OFFICIAL Seattle Mariners 2010 Season Thread: 7/22 - 7/25 vs. BOS (37-60)

What a rough 30 years. The M's organization is a heaping pile of trash and will be out of Seattle like the Sonics, soon. No commitment to winning with Seattle teams.
Yes finally!  A walk-off of our own!

Plus Don's very first...

"Sweeney belts a ball, deep into left field... and that will fly, fly away!"

Is this the first time this year the M's scored 7 runs in one inning?

7-2 for Cliffy.

So glad he's hitting like this now. I would've hated to see him cut. I like Wak using Griffey as all-time PH as well. If that's his intentions at least.
Winning streak!
Feels like I haven't posted in this thread for forever

Great to see the offense somewhat coming alive though.
The one-run losses are painful.

One out and down by one with a runner on third and the batter has a 3-0 count....Only to strike out.

I would have loved to see Griffey pinch hit for Kotchman instead of being the man who would come up if Kotchman got on, but they didn't have anyone on the bench to play 1st. Suck!
^ Yeah, I just read that too... disappointing...

How hot is Sweeney's bat? Hot enough that Wak has him playing at 1st... The last time played first? 1 year ago.
Good game Milton

Let's get a sweep tomorrow

What cleats are Chone and King wearing? I think they're the same model.

Chone's wearing Nike Zoom Coop V's


and Felix Nike Air Huarache LWP90's
^ No where. Unless ESPN decides to air an M's game (they have 1 or 2 MLB games every week, but the teams vary). I get my games via MLB.TV...
Good find ElPablo... thx.
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