SPY 350P 12/31.

Burn it down.

(Not in it; difficult to do anything in the markets for me but this would be my move. NFA)
Recession delayed?

What are they gonna do if earnings/guidance is good and unemployment isn’t down? Does the technicality of a recession still make it a real recession?
Recession delayed?

What are they gonna do if earnings/guidance is good and unemployment isn’t down? Does the technicality of a recession still make it a real recession?
We're going to see the real impact soon enough. Hiring is slowing or stopped in some industries, spending is slowing across the board, and debt defaults are mounting. Throw political ******* into the mix and we could see a sizeable market drawdown in the next month or two.

I'm going to start drawing down my winners and locking in profits (except TSLA) next week. Moving into capital preservation mode.
I still think most companies aren’t going to be doing layoffs unless it’s debt laden startups or growth ones who are drawing down guidance. Mostly because they’ve realized how hard it has been to find qualified employees and it could be as bad if not worse on the other side.
Weird market.

Tell me about it.

Inflation is over 9000, money is getting expensive, companies are missing their earnings mark, we just got technical confirmation that we're in a recession, and yet the market rises.

My puts got wrecked. I'm sooooo done with options...


Tell me about it.

Inflation is over 9000, money is getting expensive, companies are missing their earnings mark, we just got technical confirmation that we're in a recession, and yet the market rises.

My puts got wrecked. I'm sooooo done with options...


I’m with you siga screwed me. Lol nice run yesterday but today hurts. Hopefully will turnaround
I’m with you siga screwed me. Lol nice run yesterday but today hurts. Hopefully will turnaround
Sorry to hear. You had options on siga? Kiddos & furu's were pumping it hard for about 7 trading days. They loaded it about 10days ago around $11's (unusual vol flow), kiddos had siga trending on twtr:lol:...tight stops & finger on sell button always:frown:
Sorry to hear. You had options on siga? Kiddos & furu's were pumping it hard for about 7 trading days. They loaded it about 10days ago around $11's (unusual vol flow), kiddos had siga trending on twtr:lol:...tight stops & finger on sell button always:frown:
I think it will have another run and when I’m out lol
Tell me about it.

Inflation is over 9000, money is getting expensive, companies are missing their earnings mark, we just got technical confirmation that we're in a recession, and yet the market rises.

My puts got wrecked. I'm sooooo done with options...


Puts will print I’m thinking Aug/Sept
Stay the course
Make sure you’re sizing right and be smart with stops
I think it’s a dead stock. It’ll have its pump and dumps, but out of all the social media stocks, it’s the worst one.
Arguable at this point imo. I’m a boomer at this point anyway.
Look at what $BECKY and $CHAD do; SNAP is old and dead. Twitter is dead. Different use cases but PINS has a good upside if they can actually capitalize on plans. Street is excited because the new CEO planted by Elliott is expected to do enough for the street to extract some alpha before next earnings.

This will be one I shed in my consolidation, even if I do believe in it more than I did last week.
So have I missed the SIGA train? I'm seeing they have earnings this week (the 4th?), think they could provide a catalyst for another/continuing run?
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