***Official Political Discussion Thread***

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Well convince those who can vote to not vote for him if you feel he is a racist.

I think he will win in November. And I don't think he is a racist.

But I respect your opinion.

I don't know whether he is or not. But I certainly understand the arguments that he is.

Do you still think Biden isn't a racist?

I don't know whether he is a racist or not.

Do you think Joe Biden is a racist?

I don’t know whether Trump is a racist or not. I’ve said that plenty of times.

With that said, based on words and actions, I think one can make a valid argument that both Trump and Biden are racists.


To this point, I do not feel like I have enough information to unequivocally declare him or Biden a racist. But I can certainly understand the valid arguments that they both are.

If you think trump is a racist then don't vote for him.

But I don't think he is.

One could write an article that Biden being the architect of modern mass incarceration "suggests" that he is a racist.

I'm not going down that road.

The difference is that I don't know whether or not Trump is a racist. I have consistently said as much. I have said I completely understand how someone can come to that conclusion based on the things he says, is accused of saying, and accused of doing. But, to this point, no I do not have enough to definitively say that he is a racist in my opinion. He, undoubtedly, peddles in it especially with the newest rhetoric surrounding the confederate statues and the BLM movement.

I understand several people disagree with me on that.

I also feel the exact same way about Biden despite some things he's said and done in the past. Just last year I think he said "poor kids are just as bright as white kids."

You are right, opinions can be based on actions.

But that doesn't make them true.

See how that works?

I think I’ve already answered this. My answer is not going to change because you rephrased the question.

Like I said in my initial post, I can certainly understand someone making the argument that he is a racist based, in part, on the things that you outlined.

I can also understand someone making that Biden is a racist based on some of his words and actions.

But I don’t know if either of them actually are.

I addressed much of this in the post above. But I did not call the poster a racist. Just like I did not call Trump one. I have stated that Trump makes racist comments. And I said the same of the poster. Biden has made racist comments as well. But I have not labeled any of them racists.

Trump's statement re: the Central Park Five has been condemned by me repeatedly. He, like many in here, supported an erosion of due process. In fact, his horrible take illustrated the exact issue that I have with an erosion of due process--young black men being presumed guilty. If you recall, I said this erosion typically does not work out well for people that look like me. To act as if I showed support for Trump's statements on the Central Park Five is completely false.

I'm not shielding Trump at all from the pandemic response. You sensationalized it, and I called you on it. I also said that it is undoubted that the response could have been much much better. Again, you ignore that fact. That isn't absolving him from responsibility.

When I bring up other issues, I do it as a way of comparison. Not to deflect. As I did in this post, I address everything you mention. I typically try to highlight hypocrisy if I feel it is glaring.

"People think I didn't go far enough in my condemnation"
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You want to shift me saying “I supported” Trump to me saying “I voted for Trump.” I openly supported him and I also openly stopped supporting him. I also supported President Obama for 8 years.

It’s getting to the point where it seems like the thread prefers a villain to a redemption story.

I supported and contributed to the Dems flipping the Senate. I’m happy they did so. Trump lost. These actions are outrageous.

There’s no disagreement here.
Delk thinks he is Anakin Skywalker :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Maybe you should spend some time and ask yourself why you couldn't see what most people here could. Switching stances so fast is not that convincing.

That’s real. I’ve done a lot of reflecting actually. And not only did I shift support but I contributed to campaigns in my hometown. But I’m not trying to convince anyone, it is what it is.
I know it's not PC but we need to have a discussion on why white people are so violent.
Is it cultural? Genetic? I think we should study the shape of their skulls for answers.

legacy of violence and destruction of other cultures and lands as a way to prop themselves up

that's the psyche, yep
Doubt it but really hope everyone involved and everyone who incited todays actions (GOP congress members included) are made examples of and charged to the fullest extent of the law.

Only cracking down hard on these extremists elements will deter them. If not I fear they'll only be emboldened even further and might have something much worse planned in the future, dudes had legit IED's brought into the halls of congress today...

Gotta imagine the security detail for the inauguration is gonna be even more thorough than it was for Obama in '09 cause I definitely wouldn't rule out these traitors from trying something real ugly that day
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