***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Yes I did. And I will cater to you libs this one time and provide a screenshot with my bank statements about the tax return if needed.
I don't think that necessary. If you insist, at least make sure to thoroughly edit the image and block every personal detail including transaction details, account numbers, ...
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I said a paycheck so that's two weeks worth of work not a week get your facts straight. and yes RN gets paid bank in California before you start assuming some more. and i achieved that by working OT and yes I do uber on the side you . You got something against people that do uber?

You make 14k a month and somehow you managed to get 9k tax return? Lol im not going to call you a liar, but i will say i dont believe you lol
Paul Ryan seems to claim he is unaware of the US constitution. The Congress has the power to override a presidential veto with a 2/3 majority in both houses, which he conveniently failed to remember. How strange, given that Republicans in Congress have exercised that very power in 2016. Obama vetoed a bill that would allow the families of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia for damages over 9/11, which would open up the US to the same kind of lawsuits and liabilities according to Obama.
The GOP majority in Congress along with some Democrats to reach the 2/3 majority then voted to override Obama's veto. Congressional Republicans later proceeded to blame Obama for not warning them enough to stop them from overriding his veto.

Yet Paul Ryan just can't seem to remember. Absolutely nothing Congress can do to rein in Trump's tariff powers and prevent his trade war from dragging not only the US' economy down but the global economy as well. If only there was some power granted to them by the US constitution that could make it irrelevant whether or not Trump vetoes the bill.

All in all, good news for the Trump voters that no measures are being considered by congressional Republicans to minimize the self-inflicted economic damage.
Sure the damage may continue to eat away at any benefits they have received from the tax cuts or wage growth if any, but they can rest assured the libs are going to be hurt too.

Dude may be the most pathetic, worthless politician i can recall in a long time. He is completely Trumps beetch.
Dude may be the most pathetic, worthless politician i can recall in a long time. He is completely Trumps beetch.
Well it gets worse.

To expand on the above post about Paul Ryan. Too bad there's just absolutely nothing Congress could do about what he describes as "not the solution" and "putting the US economy at risk."
Not only does he refuse to even consider any measures to rein in Trump's tariff powers, he's openly admitting the tariffs are not the solution and that they put the US economy at risk.
Ryan Says Trump's Trade Policies Put U.S. Economy at Risk
House Speaker Paul Ryan drew a stark difference between his vision for trade and that of President Donald Trump, rejecting tariffs and warning that pulling out of trade agreements is a threat to the U.S. economy.
“We risk having American products locked out of new markets, jobs moved overseas, and a decline in American influence,” Ryan said Thursday at the Economic Club of Washington. “As our generals will tell you, these agreements are just as important for our national security as they are for our economy.”
Ryan of Wisconsin, who plans to retire after this year, questioned Trump’s decision to pull out of Trans-Pacific Partnership, a multinational agreement to cut trade barriers. Ryan said the pact’s “broader intent was correct,” to counter China’s influence in the region and encourage development according to the U.S. model. Trump rejected the agreement, which was championed by former President Barack Obama.

Ryan said “bad actors” like China commit trade abuses, as Trump has asserted, but that new tariffs “are not the solution.”

Trump announced tariffs on steel and aluminum and this week the administration said it would impose a new round of 10 percent tariffs on $200 billion of Chinese goods as part of a dispute over alleged Chinese theft of U.S. intellectual property. Ryan hasn’t advocated any legislation to reverse the tariffs.

“The rule book for the global economy in the 21st century is being written now -- the question is whether the United States will be holding the pen, or will we cede that authority to illiberal, undemocratic regimes,” Ryan said. “We must continue to demonstrate that our way of doing things still has juice.”
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show me a screen shot of the irs payment
in the amount u stated
being transferred to ur account


Told you I wasn't playing around. I don't care if yall say if presidency has nothing to do with it but i significantly got more while a Republican is in office so il take it and run with it.
You don’t think trump being in office has moved the needle in regard to race and racism within our political system? I’m not talking about personal feelings either. I’m talking specifically in regards to politics.

I believe trump being in office brought out more recognition towards racism in this country thus making more people want to lash out and speak out about it. If you want il even give you that it's a good thing towards racism that trump brought out who you thought was racist to actually being racist and it's upon yourself if you have something to say about it.
Bruh how many times does it have to be stated that personal feelings mean jack squat? ill put it in caps for emphasis WHEN RACIST PEOPLE ARE IN POSITIONS OF POWER THEY MAKE RACISTS POLICIES AND APPOINT MORE RACIST PEOPLE WHO THEN MAKE MORE RACIST POLICIES. It's not rocket science, but you keep coming back repeating the same uninformed lines. It doesnt benefit minorities at all when outright racist and bigoted people have political and economic power. Its not about changing feelings its about not giving these people power. You ask what can be done? Don't support these people. Point blank period. Let them stay at home with their unchanged racist feelings instead of having an impact on the people of this country. You say its wrong that your're labeled as a bigot and a racist? fine. you're someone who supports a party of bigots and racists. Does that sound better to you? If youre okay with that then own it and deal with the criticism. stop pretending like youre taking some enlightened stance. long story short youre okay with racism flourishing in politics in policy for your own financial gain and are unbothered by it.
Some people just don't want to learn.

You put in front of their eyes, and they close them; you talk to them, and they ignore what you are saying. There is no point in trying to convince people who don't want to see what is.

The history of this country shows that for every single event signifying progress towards a more equitable society, there has been backlash from the racists: Slavery to Reconstruction to Jim Crow to the Civil Rights Act to the systematic bondage in jail of black men to the election of Obama to the election of Donald Trump.

Some people are too distracted by trinkets and cents to see the big picture. They better not come around and complain about what we warned them of.
Paul Ryan seems to claim he is unaware of the US constitution. The Congress has the power to override a presidential veto with a 2/3 majority in both houses, which he conveniently failed to remember. How strange, given that Republicans in Congress have exercised that very power in 2016. Obama vetoed a bill that would allow the families of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia for damages over 9/11, which would open up the US to the same kind of lawsuits and liabilities according to Obama.
The GOP majority in Congress along with some Democrats to reach the 2/3 majority then voted to override Obama's veto. Congressional Republicans later proceeded to blame Obama for not warning them enough to stop them from overriding his veto.

Yet Paul Ryan just can't seem to remember. Absolutely nothing Congress can do to rein in Trump's tariff powers and prevent his trade war from dragging not only the US' economy down but the global economy as well. If only there was some power granted to them by the US constitution that could make it irrelevant whether or not Trump vetoes the bill.

All in all, good news for the Trump voters that no measures are being considered by congressional Republicans to minimize the self-inflicted economic damage.
Sure the damage may continue to eat away at any benefits they have received from the tax cuts or wage growth if any, but they can rest assured the libs are going to be hurt too.

I believe trump being in office brought out more recognition towards racism in this country thus making more people want to lash out and speak out about it. If you want il even give you that it's a good thing towards racism that trump brought out who you thought was racist to actually being racist and it's upon yourself if you have something to say about it.

You completely ignored the policy and not personal feelings part of the question.
This is an essential point.

It is because many of our parents and grandparents voted against racism, participated in voter registration drives, and put their bodies on the line in protest of racism that Congress passed the Hart-Cellar Act, which did away with the racist quotas installed by the National Origins Act of 1924 and later adjusted by the McCarran-Walter Act of 1952. While the resulting system remained flawed, it nevertheless enabled a dramatic shift in immigrant demographics. Prior to 1965, the quota for Asian immigrants was 2,990, and the African quota wasn’t even half of THAT.

Which is why when he made a previous post telling people to leave it irked me so much. People who likely came from generations of that fight and you have the gall to muster up "leave" because they have some complaints about the nation's current state, when you just got here to bear the fruits (I say this as an immigrant myself). I don't know if that's a bannable offense but it should be, Son deserves a solid two piece for that at least.

Told you I wasn't playing around. I don't care if yall say if presidency has nothing to do with it but i significantly got more while a Republican is in office so il take it and run with it.

How many child credits did you claim? Theres no way you made 168k and got 10k back even head of household, 5 kids and maxed out hsa. Simply not possible, not even with hefty tax deductible donation to the trump campaign.
All in all, good news for the Trump voters that no measures are being considered by congressional Republicans to minimize the self-inflicted economic damage.
Sure the damage may continue to eat away at any benefits they have received from the tax cuts or wage growth if any, but they can rest assured the libs are going to be hurt too.


#sarcasm :lol: battered and broken :pimp:
You completely ignored the policy and not personal feelings part of the question.
But listen to what you call and think of us ? It's worst than being called libs and libbies... also on fourth of July I tried to make piece and ya'll came at me with middle finger gifs which how ya'll didn't get warned or banned surprises me. But hey it is what it is there's no middle ground in here
Great Great Great Granddad UnicornHunter - "Why should I worry about slavery? Nothing I can do about it, and I got a $20 tax return"
I said a paycheck so that's two weeks worth of work not a week get your facts straight. and yes RN gets paid bank in California before you start assuming some more. and i achieved that by working OT and yes I do uber on the side you . You got something against people that do uber?
Whomp whomp, also said you went to medical school and finished in 4 years. We get it. You lie
But listen to what you call and think of us ? It's worst than being called libs and libbies... also on fourth of July I tried to make piece and ya'll came at me with middle finger gifs which how ya'll didn't get warned or banned surprises me. But hey it is what it is there's no middle ground in here
Selfish? You've admitted as much.
Racist? You support racist policies and their makers out of selfishness so.....yeah.
Ignorant? You've displayed an impressive amount of willful ignorance on why racism is unacceptable.
So yeah **** you and the 4th of july. @Methodical Management come give me my warning for attacking another poster so he can't ***** about it later.
How many child credits did you claim? Theres no way you made 168k and got 10k back even head of household, 5 kids and maxed out hsa. Simply not possible, not even with hefty tax deductible donation to the trump campaign.
I claimed two and what more do you want I gave you proof of what I got. Even with proof you still don't believe . What more do you honestly want?
The Danish government sure doesn't sound pleased with his approach. It seems that the rest of the world is slowly coming to the conclusion that there is in fact no method to the madness. NATO's secretary general and Macron took a more positive approach in assessing the meetings, though the latter also gave Trump a slight jab.

“Nobody knows when Trump is doing international diplomacy and when he is doing election campaigning in Montana,” Danish defense minister Claus Hjort Frederiksen said.
“It is difficult to decode what policy the American president is promoting. There is a complete unpredictability in this, and one of the things you need in this alliance is predictability towards Russia."

In an emotional presentation, Rasmussen told the president that he had attended the funerals and could not accept Trump telling him that Denmark was not doing enough for NATO. “In direct and clear speech, I have made it clear to him that Denmark’s contribution cannot be measured in money,” Rasmussen said.
“The U.S. president has come up with some pretty bombastic announcements and Twitter has moved into the conference room,” he said during a post-summit briefing.
Denmark’s foreign minister, Anders Samuelsen, chimed in with his own concern: “It is a new reality, and you have to look past both spelling and factual mistakes and take Trump serious when he barrels forward with his Twitter.”

Excerpt 2:
A senior NATO official said leaders had concluded that they simply could not rely on anything Trump said.
“You know the way he speaks, you cannot take him literally,” the official said.

In a slight dig, Macron said he was not interested in declarations away from the leaders’ table. “One makes announcements on these subjects, I prefer a serious spirit,” Macron said. At another point, Macron complained: “Sometimes tweets are more important than what is negotiated.”

‘Very stable’ Trump? European leaders beg to differ
The president’s wild shifts in tone left many NATO allies concluding no hidden strategy lies behind his unpredictability.
As a NATO summit he threw into chaos wrapped up Thursday, President Donald Trump cheekily declared himself a “very stable genius.”
The other world leaders present mostly begged to differ.
Trump’s wildly unpredictable performance over two days in Brussels left many European leaders convinced that there is little method to the American president’s rhetorical madness, and simply no way to anticipate what he might do next.

“Nobody knows when Trump is doing international diplomacy and when he is doing election campaigning in Montana,” Danish defense minister Claus Hjort Frederiksen said. “It is difficult to decode what policy the American president is promoting. There is a complete unpredictability in this, and one of the things you need in this alliance is predictability towards Russia."

Frederiksen said NATO allies now “live with the uncertainty” that Trump “plays in a completely different way than the rest of us.”

Trump upended the summit even before it started by unleashing a tirade against Germany during a breakfast meeting on Wednesday with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and created further upheaval by hijacking a meeting Thursday morning about Ukraine and Georgia during which he again demanded that allies quickly increase their national military spending and threatened that if they failed to do so, the U.S. could break with the alliance and start conducting security policy unilaterally, by going its “own way.”

Reaction to Trump’s tirades against European allies — not just on military spending but also on trade and other issues — has focused mainly on the major powers of Germany, France and the United Kingdom.

But Trump’s behavior has been just as unnerving, if not more so, to smaller allies that have long counted on Washington and shown unwavering loyalty to the Western alliance.

In the NATO leaders’ meeting that focused on spending — what the alliance refers to as “burden sharing” — Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen said he confronted Trump, noting that the Danish military had suffered casualties participating in the U.S.-led mission in Afghanistan roughly in the same proportion as the U.S. military.

In an emotional presentation, Rasmussen told the president that he had attended the funerals and could not accept Trump telling him that Denmark was not doing enough for NATO. “In direct and clear speech, I have made it clear to him that Denmark’s contribution cannot be measured in money,” Rasmussen said.

“The U.S. president has come up with some pretty bombastic announcements and Twitter has moved into the conference room,” he said during a post-summit briefing.

Denmark’s foreign minister, Anders Samuelsen, chimed in with his own concern: “It is a new reality, and you have to look past both spelling and factual mistakes and take Trump serious when he barrels forward with his Twitter.”

When a Croatian journalist confronted Trump about his inconsistencies, the president flatly denied there were any, and he repeated a defense of his own sanity that he had made when previously questioned about his fitness for the presidency.

“We understand your message, but some people ask themselves, will you be tweeting differently once you board the Air Force One?” the reporter said.

Trump, speaking at his news conference before leaving the summit, replied: “No, that's other people that do that. I don’t. I’m very consistent. I’m a very stable genius.”

But leaders who spent the first 18 months of Trump’s presidency thinking there might be a method to his chaos creation — and struggling to discern what it might be — now seem to have concluded that it’s just chaos, and that Trump himself may not understand what he’s doing.

While Washington has long ago grown numb to Trump’s unrelenting mayhem, the president’s two days of undulations in Brussels, rolling between enraged criticism and boastful, happy proclamations, left many leaders feeling queasy.

It’s not just Trump’s casual disregard for longstanding protocol, like the way he showed up late to the summit on Thursday, before forcing the discussion back to the issue of spending, which had not been on the day’s agenda.

Trump also committed a cardinal sin of diplomacy by conflating issues that are typically kept in silos — like military spending and trade, or energy policy, in the case of the German gas pipeline project — to reduce the chance of rupturing negotiations.

Trump derided Germany at the breakfast Wednesday as “totally controlled by Russia” because of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, accusing Berlin of paying billions to Russia while essentially shirking its duties to NATO.

“You know, we’re protecting Germany, we’re protecting France. We’re protecting everybody. And yet we’re paying a lot of money to protect,” Trump said, adding, “I have to bring it up, because I think it’s very unfair to our country.”

Then, at an appearance with German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the summit that same afternoon, he said, “We have a very, very good relationship with the chancellor. We have a tremendous relationship with Germany.”

A senior NATO official said leaders had concluded that they simply could not rely on anything Trump said.

“You know the way he speaks, you cannot take him literally,” the official said.

Another EU official echoed the point. “He speaks a language that doesn’t match with diplomacy,” the second official said. “We were used to the Brits, who speak a more frank diplomatic language, but this is another thing.”

Macron, at his own post-summit news conference, tried to spin the situation positively, saying he believed NATO had emerged stronger because in the end Trump had declared “strong commitment” to the alliance.

In a slight dig, Macron said he was not interested in declarations away from the leaders’ table. “One makes announcements on these subjects, I prefer a serious spirit,” Macron said. At another point, Macron complained: “Sometimes tweets are more important than what is negotiated.”

But for evidence that he is, in fact, a “genius,” Trump might point to the closing assessment of NATO’s secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, who suggested that Trump’s hectoring was having a positive impact on the alliance.

“All allies have heard President Trump’s message loud and clear. We understand that this American president is very serious about defense spending,” he said. “There is a new sense of urgency due to President Trump’s strong leadership on defense spending.”

In fact, this week’s summit yielded no new spending pledges from NATO nations — despite Trump’s boasts otherwise.

And Trump once again made European allies feel as though he sees them as adversaries rather than friends. He again said his Monday meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin may be the easiest part of his trip. And he jabbed at the U.K. over the Brexit chaos that has led to the recent resignations of Cabinet ministers just before he headed there for state visit.

“I said I’m going to a few hot spots,” Trump said during his news conference “We have NATO, then we have the U.K., and then we have Putin. And I said, Putin may be the easiest of them all. You never know. But I’m going to a pretty hot spot right now, right, with a lot of resignations.”

Told you I wasn't playing around. I don't care if yall say if presidency has nothing to do with it but i significantly got more while a Republican is in office so il take it and run with it.
That’s not how the description looks
When u get a tax refund
Trust me
I have b of a too
But I’ll let u cook
But listen to what you call and think of us ? It's worst than being called libs and libbies... also on fourth of July I tried to make piece and ya'll came at me with middle finger gifs which how ya'll didn't get warned or banned surprises me. But hey it is what it is there's no middle ground in here

The libbies part was leftover from a comment I was going to write but I guess I’ll address it. Anyone who uses the terms “libs” and “libbies” buys into an ideology. I don’t buy that you vote red solely financial and nothing else matter to you.

And you still haven’t addressed the role of racism in policy and in systemic scenarios. That’s what the question is about. There’s a difference between bob being a racist and mayor bob or judge bob being a racist.
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