***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Only a man like Trump can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

A few of his classics include:
  • Losing all the wealth he inherited from father
  • Not acting on COVID-19 when he knew about it a month in advance
  • Losing the presidential election as an incumbent
  • Whiffing on denouncing racists, proud boys, Qanon which led to him losing all his corporate relationships... PGA, Deutche Bank, His Twitter handle, Shopify, etc., etc., etc....
  • Tanking an growing economy he inherited from Goatbama
It's truly remarkable


You forgot his worst business decision of all time: not selling MAGA masks at $20/pop and letting Fauci take over. 74 million voters. And they all would have bought so many masks, on top of donating to his campaign directly.

He would have been re-elected in a landslide if he'd done just that. Even a 4th-grader can reason on that level.
So like last time I gave you the accused pedo babysitter hypothetical, you agreed.
Alright, then what is the fundamental difference between my babysitter example and someone like Roy Moore?

Like the babysitter example, Moore was not arrested, charged or under criminal investigation at the time the allegations surfaced. In fact Moore has immunity for all his accusations due to Alabama’s statute of limitations laws. He couldn’t be charged for the offenses in the accusations no matter what.

You say I’m right that you would remove a babysitter with multiple pedo allegations against him.Unlike Moore, this babysitter is not immune from criminal investigation and prosecution for his accusations. In this example though, the babysitter hasn’t faced any legal trouble yet.

Roy Moore applied for a job, one where he would represent Alabama in the Senate.
The babysitter already had a job and you agreed you’d remove him over the accusations, for which he can face criminal liability.

In short, in these 2 scenarios why do you only apply your idea of due process to Roy Moore, the one who couldn’t face criminal liability even if he bragged ‘damn right I touched those kids and I regret nothing’ at every rally?

Short answer: Roy Moore wasn’t applying to be a babysitter.

Longer answer: Another major difference is that legally jobs generally aren’t allowed to make hiring decisions solely on accusations/arrests. That’s why you are asked about convictions, not arrests. It’s actually generally unlawful discrimination to ask about arrests.

I say generally because if the arrest/criminal record is related to the job, then the information can be used in the hiring decision. In your hypothetical, an accused pedophile would be working as a babysitter. That is relevant to the job, so it makes sense as a consideration since he or she would be working closely with kids. In the Senate, he wouldn’t be working closely with kids so it’s a different analysis.

Like I said during that time, there are several legitimate reasons not to support Roy Moore.Those accusations, alone, just aren’t. Just like the sexual assault allegation against Biden, alone, was insufficient to disqualify him.
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Welp so far 2 lawmakers got the Rona from the shelter squad. The fact they let those clowna stay speaks to the amount of balls these people have.

I woulda fo sho stood up and said "it puts the mask on its face or back upstairs to the face the mace" ***** woulda masked up or got shoulder clapped in to the hallway
The country that claims to be the cradle of democracy has to ramp up safety measures for a presidential inauguration, not because another country has made serious threats, but because the sitting president has encouraged a violent mob to do whatever they can to make sure he stays in power. Trump and his gop supporters should all be tied up at some black site somewhere being interrogated. And their families should all have received word that there’s a chance they won’t see them again.
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