Official: Red Dead Redemption 2 Thread: Releasing 10-26-18

Which Console Will You Buy This Game For

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I'm going full scoundrel. I was listening to some reviews on youtube, apparently not only do the NPC's react to you differently if you're a bad guy
but the score and kill cams change also. Also, if you get into a fight in town with an NPC people will remember it and talk about it when you come around
Similarly to his work with Capcom, Diego Angel befriended the Houser brothers. They were “weird guys,” he says. They liked tequila and “a lot more things.”

“They were crazy and they were good,” Angel says. “But they allowed us to be ourselves.”

Angel says he talked to a few companies, such as Microsoft, Activision and Rockstar, about selling his studio. Out of all those he talked to, he says Rockstar was the only one willing to give him the freedom he wanted. While working with Microsoft on Midtown Madness, Angel says the company was too strict with what could be in the game. Rockstar, however, had no issues with what he wanted.
Pre-ordered the game. Probably won’t be able to play next weekend because my parents are coming down to visit and celebrate my daughter’s 3rd birthday.

Welp lol
Digital download pre orders already started for PS4 users in New Zeland:

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how is everyone going to play this game?
besides the good/bad stuff, what else are you going to try to do.

For me I just may want to build my bond with my horse, while constantly hunting to build up funds and maybe drift from town to town gambling/selling carcasses until I feel like I have enough money to start the full game. May try to pull off a full scale bank robbery solo, but my bond with my horse will be so strong I can just call it like a getaway car and seamlessly ride off.

this is all assuming I don't get pulled in to the main story, which I probably will but I definitely want to do some extensive exploring and see what kind of side missions I can into by just hunting/fishing and traveling from town to town.


Im disappointed in myself that I didnt take release day off, oh well got the entire weekend to play. Im gonna be RUTHLESS

But yeah mostly looking forward to hunting and exploring, building my horse up to tip top shape
Red Dead Redemption 2: Installation Requirements
Created October 18, 2018Updated October 18, 2018
Question: How much space will I need on my platform to install Red Dead Redemption 2?

Answer: The amount of space required to install Red Dead Redemption 2 depends on the platform you are using, and the method of installation:

Disc Installation:

  • PS4 - 99 GB installation space
  • Xbox One - 107 GB installation space
Digital Installation:

  • PS4 - 99 GB installation space with an additional 50GB for the installation process
  • Xbox One - 107 GB installation space


XB1X owners are going to be foaming at the mouth waiting for the digital foundry detailed youtube video graphics comparisons between PS4 Pro vs XB1X versions :lol: . They are hoping and looking for that slightest 4K native resolution edge since PS4 Pro is 4K checkerboard. Even though all trailers and game preview footage has said to be running on PS4 Pros and R* themselves said both versions would be at 4K HDR 30 FPS locked for both the PS4 Pro and XB1X.

Oh and I own both a PS4 Pro and XB1X. No I won't double dip and buy a copy for each console :lol:

I'll double dip when the re release comes next gen on PS5. Like what happened with GTA V last gen going from PS3 to PS4.
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Lets see if any NYC or LA NT'ers manage to get a copy of the game early from a hole in the wall independent mom & pop video game or electronic store. Or if a copy of the game gets shipped early from amazon or Best Buy.

Probably going to happen starting tomorrow or early next week. Or we'll see people on reddit, other forums, youtube, other social media showing they hacked PSN or Xbox Live managed to pre download the whole game and unlock it early to start playing it.
That’s what I’m leaning toward , I might just get the bundled red dead pro and give the game away .

Yeah you could sell the game for full pop with no tax and someone will jump on it right away. If you aren't feeling the game, then I think you ought to wait for a Pro bundle with 2 controllers or maybe a bundle with some different games.
That’s what I’m leaning toward , I might just get the bundled red dead pro and give the game away .


Why are you even posting in this thread then :lol:

If you all your looking to get is a PS4 Pro and not even playing the game. You could have just posted in the official Playstation thread and asked for advice on how to get a PS4 Pro :lol:
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