***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Canada's immigration website just crashed
it's down for over half an hour now 
I swear, I would've felt better if The Bigot won Florida by a landslide, instead of having to know that the IDIOTS who completely WASTED their vote on a third party candidate decided that entire state and the whole election.

A year from now when the country is in ruins, I wonder how self-righteous and proud of themselves these fools will be for being so hipstery to vote for a third party candidate.
Relax b. Regardless of who gets elected, things will still be the same. They are puppets getting pulled by strings. They are nothing more than figureheads parroting what they are told to do by the powers that be
Dudes actin like he bout to rewrite the constitution to his liking.
Tired of HEARING people talk about leaving this country. But your plane ticket where your mouth is. Plenty of communist countries out there for you to enjoy.
exactly, I have a buddy trying to become a us citizen and he says its damn near impossible! he's a professional athlete from South Africa and ya'll are trying to leave 
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