***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Fam had his gun drawn clear as day after they broke the windows and were attempting to breach, the crowd yelled that he had it out and she still decided to try and hop in the ****ing window (with a backpack on that went through zero security) and took one to the neck. Fam did his duty protecting people

Now you got these *******s talking about Say Her Name. **** outta here

She was in the military too so they really gon make her into some hero that risk her life. Our great service men and women!.
Fam had his gun drawn clear as day after they broke the windows and were attempting to breach, the crowd yelled that he had it out and she still decided to try and hop in the ****ing window (with a backpack on that went through zero security) and took one to the neck. Fam did his duty protecting people

Now you got these *******s talking about Say Her Name. **** outta here
What is that excuse when a white person kills an innocent black person for no good reason ( who happens to be in close proximity to them) oh yeah, I remember now...

Dude looks like he was standing his ground to me 🤷‍♂️

Same energy
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Everyone should read Adam Sewer's essay "The Nationalist Delusion", he points out how over history white nationalists have always tried to reframe their actions as innocuous when a plan fails.

All this insurrection has done is given all these ghouls a chance to distance themselves from a beast they help create, protect, and grow over the past 4 years.
I re-read this jawn every time you say this and it always is 100 percent on point.
DC and Puerto Rico getting state hood could go a long way to solve the senate problem...republicans know they gonna be hard pressed to win senate seats there

how does that play out in terms of federal funding? have they always been getting that? does statehood guarantee funding as well? :nerd:
25th amendment is almost impossible because republicans won’t do it but an (another) impeachment can and could make it so he can never run again
Apparently Pence wasn't that far away so kind of explains why those security guards were not messing around at all

that had to have been secret service dudes were in suits and absolutely do not play. On Reddit people were commenting on procedure, like how he waited for a clear shot and angled up to not hit anyone behind her then went back into cover.

She's Mitch's wife too...

45's goofy *** literally offered the GOP establishment a golden branch to latch on to and get off the sinking ship yesterday. Not surprised seeing them running with it today.

Got everyone from all the living presidents, party members, former cabinet members to every foreign government all denouncing what happened yesterday and laying most of the blame squarely at his feet.

Hope they're not let all the way off the hook after though since they've been 110% complicit in the degradation of American democracy for much longer than the just last 4 years
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