***Official Political Discussion Thread***

With all these takes about non-white voters going to Trump and the Lincoln project not working, I think the thing that people might be ignoring is that Trump avoided getting massacred because non-college-educated white turned out in large numbers (over 2016) for him.

We will have to wait for the breakdown of the numbers, but where the margin is matters.

Their ads were funny but we can be done with them now. Feel bad for anyone who really gave them a dime doe
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I don't agree with Bernie supporters on everything but I totally agree with them regarding their approach to voter outreach. Corporate Democrats keep trying to court disaffected Republicans (never Trumpers) and moderates when they should be trying to embrace the platform of Bernie Sanders and going after younger, more progressive voters. The DNC has spent millions of dollars going after these Republicans and moderate and they still end up voting for Republicans on election day.
That was the rest of it? I thought there’d be more. But I’m glad you got it out your system.

Time to work under the Biden administration.

To do what under the Biden administration exactly? Help get welfare taken away from poor people? Tell black people not to vote so their voice will be heard? Support locking kids in cages because their parents made a choice? Defend some pedos and rapists? Talk disingenuously about candidates policies on race while actively supporting a candidate that spreads racist bile every single day?

What exactly are you going to help with? You don’t give a ******* **** about anything other than lining your own pockets so you can drop the act and stop pretending to care about people. You knew this is who trump was but voted for him twice and actively encouraged people as recently as two weeks ago not to vote because it would be better for them.

Get the **** out of here. If you want to help take all that money you saved under the trump administration and donate it back into the GA runoffs.
I don't agree with Bernie supporters on everything but I totally agree with them regarding their approach to voter outreach. Corporate Democrats keep trying to court disaffected Republicans (never Trumpers) and moderates when they should be trying to embrace the platform of Bernie Sanders and going after younger, more progressive voters. The DNC has spent millions of dollars going after these Republicans and moderate and they still end up voting for Republicans on election day.
They need to take all that money and throw it into schools in areas they know their base reside. SHOW people why they need to support them. BILLIONS spend on TV ads just going right back into republican pockets
I think I know why Nevada so slow. They are praying penn calls it today so they can be spared the MAGA riots outside their offices

the director said he fears for his life etc
To do what under the Biden administration exactly? Help get welfare taken away from poor people? Tell black people not to vote so their voice will be heard? Support locking kids in cages because their parents made a choice? Defend some pedos and rapists? Talk disingenuously about candidates policies on race while actively supporting a candidate that spreads racist bile every single day?

What exactly are you going to help with? You don’t give a ****ing **** about anything other than lining your own pockets so you can drop the act and stop pretending to care about people. You knew this is who trump was but voted for him twice and actively encouraged people as recently as two weeks ago not to vote because it would be better for them.

Get the **** out of here

Helping the Dems flip the senate so that the policies in Biden’s Lift Every Voice Plan can make it past an otherwise obstructive senate.
I think it's hard to say that all the tools used to get more dem voters out didn't work because Trump had more voters come out for this election and is projected to lose. If this years Biden voters were roughly the same amount of Hilary, Biden wouldn't gotten blown out
Kinda both. Him working with Trump is one thing but then he was belligerent in his response to people and acting like he did us a favor instead of trying to elevate himself above actual activists who have been doing this work for years while simultaneously giving Trump good press for doing nothing but listening to him talk

Then it came out he turned down an opportunity to speak to Kamala because he didn't think it would be productive and that was the final straw

I'm not on the "**** cube" train. He had good intentions. He just refuses to see how Trump used him. Man gotta let that ego go and either let people move on or apologize. Instead he keeps bringing it up like he wants a thank you. Which he's not gonna get :lol:

Ahhh, I see. I think celebs always have to battle their egos, even more than most folks, in situations like these. It's unfortunate. Hopefully he can check that and keep moving forward.

I really do feel the biggest change is going to come from black folks, particularly black folks with money, putting their heads and resources together and building a stronger foundation rather than any particular politician implementing meaningful, lasting policies that uplift the black community. Particularly when you have the political opposition actively working to undo any gains made. Not to mention private citizens furthering oppression outside of the political sphere. This aint the 60s where you have a bunch of discriminatory and oppressive laws on the books which you can work to oppose within the political sphere. Voting works in that scenario. This is a whole new ballgame, we gotta be smart and take action on our own accord if things ever gonna change.
To see what Delk is admitting to do in here, everyone should go read or re-read Adam Sewer's essay "The Nationalist Delusion"

Especially the part where he talks about how through history, people that have support racist movements, when defeated, will claim that their motives were not about racism. It was about something else, something more innocuous, even something that might sound principled.

It is a scam, it is always a scam.
Lol interesting.

Cnn not even looking at North Carolina at all and I see fox spending time looking at the north carolina map. Why? That's going to go red.
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