***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Surprise surprise, Capitol police officers suspended for their roles in the insurrection including possible participation in aiding the terrorists to get to certain places in the building. One of the officers include that 🤡 that took the selfie that went viral. Over 10 under investigation currently. -via CNN

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Delk withdrawing his support for Trump after he lost.

i have to say, watching people scramble to dissociate from their support of Trump has been funny, yet all too predictable. on some level they realize twice Trump supporters now have zero credibility, showing either a complete lack of judgement of character, ignorance, or total willingness to self serve. in some cases it's all of it

it's nothing to do with Right vs Left politics, but the fact that Trump was never remotely fit for office. he lacked every quality one would want in a good leader, let alone one as important as President. it was fairly clear in '16 judging from 40+ years of public record, and it was painfully obvious, in your face in '20 after 4 long years of incompetence. every concern about his candidacy came to fruition

how will Trump handle a major crisis? terribly it turns out. how will Trump separate his personal business from Government business? he didn't. he refused to show personal financial records and hired his friends and family for Government positions, as Foreign and US Gov. $$$ flowed into his businesses

what about Trump's long documented history of racism, and the rising threat of Far-Right White Domestic Terrorists? well, it turns out these were Trump's biggest fans, and he took every opportunity to do the bare minimum in "condemning" their actions, as he appointed a racist from Alabama as his Attorney General, locked kids in cages, and cheered on police brutalizing BLM protestors

if only it were a case of "who could've seen this coming" the stench might wash off easier for those eager to do so. the reality is most people did see it coming
i have to say, watching people scramble to dissociate from their support of Trump has been funny, yet all too predictable. on some level they realize twice Trump supporters now have zero credibility, showing either a complete lack of judgement of character, ignorance, or total willingness to self serve. in some cases it's all of it

it's nothing to do with Right vs Left politics, but the fact that Trump was never remotely fit for office. he lacked every quality one would want in a good leader, let alone one as important as President. it was fairly clear in '16 judging from 40+ years of public record, and it was painfully obvious, in your face in '20 after 4 long years of incompetence. every concern about his candidacy came to fruition

how will Trump handle a major crisis? terribly it turns out. how will Trump separate his personal business from Government business? he didn't. he refused to show personal financial records and hired his friends and family for Government positions, as Foreign and US Gov. $$$ flowed into his businesses

what about Trump's long documented history of racism, and the rising threat of Far-Right White Domestic Terrorists? well, it turns out these were Trump's biggest fans, and he took every opportunity to do the bare minimum in "condemning" their actions, as he appointed a racist from Alabama as his Attorney General, locked kids in cages, and cheered on police brutalizing BLM protestors

if only it were a case of "who could've seen this coming" the stench might wash off easier for those eager to do so. the reality is most people did see it coming

Yet the majority of white voters in this country still voted for him.

"In 2016, white voters propelled Trump to the presidency, with 54 percent voting for him and 39 percent voting for Hillary Clinton, according to a 2018 Pew Research Center study. And though the end result might be different in 2020 — exit polls are by no means comprehensive or exact — early evidence shows that white people’s voting patterns look much the same: 57 percent of this group voted to reelect the president while 42 percent voted for Democratic challenger Joe Biden, according to Edison Research’s exit polls of 15,590 voters conducted outside their polling places, at early voting sites, or by phone. That makes white people the only racial group in which a majority voted for Trump, as Charles M. Blow notes at the New York Times."

That means if you're a black or brown person in a room with 10 white folks...more than half of them support racists in power....and they aren't even the most dangerous ones. It's the ones in the middle that you really have watch. Undecided? Word?

Voting against their own interests?

I think not.

What could be more important than maintaining superiority?

Whether its conscious or not.

It's the American way.

I guess beggars can be choosers.

Let's get the ball rolling


The case for impeachment is that we CANNOT WAIT for the expiration of Trump's term. Any needless procedural cruft, grandstanding, or arbitrary deadlines would only undermine this case.

If it's an emergency, act like it.

I am against the death penalty—period. In all cases. So I am certainly against any of this outrageous conduct.
I'm old enough to remember when you spent weeks zealously defending Roy Moore's right to the presumption of innocence. Where's that energy?

People aren't giving segregationist cowboy Roy Moore the benefit of the doubt:

The Trump administration is killing Black people:

I did not dispute it.

Saying “I don’t know if Trump is a racist” is not the same as saying “Trump is not a racist.” I said the former as much as you want to accuse me of saying the latter.

It is completely fair for anyone to come to the conclusion that Trump is a racist based on his rhetoric and actions.
When your law firm defends a client, are they required to provide incontrovertible evidence of the client's innocence or could they merely define scenarios in which said client might not be guilty, so as to establish reasonable doubt?

Are you not still considered defense counsel in the case of the latter?

I'd say "don't quit your day job", but...
I'm old enough to remember when you spent weeks zealously defending Roy Moore's right to the presumption of innocence. Where's that energy?

People aren't giving segregationist cowboy Roy Moore the benefit of the doubt:

The Trump administration is killing Black people:

When your law firm defends a client, are they required to provide incontrovertible evidence of the client's innocence or could they merely define scenarios in which said client might not be guilty, so as to establish reasonable doubt?

Are you not still considered defense counsel in the case of the latter?

I'd say "don't quit your day job", but...

I don’t practice criminal, but you don’t have to prove innocence as defense counsel.

In America, you are presumed innocent unless/until the prosecution can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you are guilty.

There is no burden of proof on the accused.

And yes, I defended these ideas of due process because—as I explained—the erosion of due process has not worked out well for people that look like me.
Here's an extensive thread of all the patRIOTs that went to DC

this was in LA and was debunked he was trying to get her away from the mob, the woman came out and said he saved her life

Nibo said strangers came to her rescue, including a man with a red beard who was seen holding her in a number of the photos.

“He was whispering in my ear going ‘You’re OK, I got you, I’ve got you, don’t do anything. These people are literally trying to kill you,'” Nibo said.

As she said the man attempted to get her safely away from the crowd, she was pepper sprayed in the face and hit. She credits the man for saving her life.

“If not for him stepping in at that moment, these people would have literally tried to kill me,” she said.
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