s record and ask if past mistakes are an indicator of future bad policy making, that’s fine and should be encouraged but deliberately not understanding how superstorm if powers and federalism works to make a point is that exhausting to have to unpack.

To get things done you need activist energy and a compliant president and Congress. The stronger the activist energy, the less you have to care about what’s in a candidate’s heart and whether or not they feel bad about past mistakes.

If your politics are left, you should be cautiously optimistic about the present moment. We could soon have a Democratic trifecta and until the last Democratic trifecta in 2009, we’ll get our priorities turned into public policy because the direct action pressure will be much stronger than it was 12 years ago.
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