***Official Political Discussion Thread***


I also haven’t ruled out support for Biden or Harris.

My decision in 2024 will be based on the candidates, their records, and the political landscape.

As it was this time.
Never change. You’re still a clown. An opportunistic, unprincipled and self-loathing one.
Franklin Graham thanks God for giving us Donald Trump so we could say Merry Christmas for four years
"President Trump will go down in history as one of the great presidents of our nation, bringing peace and prosperity to millions."


But that wasn’t your initial question.

You’ve moved the goalposts.

And my support for Trump ended prior to these ridiculous efforts to invalidate the election.

I’m now for helping the Dems flip the Senate.
I didn't ask an initial question. I initially pointed out that Donald Trump was never going to fight for the things you claimed he would fight for. I gave the example of how much he's fighting to overturn the election results, and you mentioned the First Step Act and the Fair Chance Act.

I'm not moving the goalposts by trying to understand why you felt the need to mention two bills that required minimal effort from Trump when I'm talking about causes he does and doesn't fight for.
I didn't ask an initial question. I initially pointed out that Donald Trump was never going to fight for the things you claimed he would fight for. I gave the example of how much he's fighting to overturn the election results, and you mentioned the First Step Act and the Fair Chance Act.

I'm not moving the goalposts by trying to understand why you felt the need to mention two bills that required minimal effort from Trump when I'm talking about causes he does and doesn't fight for.

Fair enough
You consistently bring up the 2016 choice when I am discussing my choice for support in 2020.
Yeah, I keep bringing up the facts about your appalling choices when you try to deflect. How rude of me.

Whether you like it or not, your 2016 choice is subject to criticism - now more than ever.
Even if limited to 2020, your threadbare rationale still makes zero sense.

You had no answer for this then, and any attempt would come across as even more preposterous now, after you turned tail: https://niketalk.com/threads/official-political-discussion-thread.509493/post-33474193

In any event, 2016 was a rebuke of Clinton. Perhaps the superpredators comment and support for the crime bill wasn’t a big deal for you.
I vote for the best available option. In the 2016 primary elections, I voted for Bernie Sanders and you, presumably, did not vote at all.

In the 2016 general election, there is not one shred of uncertainty as to which candidate had the better platform with regards to criminal justice reform. Donald Trump was and is a racist birther who ran on "law and order" appeals, not criminal justice reform.

If you wanted "end to end criminal justice reform," you would've voted for Hillary Clinton. In her first policy speech of the campaign, in April of 2015, she called for an end to the "era of mass incarceration."

Instead, you voted for the pro-police, unreservedly pro-death penalty candidate who campaigned on stamping out crime in Chicago (tweet tweet) with "tough police tactics", nationwide stop and frisk, and repeatedly expressed support for executing low level drug dealers.

For all her flaws, Clinton at least acknowledged systemic racism. Unlike Clinton, Trump consistently denies systemic racism (among other realities) and couldn't even utter the statement "Black lives matter," which, not coincidentally, he has characterized as a "symbol of hate."

This was not a difficult choice for anyone with a conscience.

In 2020, the choice was more obvious - not less.

For me, it was a politician with a record vs. a non-politician.
You picked cyanide as a salad dressing because you wanted something that "seemed like a different kind of condiment."

Were that an exclusively personal decision, I wouldn't have cared. It was not. Today, literally hundreds of thousands of people lie dead who would likely have survived a Clinton administration - including the Black men on death row in federal prisons whose executions Clinton would likely have opposed.

Tell us:

Were their deaths worth your tax break?
Were their deaths worth the Fair Chance Act that Trump had nothing to do with?

bill duke.gif

None of this is complicated.
Indeed, and yet, rather than owning up to your mistakes, you continue to twist yourself in knots defend that which is indefensible.

You did this. TWICE. And you tried to rub our faces in it for four years, every step of the way.

Kicking a few bucks to the reverend will not grant you absolution.
Dwalk thinks Trump was campaigning with the first step act on his mind in 2015, huh?. Yeah right. If the majority of Trump's base who have the control to elect him didn't have the first step act in their reasons to vote for Trump in 2016 or 2020 I'm pretty sure Trump wouldn't make the first step act a priority, or even a goal in either of his campaign or administration.
BTW, Merry Christmas to everyone

Even though I don't believe in God, I am a West Indian so X-Mas spirit is in my blood. Seriously, this time of year every West Indians' blood becomes like 25% sorrel.

Usually, I would be in Lucia with my fam, but instead, I am alone this year.

But this giving thanks for every little bit I have, and sending well wishes to all the good people out there, especially you guys. Even you dwalk31 dwalk31 :rolleyes :lol:

Also, celebrate the holidays in style and donate money to your local food bank :smokin
Prosecutors did make sure to make the asset forfeiture civil too but Trump really tried ordering the government to essentially pay Manafort $24 million for being convicted of well over a dozen felonies. In his trial he was convicted on 8 out of 18 counts, with a lone juror blocking the rest. After being charged with 7 more felonies (FARA, conspiracy to defraud, witness tampering, ...) in a superseding indictment, Manafort pleaded guilty to 2 of them (conspiracy to defraud the US and witness tampering) and admitted comitting several other charges including some of the ones from his trial that were blocked by the lone juror.
While under indictment, Manafort urged his deputy Rick Gates to refrain from cooperating and told him "sit tight, we'll be taken care of."
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