***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Basically done. I feel a bit bad for the guy, he's been trying to find corruption for some time. Hell, he probably would have benefited me if he was elected with the free healthcare. But his socialism, his proposed free handouts, I think bit him in the a**. And he just realized and said that he made a mistake because he tried to cater to the poor people, but poor people don't vote. All this social media support, but social support won't win you. Also people think Hilary has the best chance to go against Trump, and that others think it's a Woman's time to be President. All probably came down to a Bernie loss. I don't like the 1 vs 1 finalist. Prefer the final four.
Proposed free handouts? Big jerk wants to cut the insane "defense" budget and send people like you to college for free, in the hopes you will be more educated and won't cast your vote for president based off of who is, as you so eloquently put it, "funny and cool as hell"
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Must be stopped:





Go Trump!
Basically done. I feel a bit bad for the guy, he's been trying to find corruption for some time. Hell, he probably would have benefited me if he was elected with the free healthcare. But his socialism, his proposed free handouts, I think bit him in the a**. And he just realized and said that he made a mistake because he tried to cater to the poor people, but poor people don't vote. All this social media support, but social support won't win you. Also people think Hilary has the best chance to go against Trump, and that others think it's a Woman's time to be President. All probably came down to a Bernie loss. I don't like the 1 vs 1 finalist. Prefer the final four.

Proposed free handouts? Big jerk wants to cut the insane "defense" budget and send people like you to college for free, in the hopes you will be more educated and won't cast your vote for president based off of who is, as you so eloquently put it, "funny and cool as hell"

I already have a college education son. Damn rookies. Only 291 posts, and 2 more months until you can sell in the Buy and Sell threads. Good luck.
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Obamacare is and should be called the ACA

Let's not let conservatives dictate the lexicon. Trying to change somethings name to help make your supporters that don't like brown people to begin with be scared of a bill is lame.
Are you big-timing me in a political thread with join date and post count? Damn you ran out of ammo quick to head there already. Could have linked me to at least like 15 more conservative blogs first.     I don't need to sell anything broke ***, not here for the classifieds. haha

Damn you said you already have a college education... 4 years from a university? Which one? Very curious as I didn't know anyone who finished college was a Trump supporter
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Obama sold the bill as a republican bill though. It's not just progressives who are saying that. Anyway according to politic act we are both right.

Please read that article, that last couple paragraphs pretty much says you're not.

Qualls said the Affordable Care Act "was the Republican plan in the '90s." The bill she had in mind did have a strong roster of Republicans behind it, and it did share many major features with the Affordable Care Act. There were some significant differences but in a side-by-side comparison, the similarities dominate.

However, to call it the Republican plan, as though a majority of Republicans endorsed it, goes too far. The House Republicans took a different path, and there was opposition from more hard-line members of the Republican coalition. It is telling that the Chafee bill never became a full blown bill and never came up for a vote.

And look who wrote that proposal back then, and look into where he is at now. Spoiler alert, he ran for president this year.....


As a Democrat :lol:

-Now you're moving goal post

Obama routinely brought up that is was based on a compromise between the right and the left, referring to Romney's situation in MA, not as a strictly Republican Bill. He did this as a way to show GOP obstructionism was being unreasonable.

Plus Romney's health care reform was a compromise between a Republican executive and a liberal legislative branch. And I might be wrong but I believe Romney tried to veto parts of "Romneycare" , and the Dems override them :lol:

Once again, please stop with this "it was a Republican bill", it wasn't.

Plus let's remember Obama's OG proposal had a public option, that got clipped by Congress. Chafee plan didn't have that part
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Lincoln Chaffee was a republican before 2007. He proposed the bill in the 90s while he was republican.

Your turn to disagree and say I'm making stuff up.
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Lincoln Chaffee was a republican before 2007. He proposed the bill in the 90s while he was republican.

I know that. I didn't say he wasn't a Republican in the 1990s, I said go look at where he is now.

The law you trying to tie to the ACA was written by one of the most liberal members of the GOP, so liberal that he left the Party and years later join the Dems later on.

The GOP of the back then =/= of today or 2008

Here, look into Chafee record and tell me if he sounds like your mainstream Republican of today, or one that was cooking in 2008.


The link you provide even says the party as a whole didn't go for the plan. Put somehow it is a "Republican Plan"

-And two major ways Obama intended to get people covered in his original healthcare proposal, are not present in Chafee's plan. Yet you seem to be ignoring that as well
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I think you're reaching. My initial point was that I don't think some people were comfortable with Obamas "political moves" that's all.
I think you're reaching. My initial point was that I don't think some people were comfortable with Obamas "political moves" that's all.

This was your orginal post on the matter, quoting me btw

Obama nominated a "moderate" as a political move.

Last two picks were Kagan and Sotomayor, the two most liberal justices on the court.

Hillary is probably picking a liberal unless the Senate in red. Then mostly likely she will stick with Merrick Garland
I realize that it could be seen as a political move but that's the stuff that pisses people off. He wanted to make conservatives look bad as obstructionists but it's more than likely we end up with another moderate.
It's like the ACA being a republican bill. No one cares that it was a republican bill to begin with. It's Obamacare now lol.
Making conservatives look crazy doesn't seem like a good political strategy anymore. Look who's leading the polls lol.

Sotomayor and Kagan picks were dope moves on his part though. Maybe he shouldnt be allowed to appoint another Supreme Court justice, especially if it's merrick garland.

You clearly say the ACA was a republican bill, and I simply corrected you. I even went on to address the topic at hand.

If you didn't want to take it any further, then you could have address the other part of my post.

Plus the ACA example doesn't fit you insertion of "people being tired of political moves".

So don't pull the "you're reaching" card now :rolleyes
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Damb Van Hollen washed Donna Edwards, and Edwards choose not to run for the House, so she lost her seat there as well.

Baby girl caught a massive "L" tonight
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I proved it was in part a republican bill tho...

I can say and think what I want.

I honestly don't know how to respond to your thoughts on Hillary because they're your opinions. No one really knows what she'll do. If you are convinced you know, that's fine believe what you want. I choose not to respond.

Unless, you are Hillary Cli....naw can't be. Or could it?
I proved it was in part a republican bill tho...

I can say and think what I want.

I honestly don't know how to respond to your thoughts on Hillary because they're your opinions. No one really knows what she'll do. If you are convinced you know, that's fine believe what you want. I choose not to respond.

Unless, you are Hillary Cli....naw can't be. Or could it?

You proved parts of the bill were also found in a separate fringe bill proposed by a bunch of centrist Republicans in the 1990s

You didn't prove your original claim. So if you want to move the goal post to feel better, go right ahead.

And yes you can say and think what you want, no one is saying you can't BTW. But other people can challenge and correct your points too.

:rofl: Are you big-timing me in a political thread with join date and post count? Damn you ran out of ammo quick to head there already. Could have linked me to at least like 15 more conservative blogs first.     I don't need to sell anything broke ***, not here for the classifieds. haha

Damn you said you already have a college education... 4 years from a university? Which one? Very curious as I didn't know anyone who finished college was a Trump supporter

You don't need to know what college. 4 years for sure. A lot of people who finished college are Trump supporters. Ironically, a lot of people who can't even go to college are Bernie Sanders or Hillary supporters. Good game man, you just played yourself, good game.

Anywho, Trump is cool as hell to try to advise Bernie to run as independent: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trump-advises-bernie-sanders-run-independent/story?id=38680366
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 In college, employed within major (CS - IT) hardcore Bernie supporter.

What does that make me papi?
Very pleased with the results of the Democratic primaries last night. I would have preferred a clean sweep, but I'm alright with Bernie winning a small measly prize last night as it gives Bernie Sanders and Co. a little bit of hope. Even though Bernie and Co. don't have any real hope.....that's the beauty of it to me. He was able to get just a crumb last night......just enough to keep going but eventually will pass out due to starvation. I love it!!
Just read a pretty good article on how there isn't really a truly great candidate this election season and also highlighting how Hillary isn't neary as progressive as she's billed herself as this campaign season.


Oh and before you get the chopper ready Rusty :lol:,the author also calls out Bernie on being weaker on racial injustice this election than he could have,weaker than his record has suggested.

Guess in the long run anyones better than Trump right? :lol:

Just hope some of the campaign issues from this year resonate a little while after he general and that momentum for systemic change only builds over the next 4 years

:rolleyes  In college, employed within major (CS - IT) hardcore Bernie supporter.

What does that make me papi?

A misogynistic "Bernie Bro"...>D
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McGinty got the Democratic nod to go against Toomey in PA, needless to say, Toomey will win another term :smh:

Interested to see the results of the bill to increase the Judge retirement age to 75 from 70.
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