Where is the guy with the dollar bill pyramid avatar. Dude was the ultimate bear, made money off them shorts. A couple years ahead of all of us.
What’s the most newbie friendly/easy to understand app for somebody just getting into options?

Ecook calmly waiting for the fool who mentions the name that must never be uttured...


Honestly though, stay away from options. You will find nothing but despair ****ing with those dark arts.


The first one is free.

He will download RH, buy a call, watch it go up 1000%, don't sell, loses about 50% of the profit when he does close the position and then chase that same high.
Tbh retail should only use options as an insurance hedge against the broad market. SPY options aren't terribly expensive compared to some and especially high-volatility names. But if we have the kind of doomsday crash people are calling for, a SPY put 25% OTM would preserve a lot of capital (as long as your expiration date isn't too soon).
Tbh retail should only use options as an insurance hedge against the broad market. SPY options aren't terribly expensive compared to some and especially high-volatility names. But if we have the kind of doomsday crash people are calling for, a SPY put 25% OTM would preserve a lot of capital (as long as your expiration date isn't too soon).

Wait…so your saying buying OTM 0DTE options ISNT how the pros do it??
There is no such thing as easy money
Buy QQQ puts before earnings today and tell us it isn't easy money.

But for real if GOOG and MSFT guide bad 2H22 forecasts the markets are ******. Feel like this is the make-or-break week for tech at large, for the rest of the year.
Sure there is. It's called being born to the right parents, in the right zip code.


Money gets easier when a playbook is exchanged from one generation to the next

Ppl born into a family biz gotta grind too

Edit: and then there are the ppl writing the playbook. I’m in that pool
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