***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Don Jr. will probably attempt a run if daddy doesn't, but he doesn't have even close to the charisma and appeal Donald has. Watching him try to whip up a crowd is painful. He tries so hard, yet fails even harder.
Where are they going to find the votes? His base may not be going anywhere but suburban white women wont ever vote for him. EVER.

Not to mention the corporate money will be near $0. Appalachian meth-head public assistance money can only get you so far.
Besides the fact we live in a hyperpartisan time and voters have short memories, let us remember...

Because of the Electoral college, he came within around 65K votes of being re-elected

He got the second-highest vote total of any presidential candidate ever

The GOP's primary system's winner take all set-up makes it easier for him to get nominated again

You said anyone associated with him. Most of his loyalists in the House in swing districts are gonna be protected with a new round of gerrymandering, and incumbent President mid-term backlash. Of his Senate loyalist, only Ted Cruz is in a state trending blue.

One of the reasons the GOP falls in line so quickly is because they are scared of primaries by even bigger Trump loyalists.

Trumpism is alive and well, and will be for at least the next few years, if not longer.
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Where are they going to find the votes? His base may not be going anywhere but suburban white women wont ever vote for him. EVER. They prefer subtle racist candidates like Mitt.

Not to mention the corporate money will be near $0. Appalachian meth-head public assistance money can only get you so far.

Find the votes? Depending who is running for the Democrats I don't think it would be hard to flip some of those swing states Trump lost.
Don Jr. will probably attempt a run if daddy doesn't, but he doesn't have even close to the charisma and appeal Donald has. Watching him try to whip up a crowd is painful. He tries so hard, yet fails even harder.

him or the daughter

Where are they going to find the votes? His base may not be going anywhere but suburban white women wont ever vote for him. EVER. They prefer subtle racist candidates like Mitt.

Not to mention the corporate money will be near $0. Appalachian meth-head public assistance money can only get you so far.

I hear you. But Trump got the second-most votes of any Presidential candidate in history.

Seems unrealistic that he won’t be a lingering political force after he leaves office.
Bruh what?

My dude, you are just parroting a right-wing talking point and you think people should accept it as reality.

idk about any right wing talking point but I’m not gonna pretend I don’t see and hear the **** he’s said with my own 2 eyes. I mean come on be Foreal
The reason trump should be impeached and criminally prosecuted is because he and his supporters attempted a coup, not to prevent him from running again. Is there not a law that a person can’t run for president from prison? If he were the president of another country and incited an insurrection at the us capitol while Congress was present, the military would be preparing for war. No doubt in my mind that those idiots would have murdered pelosi, Pence or anyone they couldve gotten their hands on from Congress.
idk about any right wing talking point but I’m not gonna pretend I don’t see and hear the **** he’s said with my own 2 eyes. I mean come on be Foreal
I am not asking you to pretend about anything, I am asking you to live in a place where observable reality is respected.

If you can't do that, then do you I guess.
So are they really going to have these cops come back to the same force they guided people in to beat and murder other officers? Should be interesting.
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