***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I made a list of major mistake Trump and the Repubs made in chronological order

1) Getting out of the TPP when they were beating the drums for the trade war. TPP might have led to them winning the war or a least blunted the suffering of farmers
2) Going after the ACA when there wasn't any political will behind it
3) Caging kids and separating families. I still think it was a main cause of them losing the house. People were disgusted and stayed home or voted against him
4) Mask never should have been politicized and obviously messing up the COVID response
5) Not giving people a second Stimulus check before the 2020 Election. Then not giving people the $2000 stimulus check after Trump said he would sign it after the election

not to mention letting Trump erode trust in our institutions and elections. the fact that turn out was lower than the election numbers for repubs is super surprising and likely a result of trumps on going temper tantrum since election day

the man has failed spectacularly at football, gambling AND liquor in the US.. amongst other things

but dwalk31 dwalk31 was willing to ignore half a century's worth of evidence of his racism FOR THAT


I would like to see Congress take up some sort of Right to Vote Act that exercises whatever Constitutional powers the feds have to reduce, prevent, and penalize partisan barriers to voting. the packed Court may make that difficult but I can think of no better hill on which to fight heading into 2022

the 2022 Senate map is rough for Republicans. they will have 20 incumbent seats to defend - Dems will have 14. Republicans will have Senate seats in 2 states to defend that went for Biden in 2020 (WI & PA). Dems will be defending 0 Senate seats in states that went for Trump

Republicans will be up against tough races in FL, OH, IA, and NC. Dems will only have tough races in GA and AZ. plenty will happen between now and then but the odds of Mitch McConnell retiring without ever being majority leader again are just went up a lot
The House passed HR.1 which is a sweeping Electoral Reform bill. With the Dems having the Senate there will probably be a vote on it but I doubt any Republican will support it, so it won't pass.

The voting rights situation is gonna get worse over the next few years. The GOP will gerrymander again, SCOTUS will strike down another part of the Voting Rights Act, States will cut down on early and mail-in voting. Dems go have a chance to increase their totals in the Senate in 2022, but after what happened in 1992 and 2010, I think the opposite might happen. And they will most likely lose the House.

Like I said before, the Dems have to press, voters gotta stay active but the left also needs a run of luck.
OAN on the work tv?! :sick: Where do you work? The White House?
Man i'm used to the eternal back and forth struggle in the workplace between fox and CNN, but once Newsmax or OAN has entered the chat i'm out. Going full Karen so hard no one ever watches news at work again.
Man, crazy to think Biden will have more power than Obama had when he was in office. Whelp, I’m all for it.

No he won’t. I when Obama was sworn in the first time he had the senate and house in his favor. It’s why we actually got the affordable cares act.
Man i'm used to the eternal back and forth struggle in the workplace between fox and CNN, but once Newsmax or OAN has entered the chat i'm out. Going full Karen so hard no one ever watches news at work again.
I know people at work that have told me that they no longer watch Fox News because they couldn't take the dishonestly anymore.

I for a second get a little excited thinking the might have moved onto CNN, or PBS, or something closer to reality

But nope, they watch Newsmax and OAN because they tell it like it is. Fox News is getting too liberal they say :smh:

Some folk legit brainwashed.
As much as it pains me to say this, I kinda agree with Comey. I don't think the Feds should go after Trump. Doing so makes him a (false) matyr and gives the repugnicans one more lie to rally around for the next two years.

But if NY wants to go after him...

ill allow it.gif

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