Lol what i do

I know rh gets bad rep but for a new investor its a decent platform, just when you are a lvl of understanding investing move out of it

I need to move out of it my dam self lol

I’ve posted many, many times in here about why not to use them from a data and research side - can’t wait for them to be swallowed whole here soon
Will read later but does it say anything that Super Pumped (book or show) doesn’t?

I know a few people that were at the 10x Vegas party lol
Will read later but does it say anything that Super Pumped (book or show) doesn’t?

I know a few people that were at the 10x Vegas party lol

Honestly, no :lol:. I feel like it’s much ado about nothing from what I’ve read so far. Government lobbying, using incidents for PR, hiding information, etc. seems like business as usual for global companies. And, like you said, there’s a book and tv show that covers most of this :lol: :smh:.
*Anyone mentioning or even having the slightest thought about RH*




I appreciate it tho man I just have to man up and make the switch over to a new plat, already heavy on fidelity its just rh so easy to look at

Been slowly buying uber, i don't think they are going anywhere
Haven't made any DCA buys in the last couple months in favor of building a little cash. Will be slowly DCA'ing over the next few weeks though into Shopify, Upstart and some others.
Profitability vs growth
Know if they have a long-term view? If its a short-term move where they're just trying to capitalize on an undervalued equity in the next year or so, I might go ahead and sell out to build a bigger cash position.
Which google is the better one? A or C?

Slightly outdated but still holds true for the most part. Long story short, it doesn’t really matter to you and “better” is relative. The collective voting power of class A holders is trumped by Page and Brin who are the majority holders of class B shares. Which effectively erases any perceived benefit of class A voting rights. That’s why A and C are priced relatively the same I imagine.
Joined Webull through a buddies referral link a month back (late timing I know). I got nearly $100 in free stocks/shares. Should I sell most of these fractional shares and close the account? That seems to be the common theme for a lot of these apps.

Great interface compared to rh, if you want to or need to compare anything.
How long we think this bear rally lasts? Back to regularly scheduled free-fall by next month?
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