***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I know people at work that have told me that they no longer watch Fox News because they couldn't take the dishonestly anymore.

I for a second get a little excited thinking the might have moved onto CNN, or PBS, or something closer to reality

But nope, they watch Newsmax and OAN because they tell it like it is. Fox News is getting too liberal they say :smh:

Some folk legit brainwashed.
I mean they can do them off-site, but the moment that bull goes up in a common space we got problems. I remember one workplace folks complained away NPR so i'm gone exercise my Karen rights too.
The Dems don't have enough votes to beat the Senate filibuster

And while the majority of Dem Senators support getting rid of it, a few don't, so it will stay.

So there is some the Dems can do, but they don't have the votes for their entire agenda.

the sooner people realize this the better. Dems swing vote in the Senate is from a state that's 95% white and went to Trump by 40 points. i wish it didn't have to come to that, but I'm glad that seat will at least pay off for Dems while they have it

I'd say there is a 2 year opportunity to peel off working class voters by delivering for them economically. 2022 will be tough for Dems, but the outlook brightens if they can actually legislate - focusing on popular bills that Rs have long ignored

Filibuster or not these Dems need to understand that African Americans came through yet again to save our country and we are owed policies that will benefit us which will benefit everyone else. Schumer needs to pull Manchin aside and tell him to fall in line when it matters.
With the effort expended to get us here, people are going to expect results. If they don't come through they may never get this effort again.
Filibuster or not these Dems need to understand that African Americans came through yet again to save our country and we are owed policies that will benefit us which will benefit everyone else. Schumer needs to pull Manchin aside and tell him to fall in line when it matters.

Move black history month to either January or November
With the effort expended to get us here, people are going to expect results. If they don't come through they may never get this effort again.

This is what I'm most concerned about. We can't let guys like Manchin play the status quo card. Our base wants bold action and we need to deliver. To be honest we need to get DC admitted as a state, we need to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and we need to get funds to the states to fight this virus.
All my DC brethren stay safe out there. Might be ideal to jus at be the crib the next 2 days.

I was supposed to go to our DC office later this week and had to hit my boss with da Get Out

proud to be an American today. we built this and we will fix this.

Real talk - I've been ashamed to be an American the past four years. Especially when abroad, it's like I had to clarify that I don't rock with Trump or anything going on in America. Now I feel like I can step on foreign soil and proudly say I'm from the US of A and helped get the orange POS out the paint :pimp:
It can go one of two ways. Dems can do a lot of good and let it be known with bass in their voice.

or they can try and work together not do anything and probably never win again because most will be done voting if that happens.

they got a lot of people to vote who never do, so they better not f this up.
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This is what I'm most concerned about. We can't let guys like Manchin play the status quo card. Our base wants bold action and we need to deliver. To be honest we need to get DC admitted as a state, we need to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and we need to get funds to the states to fight this virus.
This basically a 2018 NBA finals redo, black folks are Lebron game 1 and Dems are the Cavs.

So many people who don't even believe in the process voted, don't waste that.
This is what I'm most concerned about. We can't let guys like Manchin play the status quo card. Our base wants bold action and we need to deliver. To be honest we need to get DC admitted as a state, we need to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and we need to get funds to the states to fight this virus.

Real question - you've had several serious posts on this page. Now that Trump is out of the paint are you reverting back to normal posting?
It can go one of two ways. Dems can do a lot of good and let it be known with base in their voice.

or they can try and work together not do anything and probably never win again because most will be done voting if that happens.

they got a lot of people to vote who never do, so they better not f this up.

Yep. This is gonna be a test for Dems. I'm all for trying to work across the aisle, but at some point you have to grasp that you can't work with people who have zero interest in working with you. Go in there and push **** through that will benefit the majority of Americans, even if they don't know it yet. In short, GOVERN.
Yep. This is gonna be a test for Dems. I'm all for trying to work across the aisle, but at some point you have to grasp that you can't work with people who have zero interest in working with you. Go in there and push **** through that will benefit the majority of Americans, even if they don't know it yet. In short, GOVERN.
This sounds good but unfortunately it’s just not how are system is set up. :lol:
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