***Official Political Discussion Thread***

AZ and NV lookin’ kinda funny right now. Hoping Joey can maintain that slim lead.

That said, I have zero doubt that Biden is gonna be up big in PA once all the votes are tabulated.
I appreciate your response and the acknowledgment of your mistake. I wish more of his supporters were this level headed.

I think its worth noting, however, that when you find yourself, and those that look like you, on the receiving end of said dangerous and divisive rhetoric, you cannot afford the luxury of a cost-benefit analysis. That is a privilege many millions in this country do not have. Furthermore, going forward, I hope you realize that such clear, present and dangerous rhetoric is very rarely, if ever, "worth it in the end".


I don’t think you’re a regular in this thread l, but I do think it is important for me to say that I am black based on your response. So your point is well taken.

That’s why I’ve said what my goal is moving forward. The entire time I just thought that the route I was advancing would result in positive legislation while the “emboldened racists” were going to be racist no matter what. That was, in part, based on my personal experience being a black man in America.

But I acknowledge the mistake and can only work to do better in the future.
AZ and AP already called Arizona but Biden but it looks possible they might’ve jumped the gun on that call. Nate Silver said so too.
Man if this Purdue Ossof race goes to a run off too that could lead to a wild senate, he just gotta drop .2 more points. Could end up 48-50 with the two run offs both in Georgia I can already feel the stress if it plays out like this.
I figured the statute would give Barr some wiggleroom but it really is quite clear. Barr is committing a clear crime unless the one exemption that makes such an order is if, and only if, it is necessary to use such force against “armed enemies of the state

Whoever, being an officer of the Army or Navy, or other person in the civil, military, or naval service of the United States, orders, brings, keeps, or has under his authority or control any troops or armed men at any place where a general or special election is held, unless such force be necessary to repel armed enemies of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both; and be disqualified from holding any office of honor, profit, or trust under the United States.
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