**Official Post Your Dog Thread**

He's nice man I'm considering getting one. How's the temperament and maintenance?
He's the chillest dog ever.  Gets excited when for about 20 seconds when people come over then just wants to lay on them.  I take him to the dog park a couple times a week so he can out run and out jump every other dog there, crazy athletic.  
What I tell all people who are thinking about getting a dog.. Please make sure you have time for them. They require a lot of attention especially puppies and stimulation. They're a lot of work and more than people think. Make sure you're ok with shedding if not get one that isn't a big shedder or doesn't shed at all but requires a lot of grooming etc etc

If you've already done that and I'm just being annoying.. Goodluck finding your next dog :lol:

Also just read you had dogs before so it's nothing new to you.
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What I tell all people who are thinking about getting a dog.. Please make sure you have time for them. They require a lot of attention especially puppies and stimulation. They're a lot of work and more than people think. Make sure you're ok with shedding if not get one that isn't a big shedder or doesn't shed at all but requires a lot of grooming etc etc

If you've already done that and I'm just being annoying.. Goodluck finding your next dog

Also just read you had dogs before so it's nothing new to you.
 lol yea man I appreciate it I had a cocker spaniel recently trained her myself to go to the cage, potty trained her and all. Like I said I never chose my dog on my own so it's kinda tough.
My dog was also let her play with the leash or get a nother one and leave it hooked to her while she in the house just keep an eye on her. At first my dog ant like the leash now when I reach for it he runs to the door
Any advice for keeping your puppy away from wires? (chargers, etc...)

you have to constantly be on top of them and say NO, if they start to chew a wire tell them NO and replace with one of their chewing toys. Since they're a puppy they'll pick up on it quickly, just be on top of things.
You have to teach them that chewing ANYThING is bad, not just wires. Some breeds are more chewers than others
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Any advice for keeping your puppy away from wires? (chargers, etc...)
you have to constantly be on top of them and say NO, if they start to chew a wire tell them NO and replace with one of their chewing toys. Since they're a puppy they'll pick up on it quickly, just be on top of things.

and i also heard of their being a spray you can buy at PetSmart which will make them not go near them.

When my dog was younger he got to my xbox 360 wire while i was showering they slick deff gotta keep an eye on them at all times
Grab some food or treats.. Say their name and the exact moment they look at you tell em good girl/boy and treat them and repeat.

Worked for both my dogs.
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Here's a photo of my rescue

Seeing as how I like all aspects of beer (making it/ drinking it). Her name called to us. Her name on the forms was Malt.... We've stuck with it since

The day we got her

Her form said she was a Labrador mix




We're guessing some type of german short haired pointer. She eats like a trucker and still maintains a crazy thin muscular figure... She loves to bark at birds and chase them. So there may be some trurth to her pointer heritage. The vet initially thought she may have some dalmatian in her. She has these speckled brown ears. The rest of her body is spotted too, in random spots.. She has one brown speck over her eye giving her a look of a black eye.. She does better with new dogs than humans. Trust factor is key with some rescues... and time. Do not rush into anything.

Her coloring reminds me of some pit bulls out there, but her facial structure is quite petite. Size wise, shes about 21 inches from ground to the back of her neck.. Does anyone know if a pure bred pointer has that short tail by choice or were they bred that way? She has a normal length tail.

We've had her about 17 months. She's coming up to her 2nd birthday in April
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Those ears looks cool as hell :lol:...My dog has a beer name too...Guinness :pimp: :lol:
Here's a photo of my rescue

Seeing as how I like all aspects of beer (making it/ drinking it). Her name called to us. Her name on the forms was Malt.... We've stuck with it since

The day we got her

Her form said she was a Labrador mix




We're guessing some type of german short haired pointer. She eats like a trucker and still maintains a crazy thin muscular figure... She loves to bark at birds and chase them. So there may be some trurth to her pointer heritage. The vet initially thought she may have some dalmatian in her. She has these speckled brown ears. The rest of her body is spotted too, in random spots.. She has one brown speck over her eye giving her a look of a black eye.. She does better with new dogs than humans. Trust factor is key with some rescues... and time. Do not rush into anything.

Her coloring reminds me of some pit bulls out there, but her facial structure is quite petite. Size wise, shes about 21 inches from ground to the back of her neck.. Does anyone know if a pure bred pointer has that short tail by choice or were they bred that way? She has a normal length tail.

We've had her about 17 months. She's coming up to her 2nd birthday in April

Good stuff bro. Beautiful dog :pimp:

Good name too. Im feeling Guinness as a name as well :pimp:
my boy puppy pee's like a girl... he doesnt lift his leg up... probably didnt have his pops around...
my boy puppy pee's like a girl... he doesnt lift his leg up... probably didnt have his pops around...

takes time. by the time he hits like 6 months hes gonna learn it automatically cause he will realize it gets on his leg if he does it that way
my dog bit a blue nose pit on the nose the other day. good thing that blue nose didnt feel that :smokin
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