***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The electoral system is so severely rigged in the GOP's favor and will get rigged some more, that even at their worst they are still politically viable.

But tonight was big. It stops our judiciary from being filled with reactionary judges, it gives Dems hopes of passing something substantial during reconciliation, and it gives the Biden presidency a chance to be effective enough to get reelected.

So the takes about what can be done are important, but those should come a lil later.

Tonight we smoking on that Mitch Pack...

This. In all honesty, as much as I would enjoy watching the Dems be petty with the GOP and constantly showing them up, ultimately I want to see them get stuff done. If they use their majority to get stuff passed which is beneficial to people and do it in a way where people are aware said things are due to the Dems being in power, I think the Dems could hold power for a while.

Get stuff done, let the GOP throw their tantrums, but the end game is staying in power. Now if you can get stuff done while showing up the GOP and making them look foolish in the process, even better. But the priority is getting things done, not verbally sparring with a butt hurt GOP.
Joe Manchin gonna be pissing me off for the next 2 years :lol:

So funny story. During the Obama years Mitch passed a law that made it hard to add pork to bills in his effective plan to make it easier for him to keep senators from breaking rank. He got rid of that bill once Trump came on to try and use it to erase the ACA by bribing senators to risk their careers going against healthcare.

I feel like WV is about to get a whole lot of pork.
Sadly, packing the courts seems unlikely. It takes only 50 votes to change the senate rules but it’d be hard to get 50 votes to do that. So sadly, that precludes adding additional seats on the federal judiciary and it precludes adding addition States to balance the Senate.

What 50 seats can do is a massive set of financial maneuvers like student debt relief, Covid survival checks, expand unemployment relief and direct aid to States and cities. In addition, Biden can get pretty much any cabinet nomination he wants and he can fill federal judicial openings as they open up and, not very much appreciated but critical, he can get his nominations to the Fed filled with economists who are focused on increasing employment and extending easy credit to States and cities.

I’m not sure about a soft Medicare for all buy in option or a new voting rights act. It depends on what is considered part of the budget and thus eligible for reconciliation which only requires 50 votes.
Even if they don't have the votes, the Dems need to have a Senate vote on and publicize the results of every House bill Mitch refused to hold a vote on.

Let people see you are the party of wanting to help folk, and the GOP is the one standing in the way.

Especially the really popular stuff like a public option, $15 minimum wage, increasing the overtime rules, and paid parental leave.
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Sadly, packing the courts seems unlikely. It takes only 50 votes to change the senate rules but it’d be hard to get 50 votes to do that. So sadly, that precludes adding additional seats on the federal judiciary and it precludes adding addition States to balance the Senate.

What 50 seats can do is a massive set of financial maneuvers like student debt relief, Covid survival checks, expand unemployment relief and direct aid to States and cities. In addition, Biden can get pretty much any cabinet nomination he wants and he can fill federal judicial openings as they open up and, not very much appreciated but critical, he can get his nominations to the Fed filled with economists who are focused on increasing employment and extending easy credit to States and cities.

I’m not sure about a soft Medicare for all buy in option or a new voting rights act. It depends on what is considered part of the budget and thus eligible for reconciliation which only requires 50 votes.

Pretty sure Biden can relieve student debt via exeutive order. It's allowed based on some weird legislation passed decades ago. It's not a budget issue (which Congress has to approve).
Healthcare isn’t just about getting it to people either.

change the laws on these damn insurance companies. Stop allowing them to say you do need this or that, stop making people go to the dr every year to say YES I STILL NEED A MEDICATION I NEED MY WHOLE LIFE.

put a leash on these clowns. I have insurance. Great, it still is a pain in the ***.
Pretty sure Biden can relieve student debt via exeutive order. It's allowed based on some weird legislation passed decades ago. It's not a budget issue (which Congress has to approve).

You’re right but I was trying to just keep my post on the legislative side.

Also, while the law lets Biden get rid of federal student debt, having it all or a big chunk of it relieved through legislation would give him political cover to do it.
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