***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Supreme Court will have to decide PA, unfortunately that is the way it is headed.

There is another scenario in which the electoral vote ends in a tie with a Biden win in Georgia and Trump sweeps the other states.

OR no clear winner decided by January.

This would be decided by House Delegates, in which the Republicans have the advantage.

Although they can choose someone other than Trump, happened once before in history.
He will win Georgia in the end, it is headed to a recount.

My apologies, did not see that they gave Trump the 2nd congressional district of Maine.
In PA, the lawsuits will work all the way up to the Supreme Court, which could make the final decision.

However, it doesn’t matter if Trump doesn’t win the other states.
Actually, it is likely to happen.

Biden will not reach 270 Electoral Votes with PA and one other state (Georgia or Michigan) not being able to certify their electors due to voting irregularities.

The Republicans also hold the advantage with SCOTUS and the judges from SCOTUS overseeing the circuit court of appeals in the districts of WI, MI, GA, and PA.

Buckle up.
You also have faithless electors that could switch sides and the laws regarding this vary from state to state.

The state legislatures determine which electors will be sent in January to vote.

Not saying it will happen, but COULD happen.
I think many of you are in for a big surprise to what is going to unfold in the next week or two..

oh word?
There is nothing that can combat this type of thinking.
my wife legit has them on ignore. she hasn’t been responding to the fam group texts so her dad facetimed the other night to talk and after a few minutes, she handed the phone to our son and said here, talk to your grandson 😂

we hear him change the subject and start talking about star wars and my wife is walking away like 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Imagine Trump being found in a hole like Saddam
On Tyranny by Timothy Snyder is must read.
He's a Europe & Russia historian, and everything that is playing out has been played out elsewhere.

We have some weird entitlement that the destruction of democracy will never happen here, but humans are flawed and unfortunately some flaws are more dangerous than others.
Read this and How Fascism Works by Jason Stanley in back to back not that long ago and it really is an eye opener.

When you're aware of historical context, of not even that long ago, it really doesn't seem that far out of the picture that even the most liberal democracies could slip up and descend into a state of illiberallness and fascism relatively quickly under the right conditions.

It's why I tend to take an aggressive hard line against any hints and signs of public figures and officials pushing that sort of rhetoric and adopting + amplifying the strategies fascists before them have and were able to gain popular support with.

So much of the warnings in those books have been materializing in real life and it's been concerning seeing the lack of a forceful response to stamp it out before it becomes sweeping. The conditions for that sort of descent have very much been laid out over the last 3-4 years and the fact that a giant portion of the country would welcome it wholeheartedly is terrifying and should be a call to action for everyone who still believes in democracy...
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I bet Hawley didn't even know why the CC companies pulled their business. He probably thought it was a morality issue, and not a flex over rampant illegal content. Also, the CC companies came back pretty quickly once PH went to all verified accounts.
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